RidaliCagigg$ tiLdUgN CHADUEL_Ne KRINIRG AUAINSE 011115
B1:; Ja3' PhSCalVED DI. IRE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' AIM:REDA that the oraim for personal injuries
against the City heretofore on March 27, 1974, filed by Charles A. Raining, whose addimss ia
14665 Washington Amenge, San Leona:dm, Califgruia, be rejected in ita entirety on the grounds said
claim is not a proper charge against the City; and
DE FORRDER. RESOLVED that notice of said rejection be in the fcliwaing words and that a
certified copy of thia resolution be rauied to said cloibanUts attorney, James Leonard Crew,
Attorney at Iamb, 225 Rost Winton Avenue, Suite 201, Hayward, California 94544,
vROVICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the claim which you
presented to the City of Alameda on. Narch 27,
97)4, was rejected on April 16, 197R,
Subject to certain exceptions, you have only six
months frog. the date this notice was personally
delivered or deposited in the rail to J. a court
action on this claim. See Goverment Codw Section
You ray aeek the advice of an. attorney of your
choice in connection with this matter. If yet:
desire tc consult an attorney, you should do so
I, the duriersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution wag duly and regularly
introduoed and adopted by the Council of the Cdty of Alameda ix regular meeting assembled on the
lEg.h day of April, 1974, by the foligwing vote, to wit;
Councilmen Neckar, Cordga, Htrwite, ReCall and
President fa Croix, Jr., (5sh
IN halTNIdeS hTSA210-ir, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City
this 12th day of April, 1974.
RilIEL h. Ring
Tity Clerk of the City of ulamado
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "City of Alameda
Resolution Do. 8189, REJECTEMO CLAIR OF CURRIES A KALNING ARAINST CITY,v drtroduced and odgptod
by the Council of tha City of Alardeda CIA the 16th day of April, 12)74. .
City Clerk of the City of Alameda