WHEREAS, San Francisco Federal Savings and Loan Association,
subdivider herein, has presented to the Council for approval a
Tentative Map for Tract 4402, a residential subdivision of property
located on Bay Farm Island at B idgeway Road and Aughinbaugh Way.
OF ALAMEDA that pursuant to Section 11-3112 of the Alameda
Municipal Code, the Tentative Map for Tract 4402, heretofore
accepted and approved by the Planning Board of the City of Alameda,
and based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained
in said Board's Resolution No. 1380, passed on January 23, 1984,
is hereby approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 11-3112
(f) of the Alameda Municipal Code the City Council hereby finds
the Tentative Map for Tract 4402 is consistent with the City's
General Plan, and pursuant to Section 11-3112(h) determines that
discharge of waste from the subdivision into the sewer system
will not violate regional water quality control regulations.
WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the City of Alameda has considered Tentative
Map 4402 to permit 128 lots for single family residences and four open space lots
on 24.4 acres in Harbor Bay Isle as required in Sections 11 -3111 and 3112 of the
Alameda Subdivision Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the Board has held a public hearing on this application and has
examined pertinent maps, drawings, and documents; and
WHEREAS, the Board has made the following findings:
1. That the Tentative Map, as filed on June 14, 1983, is in substantial
conformance with PD -83 -3 and PD- 77 - -5, as approved by the Planning Board,
and the applicant has met the requirements for the simultaneous process-
ing procedure permitted by the City's Subdivision Ordinance.
2. That the proposed development and the design and improvement of the Sub-
division are consistent with all the adopted General Plan elements for
the City of Alameda -and for other parts of the HBI development. [Section
11-3112(a)C1) and (2,
3. That with the imposed conditions of PD -83 -3 and this Tentative Map
approval and the City Engineer's Report, the site is physically suitable
for the proposed types of development, in that there are no topographical
barriers, and the land can be appropriately graded for the proposed road-
ways, housing developments, open s ace uses, and possible institutional
development. ection 11- 3112(a)(3)
4. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of develop-
ment. ]ection 11- 3112(a) (4))
5. That the design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements are not
likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and
avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The filled land is
an ecologically poor artifical environment, and its development will
unavoidably displace some jackrabbits and birds. The eventual improve-
ment of the shoreline band and the lagoons of the entire HBI development
will probably create an enriched environment for some wildlife.
Section 11- 3112(a)(5)
6. That the design of the subdivision or its improvement will not conflict
with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or
use of property within the proposed subdivision, in that the public
presently has no access through or use of the undeveloped property and
that the linear park proposed to traverse Tract 4402 will bring the
public to the proposed public open space areas. {Section 11- 3112(a)(67
7. That the design of the subdivision or the types of improvements are
not likely to cause serious public health problems, in that all the
planning is directed toward creating an attractive community that will
enhance the quality of life. [ection 11- 3112(a)0
8. That there will be no discharge of waste from the subdivision into
the sewer system which would violate regional water gna1ity control
standards, in that adequate mechanisms of control have been provided,
i.e., approval by the City Engineer and authorization of EBMUD for
any sewerage or water connections before building permits are issued
and maintenance by the City of public storm dram systems. Section 11-
3112 (h)]
9. That there are special circumstances or conditoons affecting the
property which make the specified exceptions to the Subdivision Ordinance
necessary, namely:
(a) Street intersections not all at miminum tanjent lengths and some
at angles other than 90 °.
(b) R.O.W. and curb to curb widths of some streets less than standard.
(c) Lot sizes less than 5000 square feet. Lot widths -less than 50. feet
on interior lots., 60 feet on corner lots.
(d) Exceptions to the "e" encroachment standards of the PD -77 -5 Design
Criteria for 22 lots.
10. That the private streets, with the conditions imposed and considering
the expected volumes and design controls, are adequate and appropriate
for this development.
11. That the conditions imposed regarding sewerage and water provide
mechanisms for insuring that housing in Tract 4402 will be provided
with adequate sewerage and water services.
12. That the utility companies have indicated that they can provide adequate
services for the proposed development.
13. That the approved public street lighting fixtures and intensity standards
(shown on Tentative Map) are appropriate for the development and address
City concerns regarding safety, costs and energy conservation.
14. That energy efficient lighting and utilities shall be installed and
maintained as specified in the City Engineer's Report; that streets
shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the City
Engineer's Report.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Board of the City of Alameda
hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Tentative Map Tract 4402
subject to the following conditions:
1. Utility easements shall be dedicated as required by the City Engineer
and utility companies and utilities shall be installed underground.
2. Surface drainage shall. be away from buildings and shall not cross
interior lot lines except in approved easements.
3. All conditions of the City Engineer's Report dated July 28, 1983, shall
be met.
4. Street names are approved as shown on the Tentative Map. Proposals
for change in those names shall be approved by the Planning Director
and submitted to the Planning Board for review and approval.
5. Signs and design aspects of traffic control devices shall be reviewed
and approved by Planning Department Staff with approval by the City
6. Curbs and gutters shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the City
Engineer and streets shall be strong enough to withstand traffic such
as garbage trucks.
7. Applicant shall conform to fire prevention and control requirements
of the Fire Department as noted in their memo dated July 21, 1983.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Board of the City of Alameda on the 23rd
day of January, 1984, by the following vote:
AYES: (6) Simmons, Wood, Beazley, Persoff, Camicia, Roveda
NOES: (0) None
ABSENT: (1) Kennedy
Arnol. B. Jon
City Planning
CITY HALL • SANTA CLARA AT OAK STREET 94501 • (4i5) 522 -4100
July 28, 1983
Planning Board of the
City of Alameda
Alameda, California
Re: Tract 4402 — Harbor Bay Isle Village I1I
Members of the Board:
In compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 1728, N.S. and
amendments thereto, the following is the report of the City Engineer on the
Tentative Nap entitled, "Tentative Map, Tract 4402, Alameda, California."
Tract 11402 is a subdivision of Tract 3810 and is located in the general
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JUL 291983
area bounded by Bridgeway Road, Aughinbaughl,ay, and Sea View Parkway. The
tract provides for 128 residential lots and four common open space lots.
The subdivider has requested exception to street center lines intersecting
at angles other than 900 and by tangents less than 100' in length. This
exception covers all of the intersections within this subdivision. The sub-
divider has indicated that the only intersection having street center lines
intersecting at an angle greater than 5o from perpendicular is at Sherwood Lane
and Cheshire Court. This exception is acceptable to the Engineering
The subdivider has requested exception to less than minimum street right-
of—way and curb to curb widths for all of the streets except Cheshire Court and
Stanbridge Court. For collector streets (Sheffield Road and Sheffield Way),
the subdivider proposes a 60' right —of —way which is less than the 64' minimum
standard. The proposed 40' curb to curb 'width meets the minimum standard.
Right —of —way widths of 56' and 47' are proposed for the residential streets
(Brunswick Road, Sherwood Lane, and Nottingham Drive) which are less than the
60' minimum standard. The proposed 36' curb to curb width is also less than
the 40' minimum standard. For the cul —de —sac streets greater than 350' in
length (Gainsborough Court and Stanbridge Lane), the subdivider proposes a 56'
right —of —way which is less than the 60' minimum standard. The proposed 36'
curb to curb width meets the minimum standard. These exceptions are acceptabl
to the Engineering Department.
Street names have been shown on the map and are acceptable to the Engineer
ing Department:
The subdivider will be required to dedicate utility easements as requester
by the utility companies and by the City Engineer's office. Any special
conditions required by any of the utilities will be complied with. The
improvement plans shall show all easements. No encroachment into the easement
will be permitted. This includes eaves, foundations, chimneys, barbeques, etc
No masonry or heavy walls-or structures will be permitted in the easements.
Wood fences and very minor structures will be permitted only upon written
approval of the City Engineer.
All utilities in the tract shall be installed underground.
The subdivider has requested exception to the requirements that interior
and exterior lot widths be a minimum of 50' and 60' respectively.
Surface drainage must slope away from all buildings. The minimum accept-
able grade for surface flow and swales is 1% in non —paved areas after settle-
ment. Since uneven settlement at the site may be expected, initial slopes
shall be sufficiently increased
an amount to be determined by the soils
engineer and approved by the City Engineer.
Drainage shall not cross interior lot lines unless approved by the.City
Engineer after establishment of approved easements. Drainage and erosion
control shall be shown on the improvement plans to the satisfaction of the City
A grading plan will be required for all areas within the subdivision, which
shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Sufficient tests
and analyses shall be taken by an approved soils determine the
proper allowance where future subsidence is predicted.
The elevations and other design features of the subdivision shall provide
that ground water shall be at least 2' below the finished ground surface at alJ
locations throughout the tract and around the perimeter of the tract. Such
determination shall be made by an approved soils engineer in a manner satis-
factory to the City Engineer. Further, the soils report shall examine the
possibility of salt water contamination into the ground water zone, which woul
have detrimental effects on planting and landscaping throughout the tract or
adjacent lands.
The proposed design of streets shall be in accordance with the standards c
the City Engineering Department, both as to cross section and structural
strength. Structural cross sections shall be in accordance with soils tests
order to determine the need for any required thickness beyond normal City
The Development Plan indicates paving stones at street intersections.
These are not shown on the Tentative Map. Special paving shall be subject to
the approval of the City Engineer.
The subdivider has indicated that the project may be phased during the
Final Map stages. If improvements are to be constructed in portions, roadway
circulation construction schedule shall be provided which shall be satisfactory
to the City Engineer, Fire and Police departments. The schedule shall provide
adequate circulation for residential and emergency vehicles.
All curbs, gutters, and sidewalks shall be installed in accordance with
City of Alameda standards. Flush curb returns should be provided where
possible. Wheelchair ramps are required at all corners which have curbs.
Standard City monuments shall be provided 2t all exterior tract property
corners, street intersections, angle points, and all other control points, to
the satisfaction of the City Engineer. All monuments should preferably be 10'
off the. street centerline on the southerly or easterly side of the street.
All fencing, barriers, header boards, and warning devices shall be
installed in accordance with the City Engineer's requirements.
The sanitary sewers and storm drains shall be designed to the satisfaction
of the City Engineer. The subdivider has indicated a minimum top of curb
.elevation of 103.67 after settlement. All storm drain lines shall be designed
such that the hydraulic grade line will not exceed catch.basin gutter inlets.
A City standard property line cleanout shall be installed on each sanitary
sewer lateral.
Street lighting within public right —of —way shall be installed to the satis-
faction of the City Engineer and the Bureau of Electricity. The subdivider has
indicated the proposed use of high pressure sodium lights, which meets the
standard requirement.
The number and exact locations of fire hydrants will be determined by the
Fire Department.
The subdivider has indicated a joint trench containing electrical, gas,
telephone and television lines. These shall be installed in accordance with
the requirements of the utility companies and to the satisfaction of the City
Engineer. The water lines shall be installed in accordance with the require-
ments of the East Bay Municipal Utility District and to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer. Clearances between utility mains, sewers, structures or other
objects shall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
A tree planting and landscaping plan will be required for all street and
common areas. The subdivider has indicated on the map the acceptable clear-
ances of trees from sewers and utility lines. The type of trees and their
spacing shall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Traffic control, regulatory, warning, and guide signs shall be installed as
required by the City Engineer.
Comprehensive soil and foundation studies, reports, and recommendations
Will be required in regard to underlying soils, seismic safety, water table,
salt water backflow throughout the tract and perimeter lands, and foundations
of structures. The reports shall be filed with the City Engineer.
It will be necessary for the subdivider to enter into an agreement with the
City and to post a sufficient bond in order to guarantee meeting the require-
ments of this subdivision.
Respectfully submitted,
T. Dards, City Engineer
Inter - department Memorandum
July 21, 1983
To: Arnold B. Jonas
Planning Director
From: Steven McKinley, Lieutenant
Fire Prevention Bureau
Re: Tentative Map 4402(Bridgeway Road and Aughinbaugh Way)
The Fire Department has the following comments and suggestions on
this development:
1. All cul -de -sacs must have a turning radius of at least
45 feet.
2. All water mains must be at least 8 inches minimum.
3. All fire hydrants are to be EBMUD type 64 and be
spaced not more than 250 feet apart. (see location
marked on tentative map Tract 4402 by Fire Department)
4. All roadways must have at least 20 foot road bed,
after curb parking.
5. All dwelling units must have A.C. smoke detectors to
protect sleeping areas.
6. The Fire Department suggests that all roofs be Class C
fire resistive or better.
__ J Y
JUL 2-1 1983
PL4\ \1Nr.
,t -7
Steven McKinley, Lie nant
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution
was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the
City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the "20th of March, 1984,
by the following vote to wit:
AYES:. Councilmembers-Gorman, Hanna, Lucas, Monsef and President Diament 5.
NOES: None.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official
seal of said City this 21st day of March, 1984.