Resolution 08099CITY Gg 1411T212 REaluTicu
Ofitaftddi VISCATI121 CR FOUR 121C21:1112:: luflapim
1:11C1N1lae, by its Hesulatfon ho. 8090, regularly adentod joist 3, IA/73, trliS Copp:oil
declared its intention to vacate four amused public service easements hereinafter mors gertiam-
horsy moscrives, aids L:1 acoordance with provisions oi the stame Puoate casements vaeavion
ano thereafter oausga sablfcctior of came 2e:solution and aostirm of notices of csin Osterdeo
vacmtiom as requiret oy sald tar, both satr Co:soluion end notaces fiasyng the tihe anu place
:Dr Desring oil persons interested In the vacation as Tuesday, Aumnst 7, 14413, ot 7:30 o1clock
the Council Chamber, Gang Hall, 41ameda, California; and
WEEESIAll, at said time and 11Laco the smatter of the p2eposed. vacations came on regu-
lar:fp for hearing Sy this Council st its regular meeting, and proof of publication of said
geseletimn and of posting of said notices in the manner required by law hosciag been made by
the Clay Clerk, and the Council. then hating heave. all the evidence, Doth oral and dosamentorso,
roferrod Op all. persons interested in said nattesg and the Council bating fully adtisen in the
gremises and the matter thereupon submitted for deterkdnation;
(A) it: is heroby foutod and date:mined that the guolic service easements in said
gescautior of 'Intention and hereinafter pertfaularlg assorined are antressary for :presort of
prespectivo pubdio use, and t1e punlie interset rod:firs° vacation of same,
(g) It is herelsy cardored thai the follaving public service cL, be, and. thew.
are, vacated:
(I) A polsito senvire easement (pathtmo add pabnno alfSefs) losated in Lets 2 and 3 of Sub-
division Tract Yob 3.069 so seed easement is :chasm ca. antg blPpineeo/D Orawang Ncy 628911, Caee 81,
on fide in tha negice of the City Engineer, and more particularly desorgord as;
Real. property in the Gilts of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California,
described as fellows.:
A Public Walksay nasemert ahn efectrioat easement situated in Iot 2 aro bot
as said Lots aoe shown cm thd nao cTivarst 31.149c, recoreef atass 111 18469, in Bosh CS
of Page 9:5 mlanoda Courty Records, era more oartissaarly described as follows:
EwayAllz at the northeastern corner of' said Lot: Tatat 34441;
SIONCE along tno northern. boundary. line of Tracn 3069 South 63' 488 384 East 6.00 feet;
'2E:MOE 2.6P 51' 151, 4est 2716,92 feet to tne northern line of Oberepoint Court;
TREECE tarthmosterly from a longest-, Cearirg perbli 468 42, 'ON West alemg the ear of'
a 347.00 foot ranins onnve to the left, thgcktph a central angle of 15o
ANN, a distance of 1.527 feet: to a point of compound. sumo;
TEEnu con1inuing alsong the arc. of' a 677.00 foot radius curve to the acfr, Inca a
tangent bearing North 92s 571 3C.,, West through a central. angle of Os 53, 18a,,
a distance cf )0.48 feat;
Ca42.1RE North 243 514 15fl 44st 215.84 feet to the aforesaid. northern boundary of
TEEncE aissIg said northern. bounds:dm South 63R 48v 88( East 4.00 fest to the 1u2,,J2ama;.
Any bidocr cskaNdspuing eacomerrs shall DArt be saftsted hp: talc afenderverd,
(2) A. rublic service easemert (storu drain) located in Lots 3 stual 4 of Slictfmnsina. Tract No. 3069
as said ease:font is ehotgs on Cd12,7 EMineerls Draming No. 684913, Case 53, on fias in the office
of theNCilalllaginoesq and more particularly descant:set as:
Read heap:arty in tne City cf flamcda, Cows's; ci 41amela, Santo of Cal1formia,
(ascribed n.6
A Atonn Drain Lasement as anewh on the nag sTract ()LDS's, recorded in fools 62
cd flags, saFe 311, ami as recorded on '3esst 2644, Lasso 336 and noel 3232, Mnages
3147-311'S, Offioda1 Recoros of Alsceas, ',aunts, and mere dartionlerly noscrinDO as
NRGICRING at the intersection of the =then boundary of Tract 3069, recordee
guly al, 38163 in said gook o2 of :Rana, oage 91, pita -La, southeastern lase
of Lot 3 cf said Tract;
TRENEE alonz said northern boundary of Tract. 20681 Wortn D3s 58N bast 87h243 feet;
Aladfle South 26' ,Zest 8372 feet;
eonth 24i 20° best 195.84 feet bo the northeastern line of Sheresoint Court
as seis Court io shorn upan said nap;
aff,Dfa fuer a iaugeut bearing °:796A 33' 4(5' 2a” 255, 2:25 dm 8° a 51AN fake =info
Tire° to Lge rignr, throng a aersrao an5,a od ° 55)1 1255, a 5i1&,5550
diaNCE North 50' 24, 20" Bast 199.17 feet;
TlinNhb North 26' 1.1./ 02" East 70.84 feet,
THENCE South 63 Le/ 5/8" East 282./59 feet to the northeastern" lino oi Lot 4 of said.
Ticact 905B9
96/51(NCI along said. northeastern line North 39, 355 18° Pest- 36.55 feet;
5TENCE otec.)if51;frTkoLindark' of said Tract 3869 North. 65°
:( 1:8, 58k Best 1.67.755
Any other overhal/ping eases:cues oicall. not be affected by this abandonment.
(3) A public service easement (publio utilities) located in Lots 9 and 10 of dabdifision Tract
No. 9059 an said easement is shown on City Engineer/5 Draping 68a9B, Case 51, On filo in the office
of the City Engineer, and more parties:la:dig described as:
Heal nroperty in. Ike Ulty of ilemen, Cendby pf siamoda, State of Califorhia,
iescrilo u as follows:
A Public Utilities Basesualt situated. in. Lots f and 10, as said Lots cm: s;nand
on the my "Tract 3059", recorded Juip 11, 5969, in Book 62 of Phys, pare 9,, 5.,5,5,125ada
County Besord5, and! more particularly dederibed as follows:
ELG.112,55,m, at the intarseetien of the soutnern. line of said iet 10 pith the eastern..
eine of West/line Drive, as said Lot and Drive are shosm upon said. map;
fleT4CI along the eastern. linn of Westlirk Drike Nnrth lk 02/ 22k East 6,00 feetp
THEaCI, South 88k 57t 385, East 154.19 feet;
TITIBBDO South 23' 901 014 East 9.90 feet to thu southeastern inne of said. Ent 9;
211,6951:, elong lass naid line douth dak 49, C9° l'est 6.(26 2ost to the southenn ioreasf
corner of said ;nbs 9 P.nd
THENCb af.Orn; the aforesaid southern. :Lae nf Lot 10 Berth 98° 571 35o1 eest 190.96 to
the DEGB=19C.
Bny ether overlapping casemate shall nct le affected by tbdo absidchhient.
(4) B public scrvica ease:sent (public ntills,) locaered in Bat li of 3abarlaisieh Traol Fe.
as said 1 ,..555at &Ica, on City 1ogineerls brawing No. 6849D, Csoc 51, on fife in tho office
,f the Uity rngireen, afin d,cre parifsulaney destinioef ad:
Heal property in the City of 61amada, Countk cf flameaa, etatt bf 8a°ifori1a,
otionntoos as foiled's:
Funlis Utilities hosenunte as shown on "Parcel hay Jo, 995', recorded Obtoler
in Book 155-2. of. Yaps, nage 55; and the hap "aract T.:59", recorded July CI,
1969, in hook er of kaps, pass 51; and ao 5aid ennemouto aro ropordad ad Res1 116d,
Images 476-bra, il;treda /Bounty hoodoo= and nom/ particalrarly desoriDen as folitakr:
COMENCING at the intersuctinn of the northern line of Lot 11 uith tho eastern fine
of Dnetline Drive, as said. int and Drive are shoyr upon said. Nap of Tract
IIBBICE seutherke along 'Buntline Drive Sonth l' 02, 22 West 3D8.54 feet to the 1RtUe
51moi; Bertr, PO' 57, 98" East 16)0.50 feet:
11921111: Borth 1° 02, 22" Best 4,58 feet;
11hJekl, ((oath. 69° Sel 58° Bast 5a _9:5 feet to tbe eastern. fide of' said Lbt 11;
elseUt along fast sain ries donth 5(52f Cd" Eaat 23.34 feet te the sa5bernost
corner of naiti Tot 11;
dkenCH (Harsh (55' !,255 55, 'faot y9.33 feet;
THENBE North 1° 020 22" East BAM1. fest;
7gapaE Month kEt 57! 38" nent 165.00 feet to tha said, eastern line of nestling fries;
Theta% .modg lest saie lino North, 1° Mol 22" East 12.50 feet to the POE4T GM
Any abhor bookie-going casaments skald: hot be affected by this aCablstmaat.
I, the undrrsigrodp Cora* certify tMat the foregoing Renclutich wan duly' and
regaParty introduced. end aMoctoa. by tho Council of the City of Alameda ill macular meeting
auderblied on. tho ?MO day of August, 1933d by tho followihE rate, to wit:
foraoalecon trainer, Corder, Hurd:Mac and Precidect Is. Caorek Jr:, (I'M
Ladri : G duao di men Dior a la, (2)
ah MidIndien I have, hereunto set fa' bona, era. affaxed tae official. sera. of
saki. Citd —this etn day of August, .L95-13,.
Deputy City Clerk of the City AlemeiTMT
hareMy scatifa that the foregoing is a, fu.11, trao and correct copy of malty of
Alcmode 1%esolut,,on KIDfMCEna VACIMiGk OF POUR antrjal ObIdotas CAnd3aCIS
CLMCI ICE3EMDPAICtitinitnrIta–tifmakiTIMGCDIDIS,SiCED2,333 Llbro55,cej and ado.15t55:: 5c5 V.555
Gouhsil of tne Cita:- of Alameda oe the 7t'.5. of .!,usus-::,, 2973.