Resolution 09128npI1uv�u a5 \') PASSED AND ADOPTED this \ Tt day of C 1 2; (,)--k. it -- < by the following vote: Ayes- --) ; Noes: _____j_.; Absent: / , DE ktRA t< (--iTk(! KR.-. \\\\ A T,4,1-Clerk of the Governing Board of - 0 California State Department of Education Stale Agency for Surplus Property 721 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, CA 95814 SASP Form No. 202 (10-77) NAMING CITY REPRESENTATIVES AUTHORIZED TO ACQUIRE FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE AGENCY FOR SURPLUS PROPERTY CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 9128 ORIGINAL "BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Board, OR by the Chief Administrative Officer of those organizations which do not have a governing board, and hereby ordered that the official(s) and/or employee(s) whose narne(s), title(s), and signature(s) are listed below shall be and is (are) hereby authorized as our representative(s) to acquire federal surplus property from the California State Agency for Surplus Property under the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side of this form." NAME (Print or type.) John D. Goss - • - OS Richard Young Innis Johnson Richard Quarante TITLE City Manager SIGNATURE Purchasing Agent Police Chief Asst. Fire Chief Asst. Fire Chief tL ±r\ "41 !' , by the Governing Board of do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy 4 a ,,. esolution adopted by the Board at a AD...., meeting thereof held at its regular place of : meeting at the date and by the vote above stated, which resolution is on file in the office of the Board. ()C- Pl- NdIlle ol organttation ( r),'N`c, ‘)A (-)- i -i ( ())\ ■-.1 — Mailing address ,,,,,,-,■\ 9 L4cso [Signed] A City County ZIP code OR 499(.9) ) ettt-ci AUTHORIZED this day of , 19 , by: Name or chief' administrative officer Title Name of organization Mailing address City County ZIP code [Signed]