Resolution 11469CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 11469 AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT OBSOLETE RECORDS WHEREAS, Government Code Section 34090 et seq. authorizes City Department Heads to destroy those City records, documents, instruments, books or papers after the same are no longer required with the approval of the Legislative Body by Resolution, and the written consent of the City Attorney. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Alameda that it does hereby authorize the Head of the City Department(s) specified in Exhibit "A" attached and made a part hereto, to destroy the City records, documents, books or papers under his/her charge as described in that certain Exhibit "A ". CITY: ALAMEDA DEPT: City Clerk Prepared by: N.J. Hislop Approved: RUCTION LIST - -C -ity Attorney Resolution 8 EXHIBIT "A" Page of Date: Date: Sox /Loc. Content Description Inclusive Dates From To 1 Elections: Statements of economic interest - duplicates of Plan. Comm. Council, City Mgr. statements (originals all accounted for) FPPC transmittal letters; administrative memos; obsolete, blank forms FPPC newletters /bulletins FPPC: Bulletins; seminar announcements; legi- slative summary reports; surveys; obsolete manuals Committee campaign statements; unsuccessful candidates, school board Administrative memos re: campaign filings Corres. re: proposed election law amendments; election costs; statewide election info; voting equipment info: elections administrative corres. Ministers: Corres., schedules re: meeting invo- cations City Council: Conference corresp. /announcements Conference of Mayors: Newsletters League of Calif. Cities: Legislative bulletins Legislation: Corres. /reports, bills, state pro- posed legislation City Council: Meeting procedures corres., cere- monials, other City information; corres. acknow- 1edements City Council corres. primarily re: meeting procedures and order of business; administra- tive business, conferences 1975 -1983 1975 -1983 1980 -1985 1981 1975 -1982 1970 -1978 1979 -1980 1971 -1983 1985 1985 1975 -1983 1974 -1979 1980 -1983 Conflict of Interest: Draft resolution; City Attorney memo regarding revisions 1980 Alameda County: Transmittals, Board agendas, corres. /acknowledgments, draft agreements California: Corres. re: proposed legislation - City and other Cities; State agency info. bulletins, hearing announcements Commendations: Request for/dupl. Proclamations 1976 -1983 1971 -1984 1957 -1983 CITY: ALAMEDA Resolution # DEPT: City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" Prepared by: N.J. Hislop Page of Approved: RECORDS DESTRUCTION LIST Department Head City Attorney Date: Date: Inclusive Dates Box /Loc. Content Description From To 3 Elections: Duplicate purchase orders and invoices Polling place use permits /work papers Election workers listing, work papers Nomination Papers: Extra copies of originals Municipal Election: Invoices, duplicate resolutions, duplicate ballot arguments, administrative corres. Elections: Statewide election results Planning administrative corres. /work papers, invoices, payroll information Administration /Planning files Spanish translations Elections: Reso. copies, meeting transcription, filing deadline notices Candidates campaign statements Administration /duplicate materials Election resolutions, duplicate copies Duplicate resos /affidavits, administrative corres., special municipal election Elections: Invoices (duplicates), work papers special charter election; election planning and administration; cost invoice copies Ballot proofs 1983 1983 1983 1983 1981 1982 1983 1981 1979 1960 -1978 1978 1980 -1981 1980 1980 1980 1979 Extra copies, City Charter, Measure arguments; invoices; payroll 1979 _Inspector declaration, polling place use permits/ agreements 1979 Election officer applications, appointments; ballot receipts 1979 Corres. re: proposed legislation; other City resos. re: State propositions; info. bulletins 6 questionaires 1934 -1971 Conflict of interest administration, duplicate obsolete resos.; FPPC obsolete manuals and filing lists 1983 Board of Supervisors: Agendas 1985 Western Area Power Admin.: Annual report 1983 Industrial Development Authority: Requisition/ invoice copies 1983 Red Cross: Activity Announcements /Newletters 1966 -1976 Alameda Art Assoc.: Corresp. /Newsletters 1970 -1981 Park Street District Assn.: Corres., expired certificates of insurance 1968 -1975 Community Improvement Commission: Requisition/ invoice copy 1982 ABAG: Corres. /notices 1979 -1983 Newsletters 1984 Rosters /Minutes, Issue papers /newsletters 1975 -1976 Newsletters /Announcements /Rosters 1973 -74 Minutes, Annual reports, Issue papers 1970 -1972 Public Utilities Commission: Grade crossing notices 1984 CITY: ALAMEDA DEPT: City Clerk Prepared by: N.J. Hislop Approved: RECORDS DESTRUCTION LIST Department Head City Attorney Resolution 8 EXHIBIT "A" Page of Date: Date: Box /Loc. 5 (Cont'd) 6 Content Description Inclusive Dates From To California Disaster Office: Corres. re: disaster assistance /mutual aide, surplus federal property purchase resolutions 1946 -1980 California - General: Corres. w/ State agencies, notices, proposed legislation corres. 1936 -1971 California Board of Equalization: Sales and Use tax corres., transmittals 1935 -1981 Public Utilities Commission: Notices of Service Applications, public transportation 1984 Calif. Conservation Corps: Memos, grant agreement resolutions 1976 -1983 Calif. Council on Govt. Relations: Notices, brochures 1969 -1974 Calif. Dept. of Transportation: Real property auction notices, regulation notices 1982 -83 Youth: Corres. /memos re Youth in Gov't. Day 1973 -1982 Questionaires: Misc. info requests, surveys 1981 -1983 Public Administration Service: Consultant analysis corres. 1950 -51 Other Cities: Council reorganization notices 1980 -1984 League of Calif Cities: Newsletters, conference information 1965 -1973 Legislative bulletins /summaries 1983 -1985 Boards /Commissions: Obsolete applications for appointment 1978 -1982 League of Calif. Cities, East Bay: Minutes/ agendas Property Tax: Adjustment requests, memos re: procedures League of Calif. Cities: Newsletters, legislative bulletins, obsolete rosters Legislative bulletins /newsletters /conferenace information Alameda Historical Society: Corres. re: Museum Site, Society, Society facility Human Relations Board: Candidate applications Planning Board: Candidate applications, minutes/ agenda copies, corres. Public Utilities Board: Applications for appoint. Public Utilities Commission: Calif. PUC notices/ rate applications Community Relations Commission: Duplicate minutes/ agendas, applications 1982 -83 1960 -1976 1976 -1984 1980 -1983 1974 -1982 1979 -1981 1978 -1983 1977 -1981 1974 -1978, 1985 1974 -1976 CITY: ALAMEDA Resolution # DEPT: City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" Prepared by: N.J. Hislop Page of Approved: RECORDS DESTRUCTION LIST Department Head City Attorney Date: Date: Box /Loc. 6 (Cont'd) Content Description Inclusive Dates From To Complaints: To Housing Authority 19E2 County Parks Committee: Minutes /agendas correspon- dence acknowledgements 1963 -1965 Alameda Co. Medical Services: Duplicate reports re: City participation 1976 -1983 County Planning Commission: Master Plan corres. 1954 -1957 Criminal Justice Planning Board: Corres., trans - mittals, duplicate resos. 1971 -1978 County, General: FAU corres., proposed projects and program correspondence, Board reso. copies, corres. re: San Leandro Bay General Plan 1971 -1975 League of Calif. Cities: Conference info., summaries, newsletters 1983/84 Homeowner's Associations: Correspondence 1978/79 County Drug Abuse Coalition: Newsletters /meeting notices, brochures 1970 -1972 League of Calif. Cities: Conference info., corres., bulletins /newsletters 1971 -1977 Coast Guard: Transmittals, corres. re: U.S. Coast Guard Cutter, Taney Community Improvement Commission: Agenda copies 1946 -1977 1983 Extra Copies: Bid notices, agreements, resolutions N/A Civil Service Board: Duplicate Resolutions, Agendas, Minutes, Administrative Corres. 1972 -1982 Historic Advisory Commission /Civil Service Board: Applications for appointment 1980 /prior Sphere of Influence: Corres., reports re: proposed LAFCO changes 1983 Boards and Commissions: Attendance reports, 1977 -1978 administrative memos 1980 -1983 League of Calif. Cities Conference announcements 1984/85 U.S. Government: Resolution copies, transmittal letters, corres. re: Daylight Saving Time, atomic accelerator location; foreign policy; Emergency Detention Act Repeal; FAU and revenue sharing programs Corps of Engineers: Public notices Golf Commission: Applications for appointment Traffic Advisory Committee: Corres. reports Handicapped Advisory Committee: Duplicate minutes, memo ABAG: Corres. re: income group proportions Economic Development: Reports re: coordinating office establishment State of California: Workshop announcements, hearing notices, PUC Public Works: Duplicate copy, grant application City Clerk: Report re: agenda format 1942 -1974 1976 -1978 1980 -1982 1977 -1980 1981 1982 1982 1985 1980 1979 CITY: ALAMEDA Resolution 11 DEPT: City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" Prepared by: N.J. Hislop Page of Approved: RECORDS DESTRUCTION LIST Department Head City Attorney Date: Date: Box /Loc. Content Description Inclusive Dates From To 7 (Cont'd) Duplicate copies of reports, etc. N/A Vehicles: Corres. /reports, ordinance copies re: campers and abandoned vehicles 1972 -1979 Service Stations: Zoning, other regulatory corres. draft copies, affidavits of publication 1963 -1974 Towing: Proposals for services, insurance certificates 1961 -1979 Bicycles: Corres., complaints, regulation copies Benches: Corres. re: bus and sidewalk benches Harbor Bay Island: Corres. re: bus shelters Corps of Engineers: Public Notices Chamber of Commerce: Promotional activities, events correspondence and reports Box 8 Celebrations: Invitations to Council; Parade permit requests. deMolay Day: Staff Reports, corresp., Proclam. copies. 1935 -1978 1948 -1979 1977/78 1981 -1984 1969 -1983 1980 -84 1977 -78 School District: Corresp. re property tax cancellations, transmittals, Reso. copies 1938 -66 School District: Gen. corresp., announcements Minute copies 1970 -76 -Scool District: General correspondence 1977 -82 911: Dupl. reports, draft agreement 1977 -80 CETA: Reinactment info.; Prime sponsor info. 1977 -78 Defense: Minute copies; corres.;brochures, reports re exercises 1950 -82 Bd. of Education: Minutes /Agendas; corresp.; litigation reports 1935 -81 State Colleges: Proposed legislation; pub. hearing notices re property sale /easement dedications 1970 -76 Employee Training: Community Action Program corresp. 1975 Girl Scouts: Gov't Day corresp., Agenda Energy: Ref. info. re conservation programs Energy Crisis: Reso copies, corresp. re oil shortage Sr. Citizens: Co. Needs of Aging corresp. /reports Safety: Natl. Safety Council corresp., info., Empl. /other safety matters Disaster Planning: Simulation exercise info. Animals: Ord. copies; info. re disease prevention; regulations /enforcement. Animal Shelter Mo. Reports 1981 1980 -81 1973-77 1978 -83 1934 -75 1980 -81 1958 -66 1974 -81 Animal Shelter: Requests, corresp, Ord. revisions, complaints. 1982 -83 CITY: ALAMEDA Resolution i9 DEPT: City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" Prepared by: N.J. Hislop Page of Approved: RECORDS DESTRUCTION LIST Department Head City Attorney Date: Date: Inclusive Dates Box /Loc. Content Description From To 8 (Cont'd) Peralta College: Correspondence 1982 Weed Cleaning: Corresp.; publ. notices re programs. 1933 -73 Ambulances: Corres. /Reports re services 1956 -8C 9 10 Welfare Admin.: Proposed Legislation; Reso. copies 1964 Amusement Devices: Complaints, petitions, reports re proposed ordinances 1970 -79 Air Pollution: Hearing notices, brochures, obsol. regulations, pollution control reports 1967 -73 Air Pollution: draft regulations, hearing notices, reports, correspondence 1972 Fire: City rating report 1960 Fire Services: Fee reports, fire safety, code enforcement reports 1980-81 Fire Chief: conference attendance requests 1933 -63 Fire Dept.: Corresp /reports re equipment purchase, training programs, personnel, fees, rating reports, citizen letters of commendation. 1940 -82 Insurance: Reports re costs, specifications. 1980 -82 Dupl. /extra copies of materials N/A Correspondence - General: Misc. correspondence 1980 -1983 Complaints: Miscellaneous 1981 -1983 Expired bonds 1964 -1979 Correspondence — General 1974 -1983 Hearings: Affidavits of publ. re Public Housing 1979 -1981 Employees: Unemployment insurance info. 1977 11 Animal Shelter: Unsuccessful bids 1983 Alpha Beta: Convenience survey; petition re: store hours 1978 Fill and License Agreements Harbor Land Development: Unsigned package 1964 1960 -1979 Advertisements: Information re: rates, prices 1984 Coliseum Complex: Correspondence 1962 -1969 County: Obsolete procedures, corres. re: bond financing 1974 -1979 Division of Highways: Corres. and reports, dupl. Resos. 1964 -1976 CITY: ALAMEDA Resolution 0 DEPT: City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" Prepared by N.J. Hislop Page of Approved: RECORDS DESTRUCTION LIST Department Head City Attorney Date: Date: Box /Loc. Inclusive Dates Content Description From To 12 Duplicate: Extra copies of materials 13 14 N/A Massage Parlors: Corres. re: license revocation, hearing transcripts (3 folders) 1977 Correspondence, fee reports, draft ordinances Massage Permits /Appeals: Corres. re: license revocation; hearing transcripts 1977 Massage Permits: Copies of applications 1979 -1984 Restrooms: Corres. re: public restrooms, noise, and litter 1962 -1983 Nursing Homes: Applications, permit copies, related corres. 1940 -1961 Veterans: Corres. re: observances, reso copies 1944 -1978 Traffic: Misc. corres. and reports 1979 High Street truck routes, petition correspondence, complaints 1978 Parking: Corres. /reports re: parking meters, rates, employee parking :City Hall parking lot improve- ments; truck route corres. 1968 -1983 Truck Routes: Corres. re: various City truck routes 1946 -1979 Extra /Duplicate copies file materials N/A Corres. re: 911; prisoner transportation; fees; crime prevention; 1976 -1978 Corres. re: regulations, special program, copies of regulations 1979/80 Interoffice memos; special program information 1982 -1984 Corres. re: jail facilities; safety communications; jail inspection reports 1981/82 Firearms: Correspondence 1962 -1968 Mosquito Abatement District: Monthly reports; minute copies 1985 Health: County resos re: emergency medical services; job safety; drug abuse; special programs 1969 -1980 Mosquito Abatement: Monthly reports, minutes, biannual reports (2 folders) 1932 -1984 CITY: ALAMMEDA DEPT: City Clerk Prepared by: N.J. Hislop Approved: RECORDS DESTRUCTION LIST Department Head City Attorney Resolution ll EXHIBIT "A" Page of Date: Date: Inclusive Dates Box /Loc. Content Description From To 14 (cont.) Newsracks: Ordinance copies, letters to vendors 1981 Certificates of Insurance: Expired certificates of insurance, News Rack vendors Firearms: Corres. 1962 -1968 Police Department: Corres. reports re: location of facility,(2 folders) Central /Park Avenue; duplicate copies of contracts 1974 -1978 Mosquito Abatement District: Monthly reports; minute copies 1985 Health: County resos re: emergency medical services; job safety; drug abuse; special programs 1969 -1980 Mosquito Abatement: Monthly reports, minutes, biannual reports (2 folders) 1932 -1984 15 Extra and duplicate copies of materials found in various folders N/A 16 City Departments: Jail inspection report; Fire Department reorganization; lobbyist report; IIMC fee survey 1979 -1983 Taxi Cabs - general: Corres.; Code copies; Reso. copies 1939 -1976 Special Permits: Duplicate ordinances; Regulations, fees 1977 -1979 City Hall: Duplicate reports re: space needs 1970 Bingo Permits: Corres.; Obsolete permit lists; regulation copies 1977 -1981 Expired permits P2, 4, 10, 13, and 14 1977 -1982 Taxi Cab Permits: Expired permits 1949 -1982 Taxi Program: Duplicate grant application; reso. copies, program staff reports 1978 -1980 Fire Zones: Obsolete zone map 1966 City Fair: Activity schedule 1984 Emergency Operations: Superceded disaster plan copy 1977 Alcoholic Beverage: License application copies 1980 -1982 Personnel: Reports re: promotions, turnovers, Department Staff changes, employee resignations, consultant services 1977 -1979 Volunteer Program: City Clerk Department monthly reports 1982 -1983 Employee Benefits Insurance: Corres. /reports, duplicate resolutions 1940 -1969 Holidays: Memos /related corres. 1981 Salaries: Duplicate resos. fixing employee salaries; misc. surveys (3 folders) 1933 -1980 Employees - general: Duplicate resolutions re: personnel services, benefits, procedures, employee training & development (4 folders) 1947 -1983 Retirement: PERS board election notice 1981 Civil Service Employees Association: Corres. re: salaries, rules and regulations; residencey requirements and request for charter amendments 1953 -1975 17 City Clerk: Duplicate maintenance requests CETA program corres. /reports Tribute: Condolence requests, requests for info. Workers Comp.: Claims statistical reports, proce- dures, staff reports, corres. re: coverage costs, minutes 1982 -1983 1976 -1981 1980 1976 -1980 CITY: ALAMEDA Resolution t DEPT: City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" Prepared by: R.J. Hislop Page of Approved: RECORDS DESTRUCTION LIST Department Head City Attorney Date: Date: Box /Loc. Inclusive Dates Content Description From To 17 (Conted) Claims: Duplicate rejections, correspondence 1975 -1983 Departments: Memo re: City Engineer appointment 1980 City Clerk: Issue papers re: City Clerk duties; personnel requests; job descriptions; leave/ vacation notices; Records Management: Corres. re: State archives assistance 1979 18 Council Chamber: Facility use requests 1933 -1982 Corporation Yard: Rejected bids for construction of yard and animal shelter 1983 Alameda Swim Center: Corres. /reports re: proposed municipal swim center and facilities 1939 -1966 Drivers Permits: Obsolete taxi cab driver permit - applications (6 folders) 1980 -1984 Permits - general: Corres. re: various permit requests, fee waivers, inquiries 1973 -1983 Temporary Encroachment Permits: (2 folders) 1980 -1984 Private Patrol Systems Permits: (2 folders) 1969 -1983 Temp. Encroachment Permits: Denied fence permits 1974 -1982 Sound Device Permits 1981 -1984 Temporary Use Permits- parades & tents (2 folders) 1977 -1982 Temporary Permits: Banners 1980 -1984 19 Extra duplicate copies N/A Recycling: Corres. and reports (2 folders) 1972 -1981 Public Works Act: Correspondence and reports re: Federal Program 1977 Litter: Corres. re: costs; refuse rates; refuse collection; complaints; duplicates resos.; news - letters; County Advisory Committee reports 1957 -1975 Public Works Department: Department memos re: seminar and training sessions 1949 -1957 Inspections division reports re: inspection services, building requirements, training sessions 1949 -1970 Misc. complaints, building maintenance; prevail- ing wage rates; street maintenance and refuse collection 1968 -1983 Petitions re: Fernside Blvd. extension; Corres., related staff reports (2 folders) 1963 -1980 Street Improvements: Complaints, Staff reports, proposed legislation, memos re: truck routes 1983 CITY: ALAMEDA Resolution It DEPT: City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" Prepared by: N.J. Hisiop Page of Approved: RECORDS DESTRUCTION LIST Department Head City Attorney Date: Date: Inclusive Dates Box /Loc. Content Description From To 19 (Cont'd) Streets- general: Street sweeping 6 maintenance corres. /reports 1979 -1983 Toll Bridge Authority: Corres. & reports 1947 -1975 Automobiles: Reports re: auto allowance and aban- doned vehicle program 1935 -1967 Industrial Highway: Corres. re: Atlantic Avenue naming and businessess 1940 -1966 Department of Transportation: Duplicate fund application for paratransit services; corres. re: bicycle paths 1950 -1972 1980 -1983 High Street Bridge: Duplicate correspondence 1972 -1975 Port of Oakland: Agenda copies, corres. re: airport noise, tidelands, navigation projects 1955 -1982 Traffic: Corres. & reports 1980 -1981 Oakland Inner Harbor: Corres. re: traffic; project funding, water sports regulations, concession operating requests, bridge correspondence, occupancy permits 1954 -1978 Other agency reports and publications re: harbor districts, boat harbors N/A Housing Authority: Copies of specifications for house painting, Parrott Village 1986 Sigma Beta Alpha Men's Club: By -law copies, correspondence and facility use agreements 1965 20 Water — general: Misc. bulletins, correspondence, reports, notices, duplicate resos. 1935 -1978 Water: Corres. & reports re: water fluoridation 1974 -1978 Water Quality Control Board: Corres. /reports re: waste disposal and water pollution 1949 -1980 Telegraph & Television: Corres. re: Cable TV; City telephone system proposals 1954 -1983 Transportation: Corres. & reports re: senior citizens transportation 1975 -1977 Metropolitan Transportation Commission: Corres. & reports re: Regional Transportation Plan 1974 -1976 Transportation - general: PUC hearings; notices, correspondence and reports (2 folders) 1936 -1983 Census: Corres. /reports /complaints /petitions, code enforcement (2 files) 1933 -1979 CITY: ALAMEDA DEPT: City Clerk Prepared by: N.J. Hislop Approved: RECORDS DESTRUCTION LIST Department Head City Attorney Resolution 8 EXHIBIT "A" Page of Date: Date: Inclusive Dates Box /Loc. Content Description From To 20 (cont'd) Plumbing Codes: Corresp /Reports, ord. copies Refund Requests: Building permits AC Transit: Corres. and reports BART: Corres. /reports, meeting notices, bulletins, announcments 21 Public Agencies: Misc. public agencies' annual report copies Public Utilities Board: Minute copies 22 1976 1949 -1970 1954 -1983 1953 -1983 81963 -1970 1978/79, 1985 Public Utilities Board: Transmittals, news releases, meeting notices, complaints, budget projections, project reports 1969 -1983 Alameda County: Minutes, meeting announcements, reports & corres. re: proposed joint study of water supply and water quality 1983 East Bay MUD: Corres. and reports re: improvement projects; proposed legislation 1974 -1983 Affidavits of Gross Receipts: Pacific Telephone franchise 1935 -1956 So. Pacific Railroad: Corres. re: misc. improvements, repairs, track removals, righs - of-way 1932 -1976 Pacific Gas & Electric: PUC notices of rate increases; revenue affidavits, and expired permit for cable installation 1939 -1974 Revenue affidavits, rate increase requests 1938 -1980 East Bay MUD: Misc. corres. /reports /reso. copies 1934 -1970 Pacific Gas & Electric: Misc. corres. & reports, PUC notices 1975 -1983 Sewers: Misc. corres. /reports, complaints relating to sewers and drainage 1933 -1983 Extra copies, duplicates N/A Employees CETA: Program administrative reports/ memos (2 folders) 1975 -1980 Bay Farm Relamation District #2105: Voted election ballots 1985 Motor Vehicle License Fee: Controllor apportionment notices 1968 State Sales Tax: Board of Equalization reports, other City corres. re: sales tax distribution and State legislation. 1952 -1978 CITY: ALAMEDA Resolution # DEPT: City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" Prepared by: N.J. Hislop Page of Approved: RECORDS DESTRUCTION LIST Department Head City Attorney Date: Date: Box /Loc. Inclusive Dates Content Description From To 22 (Cont'd) Gasoline Tax Allocation: Dept. of Transportation reports re: apportionments; corres. /reports re: State legislation 1932 -1964 State apportionment reports; duplicate resos.; County information re: distribution; map of proposed annual City improvements 1965 -1982 Transient Occupancy Tax: Draft ordinances, related corres. /Staff reports 1974 Utility Users Tax: Corres., draft ordinance 1971 -1978 Taxes - Dwelling Unit: Related corres. /reports; transportation taxes and proposed local and State legislation 1974 -1981 Delinquent Taxes: Corres. re: penalties; misc. inquiries, procedures, notices 1932 -1970 Taxes- Assessment Contract: Duplicate corres. re: County collections, procedures 1976 -1977 City Sales & Use Tax: Corres. /reports 1946 -1981 Business License Fees: Corres. /reports re: City taxes 1976 -1977 Taxes: Duplicate resos.; draft ordinances; corres. reports re: property tax rates, State tax appor- tionments 1973 -1979 Tax Cancellations: Transmittal letters; duplicate resos.; duplicate corres. re: proposed legislation (1982) 1955 -1978 Taxes- Property Transfer: Draft /duplicate ords.; rel. reports; draft agreements re tax collection 1974 -1978 Motor Vehicle Fees: State apportionment notices 1962 -1967 23 City Clerk Budget: Work papers 1951 -1971 Duplicate monthly expenditure reports, work papers 1972 -1976 Budget preparation /work papers, Council and Clerk 1980 -1981 Dept. and Council duplicate expenditure reports; duplicate purchase orders FY 1981/82 Conference requisitions, supply purchase orders 1978 -1982 City Clerk: Duplicate purchase orders, supply charge sheets 1982/83 Budgets: Duplicate resos. 1972 -1974 Staff reports, duplicate resos. 1969 -1972 Staff reports, financial data re: proposed fee increases 1975 -1976 Capital Improvements Program: Staff reports, Minute copies 1974/75 Equipment Sale: Staff reports re: City surplus equipment sale 1960 -1971 Petty Cash: Reimbursement requests, check stubs 1978 -198. Home Occupations: Affidavits of Publication, corres. re: City regulations 1958/59 Count of Money: Duplicate information notices re: Treasurer count of money 1968 -1979 Finance Department: Memos re: position classifi- cations for Department 1980 Supplies: Dept. purchase orders 1983 City Attorney Skates: Petition re: City ordinance CITY: ALAMEDA Resolution 11 DEPT: City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" Prepared by: N.J. Hislop Page of Approved: RECORDS DESTRUCTION LIST Department Head City Attorney Date: Date: Box /Loc. Inclusive Dates Content Description From To 28 (Cont'd) Misc. Staff reports Duplicate Resolutions /reports re: goals study 1978 -1980 1973 -1974 29 Extra copies of reports elsewhere in system N/A 30 Encinal Swim Center: Duplicate Resos., draft agreements, corres. 1961/62 Port of Oakland: Corres. /reports re: airport expansion 1954/55 Taxes: Possessory interest tax reports 1957 -1979 Personal Property: Draft resolutions, corres., tax refund request 1950 -1979 Garbage Disposal: Staff reports re: interim rate increase request 1980 Grants: Staff reports requesting authority to apply for various grant funds (non -CDBG or UDAG) 1980 -1984 _Housing: Duplicate Staff reports, information bulletins 1982 Building Code: Duplicate Ordinance copies, public hearing notices, inquiries (1982) 1957 -1979 Building Department: Nuisance abatement, fee reports, accident reports 1980 -1982 City Clerk: City Manager directives 1982 -1984 Misc. and duplicate copies of City Staff reports 1971 -1983 City Clerk: Fee collection dupl. receipts 1981 Mayor's Allowance: dupl. receipts 1982 /prior Draft interconnections Agreement 1982 31 CALTRANS: Proposed STIP projects 1983 -84 Oakland Scavenger Co: Landfill Plan 1974 West End Beach Improvements: Corresp. 1961 Ala. City Disposal Rates 1970 -81 Public Works: Report re proposed Commission, Street Name Inventory 1953,79 Personnel: Staff reports re Employee benefits, appointments 1979 -81 Grade Crossing: Correspondence 1957 Budget: City Gen. correspondence; 1981 -82 Reference Materials /Reports 1982 -83 CITY: ALAMEDA Resolution fi DEPT: City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" Prepared by: N.J. Hislop Page of Approved: RECORDS DESTRUCTION LIST Department Head City Attorney Date: Date: Box /Loc. 32 Inclusive Dates Content Description From To Reports: Secretary of State Voting Reports Emergency Plan, City, xtra copy Finance Director Quarterly Fin. Reports Bd. of Equalization Annual Reports (State) Xtras, West End. Comm. Impr. Plan, City Xtra, Housing Authority Consolid. Feasibility Xtra, Consumer Opinion Survey Xtra, Cable Franchise Appl. Evaluation Report Xtra, Oakland Airport Traffic Impact Analysis No. Cal. Power Agency Annual Report; xtra copies, Geothermal project Draft, Landfill Gas Lease proposed E.B. MUD Annual Report; Citizens Cte. Interim Report on Water Mgmt. Plan; Workshop workbook, Joint Water Study State Office of Emergency Services Blank Forms END DESTRUCTION LIST 1980 -81 1982 1961 -82 198( -84 1982.83 1982 1983 1982 1983 1983 -84 1986 1983 1984 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 17th of May, 1988, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Camicia, Haugner, Monsef, Thomas and President Corica - 5. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 18th day of May, 1988. City erk of the City of Alameda