Resolution 0819321 C117 OF ALAMEDA PRSOLUTIPR CT) Olg3 ZAP:TOTIN NROOEDITRIT FOR FONTIAL A-Ta URBAN:. SYCOSN. PLOC:1111 )11 FUSOZONEL that the CITY COUNCIL OF 11N1 CITY OP ALAI:ET) Torehy approves the "(twenty of Alameda Procedures for Federal Aid Nonurd System Prograg," duted April 3, ayg, a copg of which is attached nereto and garwea cerchicit AV and incorporated herein; and. LE 11 FOTWER UNPILE:1 that two certified copies of this resolution no trunaritCee to the Director of lanhiec Rorke, County of tjohee0a, 399 hinhurnt Stroot, Co:roofed, California. P4504, at tha earliest practicable date. * e d a * * a * I, the nodorsignea, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution. was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Gouncli. of tho Litty of Atameda in regular routing assembled on the 16th nay of April; 1974, by- the following vote, tc wat: TOT: Corneae:men Peekam, Ucrica. Nur-di:au, 110,.--,,-Ja cud hyeoitthet La Ordirr, )(5). ORNNA: Noce. ALTRANT: Ncue. IN WITNITS LLLREOF, I have hereunto set ry hand and affixed. the offidial seal of saitt hity thlo 1.74.1. day of Api, 1974. EPTERT, EFFITT (SEAL) 7:Ay-Clerk of the City of Alameda. I hereby certify chat the foregoing 15 a fall, trae and correct copy of uCity of Liameda hesolution ho, diO3, ATETTOLLIP1 PNOOPOURR FOU PEPOIRAT AIL daRTN SYS1TL PROORAF,ft introduced and adopted by the Couhoil of the inifey of Alameda cn the icCh day of h;ril, 1974 City C]a1 k of the City thotteha