Resolution 08198221
CikY GT' ALACEDA. RESeliiikaa 0119etl
AllgaigearAppLytdirk 5452,,14 45....,221L-1975 .
II( TY aEsoLv5a) kY THE eCUNCIL 'dill C:127 CF A:122E2n that said Council .45.51 race:five soolag
rido ug to the hour of 111b0 a.m. on hlilknOrckl, gaff 29 1974, for the publiraiich of all Ctkad
advertising of said City danrOtg the fiscal year a(ddIng (nine ke, 1575,
7444h anvertisink mast be ponelichad in a, newspaper of general circulation. published in the
City of ifirmila for a period ei ori loon than one ;coda demiediataly preceding the shi(ing of TICI-j aid
arra hawink a 'Odra fide paid circulation of at least aptend ochies.
raid advertisink shall be in accordance with the foalowing specarog,himts:
CI) Ail adveridseante shoal Le Het in Heild sim-peint (nonpareil) typo, da no:banns nf
ke oak! to the fine aad 2P2 ado: to the polumr inch; arrevi that lac, request of the officer akihornmhOgd
the sama, Wael'A advertisement, alas Le Het in such larger inpe and, with sucL :spacing 1:ej..,,T8,1 Sires as
51.1e;:', officer ray direct;
(2) _kilns ann sno-headima obeil co set ar olm-point capitals (nonmaredi), triark-fsco
tyke, er in .51..L'311 -argon type oo mag be omecifien .an. tie officer authomicarg the adverti) ement..
Fingers onoil state in their yoeoosals for goirof said legui advoirinink the price pea COaai.)
inch of 2Ch Han, nct in seal sfmnpoint (nonpareil) tyre, in columns of did ems te the line, according
to tha follorklg schedule:
A price ger column inch. for the lot iosertioni
A price per roDiUTO inch for the 2nd insertion,
A price per collar) inrh for the 345t and. for
each subsequent insertion.
'fide mast br preseateg to the City 9554xk, in 'the Clive Wall, Allemeada, Mlifornia, under
sealed. cover ond plainigmarked on rne outside, "Froneral for Leora Anvertisino,-Fiscal Year
Crrimact, fen ouch legra. advertising, if :unranked, Inhba he awarded Halt:lett tc the provihflons of the
Charter pi said City, te the responsible nigger who submitt the lowest and beet bid. fro rig:.(a, la
reserved ir reject. any or all bide.
flhe Newscaner crklisbad by tag bideer to whom such contract is awardrd sharal be known, for
Inv term 02 such. contract, ao the 'Official Moverammed of tha eikr. for logal advertasiagm
t The (flqgr Clerk flo herein:- gimrcied ir arvertimwg da thr flIkmeds Tires -ciar, a 1110t.'..CR calling
far sealer bids in with the. provisanno of thih reenUmnatin.
I, the undersigned, hereby certifk that the foregoing desolation was duly and regulargn
introduced. and adopted by the Cows-cid of the City of Alameda in rekiOmm mreidho assembled on the
rth day ef Catga 1974, by tne following rots, to wit:
ITO: Councilmen fleckam, Coe-ica, Evagaim, ncOall and
Preoldrni ad. Croix, Jr„, (C5).
haflara None.
id bilking, IhreChela, have hereunto, set mg- Hand. and. affimed the official. Heal of said City
irno ath day of 192O,
1,12I _
Clerk of the City (..:27)71.;,;hia
I hereby. certifly that, the foregoing is a fuil„ Maud and. correct copy of ”Citg of Ademeng.
Lescluthru Yo. 21.9)2, CALI:fad FOR bb9,0 fOR LEGAL 44A5554754'.455474 5ca Tar( eiTY ALA-PEW:a FOR THE (AkkhIL
741o7 1974,19T54, intieruced. and adcgted. Lg. the (namcil of Can Chip- of ADalleda on the 7-L11 day. of
:744y, 1974.
• • • ..:•• „,.
af the. City of Afralte