Resolution 10704CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 10704 APPROVING ALAMEDA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION SALARY RESOLUTION AND MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WHEREAS, there has been submitted to this Council a proposed Salary Resolution and a Memorandum of Understanding between the Alameda City Employees Association and the City of Alameda/Bureau of Electricity; and WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Alameda has fully examined said proposed Salary Resolution and Memorandum of Understanding and finds and determines adoption of said documents to be in the best interest of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Alameda that said Council hereby approves and adopts said proposed Memorandum of Understanding. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the position classifications, salary rates, salary ranges and salary steps set out in said Memorandum of Understanding are hereby designated as those applicable to the respective classifications in the service of the City of Alameda, effective July 1, 1985. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the provisions of this Resolution shall supersede any other resolution in conflict herewith. City of Alameda Classifications and Salaries For Employees Represented by the Alameda City Employees Association (City of Alameda /Bureau of Electricity) Effective July 1, 1985 Step* Step ** Step* Step ** Step ** Code No. CLASS TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 ADMINISTRATIVE FINANCE & PURCHASING 1580 Accounting Machine Optr. $1458 $1527 $1604 $1682 $1766 1545 Purchasing Clerk ;; 1388 1454 1527 1603 1682 1550 Account Clerk 1288 1353 1419 1489 • 1563 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk ;; 1166 1228 1288 1353 1419 CITY PLANNING 3130 Associate Planner -; $2299 $2413 $2532 $2656 $2785 3095 Assistant Planner 1994 2097 2199 2310 2424 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk 1166 1228 1288 1353 1419 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - - Development Specialist ;, $2299 $2413 $2532 $2656 $2785 1736 Program Specialist -, 2299 2413 2532 2656 2785 - Rehabilitation Specialist ;, 1916 2013 2113 2218 2330 1550 Account Clerk * 1288 1353 1419 1489 1563 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk ;, 1166 1228 1288 1353 1419 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk $1166 $1228 $1288 $1353 $1419 POLICE DEPARTMENT 2175 Supervising Animal Control Officer $1527 $1603 $1682 $1765 $1854 2050 Animal Control Officer 1419 1489 1563 1641 1726 1530 Sr. Stenographer Clerk ;; 1288 1353 1419 1489 1563 1540 Sr. Typist Clerk ;; 1288 1353 1419 1489 1563 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk 1166 1228 1288 1353 1419 1500 Telephone Operator/ Receptionist * 1166 1228 1288 1353 1419 Code No. CLASS TITLE -2- Effective July 1, 1985 Step** Step ** Step ** Step ** Step* 1 2 3 4 5 LIBRARY 3540 Senior Librarian ;; $1726 $1807 $1901 $1994 $2097 3530 Librarian :; 1563 1641 1726 1807 1901 3515 Library Technician ;; 1288 1353 1419 1489 1563 3512 Interm. Library Clerk * 1166 1228 1288 1353 1419 RECREATION, PARKS AND GOLF RECREATION /MASTICK 5110 Recreation Program Coordinator -; $1603 $1682 $1765 $1854 $1949 1540 Sr. Typist Clerk ;; 1288 1353 1419 1489 1563 2005 Custodian ;; 1198 1256 1320 1388 1454 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk ;; 1166 1228 1288 1353 1419 PARKS 2340 Park Maintenance Supv. $2046 $2149 $2252 $2366 $2487 2125 Equipment Operator 1563 1641 1726 1807 1901 2075 Golf & Park Mtce. Worker 1489 1563 1641 1726 1807 2115 Public Works Mtce. Worker 1489 1563 1641 1726 1807 2020 Laborer 1353 1419 1489 1563 1641 GOLF COURSE 2255 Golf Course Maintenance Foreperson $1854 $1949 $2046 $2149 $2252 2240 Equipment Mechanic 1807 1901 1994 2097 2199 2250 Golf Course Irrigation Foreperson 1726 1807 1901 1994 2097 2251 Golf Course Leadperson 1726 1807 1901 1994 2097 2065 Golf Course Utility Wkr. 1726 1807 1901 1994 2097 2125 Equipment Operator 1563 1641 1726 1807 1901 2060 Golf & Park Maintenance Worker 1489 1563 1641 1726 1807 In addition to normal compensation, Golf Course Equipment Operator engaged in night watering for 4 or more hours between 4 p.m. and 8 a.m., shall receive a one step (5%) salary differential while so regularly and continously employed. -3- Effective July 1, 1985 Step** Step' Step** Step** Step- Code No. CLASS TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING INSPECTIONS 3110 Senior Plumbing Inspector- $2199 $2310 $2424 $2546 $2677 3100 Senior Building Inspector- 2199 2310 2424 2546 2677 3060 Building Inspector * 2046 2149 2252 2366 2487 CENTRAL PERMIT OFFICE 3105 Permit Coordinator * $2149 $2252 $2366 $2487 $2611 3106 Permit Expeditor * 1454 1527 1603 1682 1765 3000 Building & Plumbing Permits Examiners ;; 1454 1527 1603 1682 1765 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk* 1166 1228 1288 1353 1419 ENGINEERING 3140 Asso. Civil Engineer * $2546 $2677 $2808 $2952 $3098 3123 Transportation Engineer * 2546 2677 2808 2952 3098 3077 Survey & Constr.Insp.Supv.* 2254 2367 2485 2610 2741 3120 Asst. Civil Engineerl * 2199 2310 2424 2546 2677 3090 Survey Party Chief * 2097 2199 2310 2424 2546 3075 Sr. Construction Insp. * 2097 2199 2310 2424 2546 3080 Jr. Civil Engineerl :; 1994 2097 2199 2310 2424 3030 Sr. Draftsperson * 1726 1807 1901 1994 2097 3020 Sr. Engineering Aide ;; 1726 1807 1901 1994 2097 3010 Engineering Aide * 1527 1603 1682 1765 1854 1546 Engineering Office Asst. ;; 1388 1454 1527 1603 1682 1 Those regular full -time Civil Service employees in the classification of Asst. Civil Engineer, and Jr. Civil Engineer, who are listed as being Registered Civil Engineers in the State of California shall be eligible to receive $35 per month in addition to their regular gross monthly salary. -4- Effective July 1, 1985 Step** Step- Step- • Step'* Step- Code No. CLASS TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE SERVICES 2370 Street Maintenance Supv. $2252 $2366 $2487 $2611 $2741 Sewer Maintenance Supv. 2046 2149 2252 2366 2487 2380 Equipment Mtce. Supv. 2046 2149 2252 2366 2487 2360 Building- Grounds Mtce. Supv.2046 2149 2252 2366 2487 2335 Tree Maintenance Supv. 1949 2046 2149 2252 2366 3070 Construction Inspector 1949 2046 2149 2252 2366 2265 Traffic Signal Mtce. Tech. 1944 2042 2143 2250 2363 2290 Mtce. Carpenter F'person 1854 1949 2046 2149 2252 2280 Concrete Foreperson 1854 1949 2046 2149 2252 2310 Maintenance Plumber 1854 1949 2046 2149 2252 2330 Sewer Mtce. Foreperson 1854 1949 2046 2149 2252 Mtce. Painting Foreperson 1854 1949 2046 2149 2252 2245 Senior Equipment Mechanic 1854 1949 2046 2149 2252 2240 Equipment Mechanic 1807 1901 1994 2097 2199 2230 Maintenance Carpenter 1726 1807 1901 1994 2097 2320 Sewer Maintenance Worker 1641 1726 1807 1901 1994 2120 Public Works Mtce. Wkr. II 1641 1726 1807 1901 1994 2115 Public Works Mtce. Worker 1489 1563 1641 1726 1807 2020 Laborer 1353 1419 1489 1563 1641 1550 Account Clerk * 1288 1353 1419 1489 1563 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk* 1166 1228 1288 1353 1419 *Indicates classifications with 37.5 hour work week, all other classifications work 40 hour work week. * *In addition to salary shown, City pays 7% employee share of PERS contribution. -5- EXHIBIT "A" EMPLOYEES INCLUDED IN THE CITY EMPLOYEES' BARGAINING GROUP NON - I.B.E.W. CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1985 Position Account Clerk Accountant, Utility 37 1/2 Hrs /Wk Pos. No. 1st ** 2nd ** 3rd ** 4th ** 5th ** Code Pos. Step Step Step Step Step AC 2 $ 7.91 $ 8.34 $ 8.74 $ 9.18 $ 9.63 AU 1 11.15 11.70 12.28 12.90 13.54 Accountant, Utility Cost AUC 1 11.15 11.70 12.28 12.90 13.54 Clerk, Int. Utility CIU 4 7.20 7.57 7.91 8.35 8.74 Clerk, Int. Typist CIT 4 7.20 7.57 7.91 8.35 8.74 Clerk, Delinquent Accounts CDA 2 7.91 8.34 8.74 9.18 9.63 Clerk, Meter Book CMB 1 9.62 10.10 10.62 11.15 11.70 Clerk, Order Processing COP 1 9.15 9.62 10.10 10.62 11.15 Clerk, Senior Stenographer CSS 1 7.91 8.34 8.74 9.18 9.63 Clerk, Senior Typist CST 0 7.91 8.34 8.74 9.18 9.63 Clerk, Utility CU 1 7.91 8.34 8.74 9.18 9.63 Computer Operator, Senior CO 1 10.09 10.59 11.09 11.65 12.24 Computer Operator, Int COI 4 8.34 8.74 9.19 9.64 10.13 Computer Operator, Junior COJ 1 7.16 7.51 7.87 8.25 8.70 Computer Programmer Customer Service Repr. CP 1 9.94 10.44 10.96 11 .54 12.15 RCS 4 9.15 9.62 10.10 10.62 11.15 Y$11.69* Delinquent Accounts Repr. RDA 1 9.40 9.85 10.35 10.86 11.43 Engineering Office Asst. EOA 1 8.54 8.96 9.40 9.87 10.35 Gardener GAR 1 8.58 9.03 9.47 9.96 10.43 Laborer LB 1 7.50 7.87 8.28 8.68 9.12 Meter Reader - Collector MRC 5 9.15 9.62 10.10 10.62 11.15 Office Services Clerk OSC 1 8.34 8.74 9.19 9.64 10.13 Field Representative RF 0 9.62 10.10 10.62 11.15 11.70 Tel. Operator /Receptionist TOR 1 7.20 7.57 7.91 8.35 8.74 Leader - Coordinator RLC 1 9.62 10.10 10.62 11.15 11.70 *This "Y" rate applies to any Customer Service Representative while acting as "Coordinator ". * *In addition to salary shown, Bureau pays 7% employee share of PERS contribution. -6- C✓.111 L)i1. "L Resolution Nos. 3484; 3506; 3530; 3544; 3550; 3607 EMPLOYEES INCLUDED IN SUPERVISORY, NON -UNION CIVIL SERVICE POSITIONS EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1985 40 -HOUR WEEK No. 1st ** 2nd ** 3rd ** 4th ** 5th ** Position Code Pos. Step Step Step Step Step Accountant, Senior Utility ASC 1 $13.34 $14.05 $14.74 $15.49 s16.26 Analyst, Staff AS 1 14.01 14.70 15.44 16.19 17.01 Assistant to the General Mgr. GMA 1 14.60 15.33 16.09 16.89 17.73 Communications Officer COM 1 12.11 12.72 13.34 14.03 14.72 Electrical Inspector, Senior EIS 1 15.49 15.84 16.66 17.50 18.34 Engineer, Principal Distribution PDE 1 17.99 18.89 19.82 20.82 21.88 Engineer, Distribution DE 1 15.55 16.33 17.16 18.15 18.92 Engineer, Electrical EE 1 17.13 17.99 18.89 19.81 20.81 Engineer, Senior Electrical ESE 1 18.81 19.76 20.77 21.80 22.90 Engineer, Staff ES 1 17.13 17.99 18.88 19.81 20.81 Engineer, Associate Electrical AEE 1 14.01 14.70 15.44 16.19 17.01 Engineer, Associate Distribution ADE 1 11.63 12.21 12.82 13.46 14.13 Specialist, Power Contract SPC 1 18.81 19.76 20.77 21.80 22.90 Secretary, Public Utility SPU 1 11.34 11.92 12.52 13.16 13.82 Supt., Meters & Apparatus SMA 1 15.92 16.67 17.53 18.39 19.32 Supervisor, Line Crew S 1 18.92 18.92 18.92 18.92 18.92 Supervisor, Line Crew Temporary ST 1 23.65 23.65 23.65 23.65 23.65 Supervisor, Stores SS 1 12.17 12.82 13.42 14.11 14.86 Supervisor, System Operator SSO 1 15.53 16.30 17.09 17.97 18.87 Supervisor, Billing & Records SBR 1 10.71 11.26 11.82 12.41 13.04 Supervisor, Customer Accounts SCA 1 10.71 11.26 11.82 12.41 13.04 Superintendent, Line LS 1 17.24 18.11 18.99 19.94 20.96 * *In addition to salary shown, Bureau pays 7% employee share of PERS contribution. City of Alameda Classifications and Salaries For Employees Represented by the Effective September 1, 1985 Alameda City Employees Association (City of Alameda /Bureau of Electricity) Step** Step** Step** Step- • Step- Code No. CLASS TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 ADMINISTRATIVE FINANCE & PURCHASING 1580 Payroll Clerk ;; $1567 $1642 $1724 $1808 $1898 1545 Senior Account Clerk ;; 1492 1563 1642 1723 1808 1550 Account Clerk 1385 1454 1525 1601 1680 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk * 1166 1228 1288 1353 1419 CITY PLANNING 3130 Associate Planner ;; $2299 $2413 $2532 $2656 $2785 3095 Assistant Planner -; 1994 2097 2199 2310 2424 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk ;, 1166 1228 1288 1353 1419 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Development Specialist * $2299 $2413 $2532 $2656 $2785 736 Program Specialist -, 2299 2413 2532 2656 2785 Rehabilitation Specialist ;, 1916 2013 2113 2218 2330 1550 Account Clerk :; 1385 1454 1525 1601 1680 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk -< 1166 1228 1288 1353 1419 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk ;; $1166 $1228 $1288 $1353 $1419 POLICE DEPARTMENT 2175 Supervising Animal Control Officer $1527 $1603 $1682 $1765 $1854 2050 Animal Control Officer 1419 1489 1563 1641 1726 1530 Sr. Stenographer Clerk :; 1385 1454 1525 1601 1680 1540 Sr. Typist Clerk ;, 1385 1454 1525 1601 1680 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk :; 1166 1228 1288 1353 i419 '500 Telephone Operator/ Receptionist :; 1166 1228 1288 1353 1419 Lode No. CLASS TITLE -2- Effective September l 1985 LIBRARY Step** Step** Step** Step- Step* 1 2 3 4 5 3540 Senior Librarian * $1726 $1809 $1901 $1994 $2097 3530 Librarian * 1563 1641 1726 1807 1901 3515 Library Technician 1288 1353 1419 1489 1563 3512 Intermediate Typist Clerk ;; 1166 1228 1288 1353 1419 RECREATION, PARKS AND GOLF RECREATION /MASTICK 5110 Recreation Program Coordinator ;; $1723 $1808 $1897 $1993 $2095 1540 Sr. Typist Clerk * 1385 1454 1525 1601 1680 2005 Custodian 1198 1256 1320 1388 1454 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk* 1166 1228 1288 1353 1419 PARKS 2340 Park Maintenance Supv. $2148 $2256 $2365 $2484 $2611 2125 Equipment Operator 1563 1641 1726 1807 1901 2075 Golf & Park Maintenance Worker 1489 1563 1641 1726 1807 2115 Public Works Mtce. Worker 1489 1563 1641 1726 1807 2020 Laborer 1353 1419 1489 1563 1641 GOLF COURSE 2255 Golf Course Maintenance Foreperson $1949 $2046 $2149 $2252 $2366 2240 Equipment Mechanic 1807 1901 1994 2097 2199 2250 Golf Course Irrigation Foreperson 1726 1807 1901 1994 2097 2251 Golf Course Leadperson 1726 1807 1901 1994 2097 2065 Golf Course Utility Worker 1726 1807 1901 1994 2097 2125 Equipment Operator 1563 1641 1726 1807 1901 2060 Golf & Park Maintenance Worker 1489 1563 1641 1726 1807 In addition to normal compensation, Golf Course Equipment Operators engaged in night watering for 4 or more hours between 4 p.m. and 8 a.m., shall receive a one step (5%) salary differential while so regularly and continously employed. -3- Effective September 1, 1985 Step** Step* Step** Step Step* Code No. CLASS TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING INSPECTIONS 3110 Senior Plumbing Inspector* $2199 $2310 $2424 $2546 $2677 3100 Senior Building Inspector- 2199 2310 2424 2546 2677 3060 Building Inspector * 2046 2149 2252 2366 2487 CENTRAL PERMIT OFFICE 3105 Permit Coordinator ;; $2149 $2252 $2366 $2487 $2611 3106 Permit Expeditor ;; 1454 1527 1603 1682 1765 3000 Building & Plumbing Permits Examiners ;; 1454 1527 1603 1682 1765 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk- 1166 1228 1288 1353 1419 ENGINEERING 3140 Asso. Civil Engineer * $2546 $2677 $2808 $2952 $3098 3123 Transportation Engineer * 2546 2677 2808 2952 3098 3077 Survey & Constr.Insp.Supv.* 2367 2485 2609 2741 2878 3120 Asst. Civil Engineerl * 2199 2310 2424 2546 2677 3090 Survey Party Chief * 2199 2310 2424 2546 2677 3075 Sr. Construction Insp.* 2199 2310 2424 2546 2677 3080 Jr. Civil Engineerl ;; 1994 2097 2199 2309 2424 3020 Sr. Engineering Aide * 1812 1897 1996 2094 2202 3030 Sr. Draftsperson * 1726 1807 1901 1994 2097 3010 Engineering Aide ;; 1603 1683 1766 1853 1947 1546 Engineering Office Asst. * 1492 1563 1642 1723 1808 1 Those regular full -time Civil Service employees in the classification of Asst. Civil Engineer, and Jr. Civil Engineer, who are listed as being Registered Civil Engineers in the State of California shall be eligible to receive $35 per month in addition to their regular gross monthly salary. -4- Effective September 1, 1985 Step-'„ Step** Step* Step** Step',. Code No. CLASS TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE SERVICES 2370 Street Maintenance Supv. $2252 $2366 $2487 $2611 $2741 Sewer Maintenance Supv. 2148 2256 2365 2484 2611 2380 Equipment Mtce. Supv. 2148 2256 2365 2484 2611 2360 Building- Grounds Mtce.Supv. 2148 2256 2365 2484 2611 3070 Construction Inspector 2046 2149 2252 2366 2487 2265 Traffic Signal Mtce.Tech. 2041 2144 2250 2363 2481 2335 Tree Maintenance Supv. 1949 2046 - 2149 2252 2366 Senior Fleet Mechanic 1949 2046 2149 2252 2366 Fleet Mechanic 1897 1996 2094 2202 2309 2290 Mtce. Carpenter F'person 1854 1949 2046 2149 2252 2280 Concrete Foreperson 1854 1949 2046 2149 2252 2310 Maintenance Plumber 1854 1949 2046 2149 2252 2330 Sewer Mtce. Foreperson 1854 1949 2046 2149 2252 Mtce. Painting Foreperson 1854 1949 2046 2149 2252 2230 Maintenance Carpenter 1726 1807 1901 1994 2097 2320 Sewer Maintenance Worker 1641 1726 1807 1901 1994 2120 Public Works Mtce.Wkr. 11 1641 1726 1807 1901 1994 2115 Public Works Mtce.Worker 1489 1563 1641 1726 1807 2020 Laborer 1353 1419 1489 1563 1641 1550 Account Clerk , 1385 1454 1525 1601 1680 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk* 1166 1228 1288 1353 1419 *Indicates classifications with 37.5 hour work week, all other classifications work 40 hour work week. * *In addition to salary shown, City pays 7% employee share of PERS contribution. -5- EXHIBIT "A" EMPLOYEES INCLUDED IN THE CITY EMPLOYEES' BARGAINING GROUP NON - I.B.E.W. CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 1985 Position Account Clerk Accountant, Utility 37 1/2 Hrs /Wk Pos. No. 1st ** 2nd ** 3rd ** 4th ** 5th ** Code Pos. Step Step Step Step Step AC 2 $ 8.50 $ 8.97 $ 9.40 $ 9.87 $10.35 AU 1 11.15 11.70 12.28 12.90 13.54 Accountant, Utility Cost AUC 1 11.15 11.70 12.28 12.90 13.54 Clerk, Int. Utility CIU 4 7.20 7.57 7.91 8.35 8.74 Clerk, Int. Typist CIT 4 7.20 7.57 7.91 8.35 8.74 Clerk, Delinquent Accounts CDA 2 7.91 8.34 8.74 9.18 9.63 Clerk, Meter Book CMB 1 9.62 10.10 10.62 11.15 11.70 Clerk, Order Processing COP 1 9.15 9.62 10.10 10.62 11.15 Clerk, Senior Stenographer CSS 1 8.50 8.97 9.40 9.87 10.35 Clerk, Senior Typist CST 0 8.50 8.97 9.40 9.87 10.35 Clerk, Utility CU 1 7.91 8.34 8.74 9.18 9.63 Computer Operator, Senior CO 1 10.09 10.59 11.09 11.65 12.24 Computer Operator, Int COI 4 8.34 8.74 9.19 9.64 10.13 Computer Operator, Junior COJ 1 7.16 7.51 7.87 8.25 8.70 Computer Programmer Customer Service Repr. CP 1 9.94 10.44 10.96 11.54 12.15 RCS 4 9.15 9.62 10.10 10.62 11.15 Y$11.69* Delinquent Accounts Repr. RDA 1 9.40 9.85 10.35 10.86 11.43 Engineering Office Asst. EOA 1 9.18 9.63 10.11 10.61 11.13 Gardener GAR 1 8.58 9.03 9.47 9.96 10.43 Laborer LB 1 7.50 7.87 8.28 8.68 9.12 Meter Reader - Collector MRC 5 9.15 9.62 10.10 10.62 11.15 Office Services Clerk OSC 1 8.34 8.74 9.19 9.64 10.13 Field Representative RF 0 9.62 10.10 10.62 11.15 11.70 Tel. Operator /Receptionist TOR 1 7.20 7.57 7.91 8.35 8.74 Leader - Coordinator RLC 1 9.62 10.10 10.62 11.15 11.70 *This "Y" rate applies to any Customer Service Representative while acting as "Coordinator ". * *In addition to salary shown, Bureau pays 7% employee share of PERS contribution. ¶.Ity of Alameda Classifications and Salaries For Employees Represented by the Effective July 1, 1986 Alameda City Employees Association (City of Alameda /Bureau of Electricity) Step** Step';- Step-' Step** Step** Code No. CLASS TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 ADMINISTRATIVE FINANCE & PURCHASING 1580 Payroll Clerk * $1669 $1749 $1836 $1926 $2021 1545 Senior Account Clerk ;; 1589 1665 1749 1835 1926 1550 Account Clerk -; 1475 1549 1624 1705 ' 1789 1510 Intermediate Typsit Clerk ;; 1242 1308 1372 1441 1511 CITY PLANNING 3130 Associate Planner ;; $2448 $2570 $2697 $2829 $2966 3095 Assistant Planner ;; 2124 2233 2342 2460 2582 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk :; 1242 1308 1372 1441 1511 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - - - Development Specialist ;, $2448 $2570 $2697 $2829 $2966 1736 Program Specialist ;; 2448 2570 2697 2829 2966 - - - Rehabilitation Specialist ;; 2041 2144 2250 2362 2481 1550 Account Clerk -< 1475 1549 1624 1705 1789 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk ;; 1242 1308 1372 1441 1511 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk ;, $1242 $1308 $1372 $1441 $1511 POLICE DEPARTMENT 2175 Supervising Animal Control Officer $1626 $1707 $1791 $1880 $1975 2050 Animal Control Officer 1511 1586 1665 1748 1838 1530 Sr. Stenographer Clerk ;; 1475 1549 1624 1705 1789 1540 Sr. Typist Clerk ;; 1475 1549 1624 1705 1789 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk :; 1242 1308 1372 1441 1511 1500 Telephone Operator/ Receptionist 1242 1308 1372 1441 1511 -2- Effective July 1, 1986 Step** Step- Step- Step- Step' ;Code No. CLASS TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 LIBRARY 3540 Senior Librarian :; $1838 $1924 $2025 $2124 $2233 3530 Librarian 1665 1748 1838 1924 2025 3515 Library Technician ;; 1372 1441 1511 1586 1665 3512 Intermediate Library Clerk* 1242 1308 1372 1441 1511 RECREATION, PARKS AND GOLF RECREATION /MASTICK 5110 Recreation Program Coordinator * $1835 $1926 $2020 $2123 $2231 1540 Sr. Typist Clerk ;; 1475 1549 1624 1705 1789 2005 Custodian :; 1276 1338 1406 1478 1549 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk ;; 1242 1308. 1372 1441 1511 PARKS 2340 Park Maintenance Supv. $2288 $2403 $2519 $2645 $2781 2125 Equipment Operator 1665 1748 1838 1924 2025 2075 Golf & Park Maintenance Worker 1586 1665 1748 1838 1924 2115 Public Works Mtce. Worker 1586 1665 1748 1838 1924 2020 Laborer 1441 1511 1586 1665 1748 GOLF COURSE 2255 Golf Course Maintenance Foreperson $2076 $2179 $2289 $2398 $2520 2240 Equipment Mechanic 1924 2025 2124 2233 2342 2250 Golf Course Irrigation Foreperson 1838 1924 2025 2124 2233 2251 Golf Course Leadperson 1838 1924 2025 2124 2233 2065 Golf Course Utility Worker 1838 1924 2025 2124 2233 2125 Equipment Operator 1665 1748 1838 1924 2025 2060 Golf & Park Maintenance Worker 1586 1665 1748 1838 1924 In addition to normal compensation, Golf Course Equipment Operators engaged in night watering for 4 or more hours between 4 p.m. and 8 a.m., shall receive a one step (5%) salary differential while so regularly and continuously employed. -3- Effective July 1, 1986 Step-'* Step** Step ** Step** Step** Code No. CLASS TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING INSPECTIONS 3110 Senior Plumbing Inspector's $2342 $2460 $2582 $2711 $2851 3100 Senior Building Inspector* 2342 2460 2582 2711 2851 3060 Building Inspector * 2179 2289 2398 2520 2649 CENTRAL PERMIT OFFICE 3105 Permit Coordinator ;; $2289 $2398 $2520 $2649 $2781 3106 Permit Expeditor :; 1549 1626 1707 1791 1880 3000 Building & Plumbing Permits Examiners * 1549 1626 1707 1791 1880 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk* 1242 1308 1372 1441 1511 ENGINEERING 3140 Asso. Civil Engineer * $2711 $2851 $2991 $3144 $3299 3123 Transportation Engineer * 2711 2851 2991 3144 3299 3077 Survey & Constr.Insp.Supv. 2521 2647 2779 2919 3065 3120 Asst. Civil Engineerl * 2342 2460 2582 2711 2851 3090 Survey Party Chief :; 2342 2460 2582 2711 2851 3075 Sr. Construction Inspector* 2342 2460 2582 2711 2851 3080 Jr. Civil Engineerl * 2124 2233 2342 2459 2582 3020 Sr. Engineering Aide 1930 2020 2126 2230 2345 3030 Sr. Draftsperson ;; 1838 1924 2025 2124 2233 3010 Engineering Aide ;; 1707 1792 1881 1973 2074 1546 Engineering Office Asst. - 1589 1665 1749 1835 1926 1 Those regular full -time Civil Service employees in the classification of Asst. Civil Engineer, and Jr. Civil Engineer, who are listed as being Registered Civil Engineers in the State of California shall be eligible to receive $35 per month in addition to their regular gross monthly salary. -4- Effective July 1, 1986 Step** Step-* Step-`- Step** Step** Code No. CLASS TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE SERVICES 2370 Street Maintenance Supv. $2398 $2530 $2649 $2781 $2919 Sewer Maintenance Supv. 2288 2403 2519 2645 2781 2380 Equipment Mtce. Supv. 2288 2403 2519 2645 2781 2360 Building- Grounds Mtce. Supv. 2288 2403 2519 2645 - 2781 3070 Construction Inspector 2179 2289 2398 2520 2649 2335 Tree Maintenance Supv. 2076 2179 2289 2398 2520 Senior Fleet Mechanic 2076 2179 2289 2398 2520 2265 Traffic Signal Mtce. Tech. 2174 2283 2396 2517 2642 Fleet Mechanic 2020 2126 2230 2345 2459 2290 Mtce. Carpenter Foreperson 1975 2076. 2179 2289 2398 2280 Concrete Foreperson 1975 2076 2179 2289 2398 2310 Maintenance Plumber 1975 2076 2179 2289 2398 2330 Sewer Mtce. Foreperson 1975 2076 2179 2289 2398 Mtce. Painting Foreperson 1975 2076 2179 2289 2398 2230 Maintenance Carpenter 1838 1924 2025 2124 2233 2320 Sewer Maintenance Worker 1748 1838 1924 2025 2124 2120 Public Works Mtce. Wkr. II 1748 1838 1924 2025 2124 2115 Public Works Mtce. Worker 1586 1665 1748 1838 1924 2020 Laborer 1441 1511 1586 1665 1748 1550 Account Clerk ;; 1475 1549 1624 1705 1789 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk :; 1242 1308 1372 1441 1511 -Indicates classifications with 37.5 hour work week, all other classifications work 40 hour work week. -;*In addition to salary shown, City pays 7% employee share of PERS contribution. -5- EMPLOYEES INCLUDED IN THE CITY EMPLOYEES' BARGAINING GROUP NON - I.B.E.W. CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1986 Position Account Clerk Accountant, Utility 37 1/2 Hrs /Wk Pos. No. 1st ** 2nd ** 3rd ** 4th ** 5th ** Code Pos. Step Step Step Step Step AC 2 $ 9.05 $ 9.55 $10.01 $10.51 $11.02 AU 1 11.87 12.46 13.08 13.74 14.42 Accountant, Utility Cost AUC 1 11.87 12.46 13.08 13.74 14.42 Clerk, Int. Utility CIU 4 7.67 8.06 8.42 8.89 9.31 Clerk, Int. Typist CIT 4 7.67 8.06 8.42 8.89 9.31 Clerk, Delinquent Accounts CDA 2 8.42 8.88 9.31 9.78 10.26 Clerk, Order Processing COP 1 9.74 10.25 10.76 11.31 11.87 Clerk, Senior Stenographer CSS 1 9.05 9.55 10.01 10.51 11.02 Clerk, Senior Typist Clerk, Utility CST 0 9.05 9.55 10.01 10.51 11.02 CU 1 8.42 8.88 9.31 9.78 10.26 Computer Operator, Senior CO 1 10.75 11.28 11.81 12.41 13.04 Computer Operator, Int COI 4 8.88 9.31 9.79 10.27 10.79 Computer Operator, Junior COJ 1 7.63 8.00 8.38 8.79 9.27 Computer Programmer CP 1 10.59 11.12 11.67 12.29 12.94 Customer Service Repr. RCS 4 9.74 10.25 10.76 11.31 11.87 Y Delinquent Accounts Repr. RDA 1 10.01 10.49 11.02 11.57 12.17 Engineering Office Asst. EOA 1 9.78 10.26 10.77 11.30 11.85 Gardener GAR 1 9.14 9.62 10.09 10.61 11.11 Laborer LB 1 7.99 8.38 8.82 9.24 9.71 Meter Reader - Collector MRC 5 9.74 10.25 10.76 11.31 11.87 Office Services Clerk OSC 1 8.88 9.31 9.79 10.27 10.79 Field Representative RF 0 10.25 10.76 11.31 11.87 12.46 Tel. Operator /Receptionist TOR 1 7.67 8.06 8.42 8.89 Leader - Coordinator RLC 1 10.25 10.76 11.31 11.87 12.46 9.31 *This "Y" rate applies to any Customer Service Representative while acting as "Coordinator ". 12.45* * *In addition to salary shown, Bureau pays 7% employee share of PERS contribution. -6- Exhibit "D" Resolution Nos. 3484; 3506; 3530; 3544; 3550; 3607 EMPLOYEES INCLUDED IN SUPERVISORY, NON -UNION CIVIL SERVICE POSITIONS EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1986 40 -HOUR WEEK No. 1st ** 2nd ** 3rd ** 4th ** 5th ** Position Code Pos. Step Step Step Step Step Accountant, Senior Utility ASC 1 $14.21 $14.96 $15.70 $16.50 $17.32 Analyst, Staff AS 1 14.01 14.70 15.44 16.19 17.01 Assistant to the General Mgr. GMA 1 15.55 16.33 17.14 17.99 18.88 Communications Officer COM 1 12.90 13.55 14.21 14.94 15.68 Electrical Inspector, Senior EIS 1 15.49 15.84 16.66 17.50 18.34 Engineer, Principal Distribution PDE 1 17.99 18.89 19.82 20.82 21.88 Engineer, Distribution DE 1 15.55 16.33 17.16 18.15 18.92 Engineer, Electrical EE 1 17.13 17.99 18.89 19.81 20.81 Engineer, Senior Electrical ESE 1 18.81 19.76 20.77 21.80 22.90 Engineer, Staff ES 1 17.13 17.99 18.88 19.81 20.81 Engineer, Associate Electrical AEE 1 14.01 14.70 15.44 16.19 17.01 Engineer, Associate Distribution ADE 1 11.63 12.21 12.82 13.46 14.13 Specialist, Power Contract SPC 1 18.81 19.76 20.77 21.80 22.90 Secretary, Public Utility SPU 1 12.08 12.69 13.33 14.02 14.72 Supt., Meters & Apparatus SMA 1 15.92 16.67 17.53 18.39 19.32 Supervisor, Line Crew S 1 18.92 18.92 18.92 18.92 18.92 Supervisor, Line Crew Temporary ST 1 23.65 23.65 23.65 23.65 23.65 Supervisor, Stores SS 1 12.17 12.82 13.42 14.11 14.86 Supervisor, System Operator SSO 1 15.53 16.30 17.09 17.97 18.87 Supervisor, Billing & Records SBR 1 11.41 11.99 12.59 13.22 13.89 Supervisor, Customer Accounts SCA 1 11.41 11.99 12.59 13.22 13.89 Superintendent, Line LS 1 17.24 18.11 18.99 19.94 20.96 * *In addition to salary shown, Bureau pays 7% employee share of PERS contribution. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in special meeting assembled on the 7th day of August, 1985, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Corica, Hanna, Monsef Lucas and President Diament - 5. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 8th day of August, 1985. City ClJerk of the City o