Resolution 0819521_ bitm Ch 3021Chb H3503711823: 0.0„ 3.3105 2-?1,Y.Der 0,71 re20.2'21-.IG FICENDT,2272, Iff.Gff.erf 1318ORS T313 HUte181 83- :h8-6, he hts estfIntion No. 5095, adopted dri- ic173, this Citg ppprovpd a projnct tptca.fra and adoptcd a 1narbt 2cx the expemd1tare of funds apportioned fraa tne Highway Uactc.. taa find to 03iles far th8 ,973 —74 bisca1 feaai p.11 in accordance with Peotigas 2101, an- 2:12, htneein ane nip:away& Caane of had'fonnia; add WHERIPBB, by its Rescatiom Ho, 0113, adoptbd Coptenber 6, 1973, this City. adobted. and affinhed amendment lecH 1 for extendXtsge of Chao,. 2106 B3.,...us .0dendf.,ant No, j... for expendfure of Sob. 2102 Funds; and l'.eSC*111t110* rdopiog me-abhor le, 1'972, thip City adopted and affindea imen1mani Ile. 2 ton aa0eadlture of 8ei, 1100 Funds; ano haff1EAB, tho Supbwpintenont of Streets has orocosed a third amendment to aaid budget for expenditure of Sec. 2106 Funds anel a, second &manment to said budget for expenditure of Sec. 2107 Food& cobjes of which are on flie in h3s office, and which it is in the best public interest Pc _ approve; NOP, terat,01103., lid it 8E8010E0 BY 1138 COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OF 131,100PA that seta Amendmbnts to the budget hersdnahove referred to be and hor&Mg are adopted. cand affix-Bed, and Resalption Nbi 8095 Pc and hereby is &monde:a accordingly. 1, the undecsijned, hereby certify that the focoaciog Bosolution alas dujo and regulardg futrcaucec. are. aaoptec. ',pee Courca.) ofethe (etty of 21.wapuz. 211. reguabr meeming assembled on &des 7th deaf di' NfT1, 1074, by the; felleannag vote, tp witm ahiTH0 Carhadi'mee beggem., Corica, Taurnitc, NoCall. and 3:resident Ia Cnodx, (.). &Cann: Noap. CHTHICH33 UHCBEC13, hage hereunto set mg nand and &ff.:aged, the official coal. of City thXe 8th day of lAy, l974,. 777 Aza;77,ia Upre2r certify tfazt the fcreEoirc...!, f.a a 13r13, true ana correct copy- of uCity alaaeece acsoeuctioU flo. 8195, AFF1i.L;Iu.,',1,:l. ..AED et80f1113Td ad13313TIPaTC TO EP13,113TAI UTERT TfaT NaDCBT", Introduced and. n2cute.f 'Cy the Ueuat.21. of tha 5dca of alarcedo on tho 2th Top of no,p 1024,