Resolution 08196219 DILE 08 LEAL= FILICT/ILAh NO, ODIC AUCTEINC tPDOINTIATICUS, OPECIAL LaIRIOIOk5 FLO hi- SA COL STiTLET' USITUG LILL ANDITCht. ttakCa.,AE;; FER7IR OF PaiR8r0F) CEkEHT COLC)IEIT 57I1.711.7AL AID LIIVINAT; TECILAILAk107). CR' HOURN STreil'II, Aha .180At. IRAN: TUALXI ISSID, it, Cu' C NUDE ANC :924914,LL9AG CITY ULAEN hkEUIDI, The ClIT Irginaer Pas urepered Creoificatiore, :chef:rah Provipions aria ?face fen LICOL8 aihNIE IftACIATUC WITH AUFTIATI7 foa the fiscal vaan aufing fache 5t, 1985, Irerborei 5 -'/4-4, and filed with the City Clerk on 8, 108L; 55241a,Aa, fhe City LAgIneen has treAtinad OpocificaLians, Opecial Ihovisissus &LC flaps for )70). 87 OF PAINUJi75 C(UOlaUF 5;14,42442z 527,5 55:2:4554I fon thc fidasI yhar eaCani; Itraa 3C, 1775, asauconed IL .5 -74-3, and fdIed with the Ciiy Olork on Las A, Le54; 7107, f.95z,,924,, 554 City arcihoeu has uncleared Ividificatiahs, Shecied. frosizieus wueus fur thu INOISITIELCI OF FOCat LAISFULA ffrot the street actahnic to ;Inc trounorty Liao; ane other work syyinteuane thafutn, fon the fiesal year ahing June 5C, .4975, ;nzaborei IU 5-74-5, and fated with tide, Carp- ;;Thrld ,:irch '7, :I-7AI; INIF, TiaIinni)777i, EL 2J' IOISACIL78,0 El THE COLIKTE, OF ilitA CCITT" ALATUIDA. tdelt 'the ea.:erased:1h. askunificatdans, it.ecieD PrOVi5i0113 and. Ilene, rauFiened, and filed ae efofusafi, be, and thh seah LI 2'jn:-.,]-,,Y,-2,-.1,2-.,;A:LWD that The yerfcrerance sun comeleffor df ehe work specified ip seta treeificatione sud Prcaisicre kc, own the scene is hurehy afthorideii ii Li' 81)..ifen itEafflaif theX the Fauns:11 al" the City of Eliteaa wiii neceire ecefeC bids AT: to tIc heur hi cAohook e.ra en Lay ILL 1(784, fon the furnishiha to the iity of kit lahor, ;hates:axis ern equihnont pacescany fon daic think, fon the fiscai year endIng Jana 50, 1055; ih accenienec with, said OpacificaTions ani Isovisicps initviduara: nrortred therefoft idate puet he nresecten in the City Ilank, in the City Neii, Ai Airpeaa, California, under sealed caveT and ,ihiray tanked on the OUt3Ide .".*L.';',11 tie nenicuation of the fifer,/ year wank tc wilich said hid Attides. Ecotrcat, if' assuchk,„ will be award:ea subjest Cc thh nnootatons ar the Nharten said City, to rho neettheish,e aiihfor who euRnits fth and ':)ebt,, is nasal:Tad to re);:rat cry er ail eidh. Said. Specificatihno and Dravidian:, pxy bc had hy say prospective biddhr Dichication fa the City Engineer, at hie otfihe iu the City' 5:422,2, Alameda, EakffornXa. The City Clerk is honehy dixected. to advertice, in the Alameda Times -Dtan, a. notioe calling for sealed. tfah in accordauce with the proviefone of this nehalutior and DS said Srecifidarioad and Ithviefonsu r ;As. usiroefratA fever-- ashAtosh 215-T ;kr Ecuanist incoshtioh was Dean are nanc)aPlo futrodoced spa aactued tie Uonscia of the City oa' Aissisna r5E4.21,44 44,49A,547 asseuraan or tee 7ATA say cf 22,74, 2974, 'AL- =454 faitowiaLf, vote, to wita SLID; Councilmen neekasT, CO2J.C, Fuswith, DaCcil and Trocinhht La Croix, J., ( ). NOTTA: Fona. ABSENT: None. IS1 77ITZFES WITIEN08, I have husuonto aut.:A hand and affixed. the Dificial seal of said City this 8th day of Fay', 19010 ETTIEI" II81771 tie) lens artIs City of Atainerta, I hereIT certify that the foregoing in a full, true and correct canIT of ICity of Alameda Resalation No. 8108., ADOPTIRD SPECTRIOATIOD7.., SINEALAI IROVISTUSS IMO IisfeS FOR LTINI. SITIALT PATCHING WITH ACITATI CLUAI:CIT1; GI' TAISILAVD OEFIIII CONUCITE SIDI:WAIF AND WRINEWAY; AND ZiSTANDifItia OF HORDE LITERATI, DUN fLE FISCAL YEAH ENDING INCE 30, 1075, CATITE0 FOE BIDS: AND DIRIELLING DiTY CLIFF 20 44vER724s:5 4A-4a42, introduced and edopthd by the Council of the City of liemeaa on the 7th da.Y Of Kay, 2 22.2954 ;Nita: Ofork of the City ha: Alaucua