Resolution 08197220 crry oF 1111,10:18(1.1) I(.1:15101C11TION shi„ spf :CIS FCC 111 1C1(13111 'SG ; C altendliA 81,14.1.; tIghiner I017,;(21.1.1 7.1.385): 1.1111 fhATIAL Ta1.1:1974-.(775, PC? 78TDe 5.11) Mat° 73.1.18 .I. C n ta: 111shefig,cn It; 1..I.SCIACED 71111 COUNCIII OF 71-3.; CITY Of Ah.".18171A that the Chenifications and Provisions for licradsleides Class "P" Porilartd Cement Concereta Transit Mix to the City of Almancla for the fiscal year uddilig Time 30, 1975, 5-74-5, filed in the 'office or the City Clerk on 111'.2.y 13, 1.974„ be, and. the 3Rile are heroes: sapreaed and adopted-. dE IT TUPTHERITESOLVED that the Coanall. of the City of Agamadd wild. received nondhd bids nit to the houf of ;mute; e:ciack a.m. on F.1"...CA118, hFA. kr, i974, for furnishing to tha City of said materhale, in. nmcordante with said nrocirleatiore and Frey:laic:us, Plea rust be presented to the fits- Clerk, in tha City hall, Al:sheds, Califeradia, under sealed COVer and plaints( hashed on tha obtains, "Prorosal. for Portland. Conant Concrete Transit Mix - fisnel Year 1.974-1975,1, rr et-it:Jag designation. Coatrant, if dmardad, will be awarded sub,1;sit to the prostsions of the Charter or bald City, to the resronsibte bidder who surnta the lowest and haat bid- The highs is meservoa to radfant any on aid bite. The City Cidrk is hereby directed to adaettise, in the Alameda Tr:nes-Star, a nettio calling for dealod ales, in. a:reorders:a with the obovislans of this resolution and af said SpecitIadtions and Provisions. 12 oho udders:mg:ea, heraoy cartii7y haat tho Canoga:dui) desolation was duly and regribIy introttond and alighted bp Lie Caudill of the City of Alatesda in rogidar teeting assembLvO ch the 01:1, &CI (1): "la)ds j974w the Folltran vete, to aid: Caundlimen Beckadd ethics, Hurwitz, riefeall and 'President 'la Croix, Jr., (5). IN hatITIFS theihrf.f, I hese heraunio set ET rand and affimad. the official seal. of said City thin. 8th Jag- of ray, 1974. COleby Clerk of o it7 of Al;;;;;;;: e- f I hasaby cestify that Ina faregoidg is a full, trra and correct copy of "City of Alapoda otes coLut e Vor;of, Popelee G. Zeteealf.:FIG FOR FUE.N.i&HeNG :LEE WiTy G 11P, n popyLioeo CETErOff OCNOTRE'ff; '1:11ANSIT I,Or. Fife ]..'..T"7.4-1.9? feelfl,:fleG Ori. TTII9 ATID rfi:TOECYJOING CITY CIFFIT TO ifSERTISE Sdien", introdnewi sari adopted by- the Cchanil of the City of Aimmeda on tha 7th nay of -Peoe,„ 75'73-