the proposal of Ralph Andersen and Associates, dated June 22,
1981, a copy of which is attached, to conduct an organization
study regarding the feasibility and cost /savings benefit of
combining City and Housing Authority functions, is hereby
accepted; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that s aid proposal and this
acceptance shall constitute the contract of the parties hereto.
June, 1981 Prepared By:
Ralph Andersen and Associates
1446 Ethan Way
Suite 101
Sacramento, California 95825
(916) 929-5575
Mr. Bruce Rupp
City Manager
City of Alameda
1 2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Al ameda, California 94706
1 Dear Mr. Rupp:
We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal to conduct an organiza-
1 tion study regarding the feasibility and cost/savings benefit of combining
City and Housing Authority functions.
June 22, 1981
Ralph Andersen and Associates has, and continues to conduct both organization
and personnel studies for cities in California and the Western States. This
experience has made the firm and all staff members thoroughly familiar with
all of the operations, activities, and functions of city government organiza-
tions. With regard to housing authority operations and programs, we have suc-
cessfully conducted assignments for:
1446 ETHAN WAY • SUITE 101 • SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA 95825 • (916) 929-5575
Mr. Bruce Rupp
June 22, 1981
Page 2
• The Housing Authority of the City and the County of Fresno.
• The Monterey County Housing Authority.
• The Santa Clara County Housing Authority.
• The Yolo County Housing Authority.
We have also conducted consulting assignments for cities operating comprehen-
sive housing programs including:
• The City of Oxnard.
• The City of.Santa Rosa.
As a result of our experience with housing authorities, we are familiar with
functions including: conventional housing, Section 8, Section 23 and the pro-
blems and activities associated with the phase-out of Section 23. Many of the
assignments undertaken with housing authorities included exposure to community
service programs such as counseling, nutrition, and day care.
To assist you in the review of this proposal, it has been divided into the
fol 1 cwi ng sections:
• Our Understanding Of The Assignment.
• Our Approach To The Assignment.
• Corporate Qualifications.
• Project Staff.
• Project Timing And Cost.
Mr. Bruce Rupp
June 22, 1981
Page 3
In addition, Appendix A contains a partial list of clients. Ralph Andersen
and Associates has provided services to these clients in the areas of organ-
ization and manageMent, personnel, economics and public finance, and executive
recrui talent.
The City of Alameda and the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda have
recently combined policy making activities regarding housing by having the
Alameda City Council serve as the Board of Commissioners of the Authority.
The City Council is assisted in this role by an advisory body.
The activities of the Housing Authority relate to the management of conven-
tional and Section 8 housing and the design and production of new public hous-
ing to help meet the housing needs of City and area residents. These services
and activities are provided by approximately 30 employees operating out of a
single facility housing, both maintenance and management functions. Major
services provided include:
• Building Maintenance.
• Maintenance of Housing Authority Equipment.
• Eligibility Determination.
• Housing Management.
• New Housing Planning and Development.
Mr. Bruce Rupp
June 22, 1981
Page 4
In providing these services, the Housing Authority has support systems includ-
• Finance and Accounting Systems.
• Personnel.
• Purchasing.
The City of Alameda is directly involved in housing issues through its respon-
sibilities for:
• Canprehensive Planning including maintenance and implemen-
tation of the Housing Element of the City's General Plan.
• Administration and management of the Housing and Community
Development Block Grant Program.
To support its provision of comprehensive municipal services, the City of
Alameda has fully operational activities in the following areas:
• Finance and Accounting • Budgeting
• Personnel • Purchasing
• Planning . Building Maintenance
• Grounds Maintenance • Equipment Maintenance
Mr. Bruce Rupp
June 22, 1981
Page 5
The City of Alameda is interested in assessing the potential cost/benefit of
combining the activities of the Housing Authority with those of the City and
to identify:
• Potential operation efficiencies.
• Potential benefits of improved coordination.
The following work program has been developed in response to the interest of
the City in an organization study to determine the feasibility of and identify
any operating costs and benefits of consolidating City and Housing Authority
Task 1 - Meet With The City Manager, Housing Authority Direc-
tor, And Others As May Be Appropriate To Review Pro-
ject Timing, Approach, And Objectives
The project consultants would meet with the City
Manager, Housing Authority Director, and others as appropriate
to review timing, approach, and objectives. This review is
important to assure a mutual understanding of the total study
process. Importantly, this meeting would also be used to
identify the communication process for the assignment and to
establish a consensus on end products.
Mr. Bruce Rupp
June 22, 1981
Page 6
Task 2 - Identify The Level And Scope Of Housing Authority
Support Services And Facilities Space Requirements
The project consultants will review the support ser-
vices of the Housing Authority to identify staffing, activity
levels and space requirements. These services would include,
among others, the following:
. Finance and Accounting
- Budget Process
- Accounts Payable, Receivable, and Pay-
- Auditing
- Automated systems
- Financial reporting
• Personnel Systems
- Recruitment and selection
- Benefits administration
- Classification and compensation
• Purchasing and Stores
- Inventory management
- Consolidated purchasing arrangements
. Maintenance
- Buildings and facilities
- Grounds
- Equipment
Mr. Bruce Rupp
June 22, 1981
Page 7
• Facilities
- Space available
- Facilities needs
Task 3 - Identify The Level And Scope Of Direct Services Pro-
vi ded By The Housing Authority
It is important that the key services related to
pl anning , developing, and providing housing be reviewed to
determine activity and staffing levels. These services would
i ncl ude:
• Planning and Development
• Eligibility Determination
• Inspections
• Housing Management
As a part of this review, the project consultants will iden-
tify vol umes of activity as measured by client contact, ser-
vice requests, and other key measurement criteria. The re-
sults of this task will help to identify total space and
staffing needs .
Task 4 - Review Selected City Activities To Identify Service
Capacity, Space Avail ability, And Potential Service
Ccmpatabi 1 ity With Housing Authority Activities
In conducting an analysis of the feasibility and
potential cost/benefit of consolidating City and Housing
Authority activities, it is important to thoroughly review
Mr. Bruce Rupp
June 22, 1981
Page 8
selected city activities to determine service capacity and
compatability with Housing Authority activities and identify
facilities space availability. For example, the project con-
sultants will:
• Review City finance, accounting, and budget ac-
tivities to determine if all or portions of
Housing Authority activities could be incorpor-
ated and at what cost.
• Review building, grounds, and equipment mainten-
ance activities to determine if and to what ex-
tent Housing Authority activities can be accomo-
• Review personnel and purchasing activities to
determine opportunities to provide service to
the Housing Authority and at what cost/benefit.
• Review planning, policy, and overall management
systems to determine the feasibility and cost/
benefit, if any, of consolidation with the Hous-
ing Authority.
identify space availability, if any, in City
Mr. Bruce Rupp
June 22, 1981
Page 9
Task 5 - Conduct An Analysis Of All Information
After completing the collection of all base data and
information from the City and the Housing Authority, the pro-
ject consultants will carefully analyze all data and:
. Identify potential opportunities for consolida-
• Determine the potential cost/benefit of specific
consolidation opportunities.
. Identify implementation actions.
Task 6 - Prepare And Review Draft Project Report
The project consultant will prepare a draft project
report utilizing base data collected and the results of
analysis conducted in Task 5. The draft report will include:
. A review of the project scope, objective, and
• Documentation of base data collected.
• Identification of potential opportunities for
Mr. Bruce Rupp
June 22, 1981
Page 10
. Estimates of cost/benefit associated with each
potential consolidation opportunity identified.
. A discussion and recommendation regarding full
or partial consolidation including an estimate
of total cost/benefit.
. As appropriate, an implementation plan.
The draft project report will be reviewed with the City Man-
ager, Housing Authority Director, and others as appropriate.
The project consultants will use the results of this review
to determine the need to further clarify or document informa-
tion and will consider comments and suggestions from this re-
view in preparing the final project report.
Task 7 - Prepare And Present A Final Project Report
Utilizing the results of the draft project report
review, the project consultants will prepare a final project
report. The project consultants will be available to present
the final report to the City Council.
Mr. Bruce Rupp
June 22, 1981
Page 11
Ralph Andersen and Associates was organized in 1970, and operates as a Cali-
fornia corporation. Headquartered in Sacramento, the firm provides a broad
management consulting capacity, including specialized service in the areas of
organization/management, personnel, and economics/public finance. The firm
has worked successfully with both the public and private sector, and a partial
list of former clients is included herein. An overview of the firm's back-
ground and experience applicable to this assignment is provided below.
Organization And Management
Assignments undertaken in the area of local government organization and man-
agement typically include the responsibility for evaluating the total opera-
tion of an administrative agency, or of a particular department. Among others,
the firm has evaluated the management and organization of administrative ser-
vices, police, fire, parks, recreation, public works, and planning services.
Increasingly, the firm has also been asked to assist two or more agencies in
evaluating organizational questions related to consolidation or the delivery
of service on a joint or cooperative basis. In all cases, these assignments
include a review of current organization, as well as the development of prac-
tical opportunities for improvement and an implementation plan.
Mr. Bruce Rupp
June 22, 1981
Page 12
The f inn has undertaken a variety of assignments related to California state
and local government finance. On a continuing basis, the firm provides staff
assistance to the California Society of Muni cipal Finance Officers by analyzing
and reporting on legislation i n the area of public finance. In addition, the
firm regularly provi des staff assistance in conducting statewide and regional
conferences on recent developments in public finance for city, county, and
special district managers and. fi nance officers. Individual staff members have
conducted full-term courses and workshops on local government finance for U.C.
Berkeley, U.C. Davis, and the University of Southern California.
The firm has also undertaken assignments for local public agencies in the fis-
cal impact area and conducting analysis of revenues and expenditures. These
assignments have i ncluded a review of budgeting techniques, the forecasting of
revenues and expenditures, the development of 1 ong-term financial plans, the
impact of using tax i ncrement and other methods of financing on 1 ocal taxing
agencies, and the cost-revenue implication of providing local services on a
joint and/or cons o I i dated basis.
As a firm, we have undertaken a broad range of assignments in the personnel
area. These assignments have included classification and compensation studies,
analysis and design of management compensation programs, review of personnel
rules and regul ations , and the development of comprehensive personnel systems.
Mr. Bruce Rupp
June 22, 1981
Page 13
Classification and compensation studies have dealt with complex fair employment
questions for as few as 14 employees, and have also included numerous assign-
ments covering the overall work force for public agencies having as many as
3,000 employees.
The project staff for this assignment will consist of a project manager who
will be responsible for the overall coordination and conduct of the study.
The project manager will be assisted by a project consultant who will, along
with the project manager, be responsible for data collection, analysis, parti-
cipating in review meetings and formulation of recommendations. The project
staff will be:
. Project Manager - Clayton Brown, Principal Consultant
. Project Consultant - David Thomas, Senior Consultant
Other members of Ralph Andersen and Associates' full-time professional staff
are available to provi de assistance as may be necessary.
Clayton Brown
As a Principal Consultant, Mr. Brown provides services to public agencies and
private firms in the areas of organization and management, economics/public
Mr. Bruce Rupp
June 22, 1981
Page 14
finance, personnel and executive recruitment. Mr. Brown has held analytical,
administrative and executive management positions in city government and is
thoroughly familiar with the operations and functions of local government as
well as the practical aspects of organization, staffing, and service delivery.
He has executive management responsibility for housing services and has worked
closely with and understands the role of local housing authorities.
With regard to recent organization and management assignments, Mr. Brown has
conducted a comprehensive management audit of the El Dorado County Public
Works Department which included addressing organization and staffing issues.
For the same client he has conducted a study of alternative methods of provid-
ing engineering design services. He is currently conducting an organization
and management study for Fresno County, an organization and staffing study for
the City of Eugene, Oregon, an economics and public finance study for the City
of Benicia, and personnel assignments for several cities and a special dis-
trict. Mr. Brown served as project manager for assignments with the Housing
Authorities of the City and County of Fresno, and the Housing Authority of the
County of Santa Clara.
Mr. Brown received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Public Administration
fran the University of North Dakota. He received his Master of Arts Degree
from the University of Texas at Austin, and focused his training in the Gradu-
ate School of Business and the Institute of Public Affairs.
Mr. Bruce Rupp
June 22, 1981
Page 15
David Thomas
Mr. Thomas has over four years of analytical and administrative experience
working for both a northern California city and a county. During his tenure
with these agencies, he performed a wide variety of administrative and analy-
tical tasks related to organization, personnel, finance, planning, and human
resources. Prior to, and since joining Ralph Andersen and Associates, Mr.
Thomas has had extensive practical experience analyzing management and opera-
tional problems of governmental agencies.
As a Senior Consultant with Ralph Andersen and Associates, Mr. Thomas assumes
significant responsibility on organization and management assignments, and is
also responsible for working in the area of personnel management and economics/
public finance. Mr. Thomas has been a project consultant and project manager
on assignments with Housing Authorities in the following cities and counties:
City of Fresno, City of Oxnard, Fresno County, Monterey County and Yolo County.
He is currently providing assistance in the areas of organization and personnel
to: the City of Fremont, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and the
City of South San Francisco.
Mr. Thomas gained his Bachelor's Degree from the University of California at
Riverside, and his Master's Degree in Public Administration from Hayward State
Mr. Bruce Rupp
June 22, 1981
Page 16
We are prepared to begin this assignment approximately August 1, 1981, and
anticipate an eight week study period. The cost of the project will be $8,575
for professional services plus reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses such
as printing, travel, postage, and long-distance telephone charges. Payment
for services and expense reimbursement would be due monthly on receipt of a
statement from Ralph Andersen and Associates.
We look forward to working with the City of Alameda and the Housing Authority
on this important assignment.
Ralph Andersen and Associates
Associated Building Industry
Bank of America
City of Barstow
City of Belmont
Cty of Beverly Hills
City of Burbank
California Builders Council
California Journal
California k4unicipa! Utility Association
California Park and Recreation Society
California Research
California Society of Municipal Finance Officers
California State Legislature (Senate and Assembly)
City of Carlsbad
City of Casa Grande (Arizona)
City of Chandler (Arizona)
City of Chico
Qty of Chino
City of Clovis
Colusa County
Commission on Peace Officer
Standards and Training -- State of California
Conejo Park and Recreation District
Contra Costa County
City of Coronado
City of Costa Mesa
Council on Intergovernmental Relations -- State of Ca|ifonnia
County Supervisors Association of California
City of Covina
Crocker Land Company
City of Davis
East Yoio Community Services District
City of El Monte
City of Escondido
City of Eureka
City of Fairfield
Department of Finance — GtatoofCalifomia
Department of Housing and Urban Development
(Washington, D.C.)
East Bay Dischargers Authority
East Bay Regional Park District
City of El Segundo
City of Foster City
Glendale Unified School District and
Community College District
City of Gilbert (Arizona)
City of Hayward
City of Hemet
Incline Village (Nevada)
City of lnglewood
City of Irvine
Jones & Stokes, Inc.
Judicial Council — State of California
Kenai (Alaska)
City of Lafayette
Lake County
Lake Tahce Unified School District
League of California Cities
LeiaureVVodd - -LagunmHiUa
Lincoln Property Company
Livennoha-Arnodor Valley Water Management Agency
Los Medanos Community Hospital District
Lucky Stores
City of Madera
City of Marysville
May Company
City of Menlo Park
City of Modesto
City of Monrovia
Montebello Redevelopment Agency
City of Monterey
CLIENTS (continued)
Monterey Conference Center
Monterey County Housing Authority
City of Monterey Park
Multonomah County (Oregon)
Municipal Finance Officers Association
National Fire Prevention and Control Administration
Natomas Company
George S. Nolte and Associates
Northern California Power Agency
City of Oakland
Oakland Port Authority
City af Oxnard
City of Pacific Grove
City of Palm Desert
City of Palo Alto
Pasadena Redevelopment Agency
City of Pittsburg
Pittsburg Unified School District
City of PlacervHle
Panned Parenthood Asscciation of Sacramento
City of Pleasanton
City of Pomona
City of Rancho Mirage
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
City of Red Bluff
City of Redondo Beach
City of Redwood City
City of Riverside
City of Roseville
City of Sacramento
Sacramento Regional Area Planning Commission
Sacramento-Yolo Employment and Training Agency
City of San Carlos
City of San Clemente
San Diego Regional Employment and Training Consortium
City of San Jose
City of San Rafael
City of Santa Clara
Santa Clara VaHey Water District
City of Santa Cruz
Santa Fe Springs Redevelopment Agency
City of Santa Paula
City of Santa Rosa
City of Saratoga
Siskiyou County
City of South Lake Tahoe
City of South San Francisco
Southern California Association of Governments
Southern California Executive Directors Association
City of Sparks (Nevada)
Special Districts Association of California
The Spnk Corporation
City of Springfield (Oregon)
Stone & Youngberg
Sutter County
City of Thousand Oaks
City of Turlock
Turiock Irrigation District
City of Ukiah
City of Union City
City of Vacaville
City ofVallejo
City of Ventura
City of Villa Park
Visalia Unified School District
City of Walla Walla (Washington)
Washington State Finance Officers Association
Whitaker and Baxter
City ot Woodland
Yo|o County
Yolo County Housing Authority
City of Yuba CJty
Yuba County
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution
was duly and regularly adopted and passed by
the Council of the
City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled
on the 6th of October, 1981,
by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Diament, Gorman, Sherratt and Stone - 4.
NOES: President Corica - 1
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand affixed the official
seal of said City this 7th day of October, 1981.
City erk 'c,F-t6 Ci -- » Alame