Resolution 08207bail' OF Aid liffhti ralialiCalefe nn. 8222.
guyais psysaLLagytnfbmnitEPTif hafliZLOPPLidit hplCJISCI
Wilifiald, the Congress 8.3-578' had suathariied the establisincent of a. federal harld.
and. Water Conservation find farant-In-Aid Program, providing matching funds to the State cif California
and ifs political subdivisions for abaudring lands and davelopaug facilities for pullic °tailor recre-
ation purposes; and
ddretadd, the Otatc behartagent of rark.4.3 and Cecroation is rosporniaible for the odmiristratisn
the anagram sithir the dtato, settings up sychavessary riles and procedures governing, aprlicatien is;
arca_ '," the pdscgrany arc
dUlflaid, solo adarbee procedures estancished lfy the Ftsto dbpagmeeet od haras and recreation
rodolre the arialicant to certify by resoluta:sal tho approval, of applications th",' svaillacility of
doesdi notadarrs furala prior tc. f..017.4 of salb addillications to 'the flats; and
fart of said applications contains aaspirances that the applicant must a:amply with; and
fladeftele, said procedures further require the applicant tc possess an adopted plan showing parks
and recreat.ion lands and facilities, exist-Lig and proposed; and
tap; daurrehausive General Flan of tbe City of Alameda 1,,U5 first. ;adopted by the City
freasail on A aril a2, 19.69, by CTdinamce PO. 15SM A.Sei, and
lallifain, the proposed Washington Park Redeem; lopment project, oppesis tho Cityts flan and .is
consistent fifth the Calif ornia Optd oor creati on Les ounces Plan; and
WEEfidni, the project mist he compatible with the imad use plans sal those jurdadiutions immadiatulay
surround idle the proj e ct
Tallaffidia, IT Mina:TN:an Tlagi CTUNCII Of' THE CITY MT' .aLL'efflan hereliy;
1. faasuroves thh Ciliary of an appliustich for land and Water Conservation Fund assistance, and
2. Certifies that said agency understands the osnurances ar Part V of the orplication :rad
certifies that it, will. commly with the regulations, policies, guidelines, and macluiremento,
including fflico of Panagarent and dudget circulars 'dos. -67„ -95 and lal.02
reasite to the application.
3 . Certifies that osle. agency or will have nstrhing funds and. csn finance 120 percent of'
the racjooty half el whirdb wild.. he frlibursad; and.
4- Certifies thad salad ogenay meets the alarming requireirria add thet the ,noject in soupatinde
with the land use plans of those jurisdictions isimaliately suransauffng project
5. iagasibato the. Diractor of tha nerreoticn and. Fait detannement ao agant of the City to achurict
neghtlatScra, eifsarte and. suhmlf aid. documants inediading hut nct 'limited to appliaations,
ogrebionto, adrannasents, filau'ung atoreements, solid. so on. pthich ray ho Inceseify for the ism,
plc:taiga of thr afoamesenalunled radisat
tho undersigned, hereby certify that tho foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced
and ancrted by the Cepa:all of the City of llama:de in rogmlar masa-Linz assemlied cn its a day. of lamb, 1974,
by the following vote, to Ate
AYES 2 Chortolisoch ILLeeity„ Cali and Vide ktresident Cchica,
J2 eye:2122'2 Couneliaan •eekson and President La Croix, Jr„, (2.2)•,
fle wamiJss dTkRICP I have hereunto net my hand and affixed tha official seaj.. of cold City thic
511 May of Luna,
as the City of lameda
* * *
a hereby certify' thot the foree„._ng is a NIP true and correct copy of neity oh' Alameda,
ItA2ILLIGTOTI eli2ALTELCideENT FROJPelh, introd1 ced. ond. by tla Coes:loll. of the City j
Alomedo on the day cf Jude, 1974.
„22Lea,thei2e,,e se72i filefee=Le___
'City Ciork of the City of Afamedia