Matarrese 496late Independent Expenditure Report Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. LATE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT ~NA~M~E~O~F~F~IL~E~R~--------------------------~~~~~~~~~--..,.--0-a_te __ o_f ______________ __, ______ ~D~at~e~S~ta_m_p ______ 'lllllll_ 10130106 Committee for Frank Matarrese This Filing _____ _ AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER 1.D. NUMBER (if applicable) (51 O) 522-6100 1247509 Report No. _____ _ STREET ADDRESS D Amendment to Report No. ____ _ CITY STATE ZIP CODE (explain below) 1 No. of Pages----- 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure I CITY OF ALAME CITY CLERK'S OF NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Frank Matarrese NIA OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE BALLOT NO./LETTER JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE Alameda City Council NIA " NIA NIA 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE AMOUNT 10130/06 Mark Reilly -Print Pro Design and printing of campaign mailer 4450.25 10130/06 Mark Reilly -Print Pro Postage for campaign mailer 1425.00 Reason for Amendment: d ~ ( i J# /o 6 ----------------,~~. ~ tr:J/~(;110; FPPC Form 4!{6.(January/05) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) late Independent Expenditure Report Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. LA TE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT ----------------------------------~----------------------------~--~--------------..-......................................... ....... NAME OF FILER Committee for Frank Matarrese AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER LD. NUMBER (ifapplicable) (510) 522-6100 1247509 STREET ADDRESS 29 Courageous Court CITY STATE ZIP CODE Alameda CA 94501 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure Date of This Filing __ 1_1_10_3_1_06 __ Report No. ------ 0 Amendment to Report No. ----- (explain below) No.of Pages _____ _ Date Stamp CALIFORNIA 4n e FORM am For Official Use Only NAME OF CANDIDAl'E SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE BALLOT NOJLETTER 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE 11/02/06 Firefighters Print and Design -Newsletter printing invoice Reason for Amendment: _______________________________ _,__ JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE AMOUNT 3064.67 FPPC Form 496 (Jan/03) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 866/275-3772 • ate Contribution Report Type or print In Ink . Amounts may be rounded to whore dollars. Date of This FIUng __ 11_14_1_06~- ·AME OF FILER ~ommittee for Frank Matarrese LO. NUMBER (If apphcebte) REA COOEJPHONE NUMBER :s10) s22-a100 1247509 2 Report No. ------Alla. TREET AOORESS 29 Courageous Court HY STATE !\lamed a CA .ate Contribution(s) Received ZIP CODE 94501 O Amendment to Report No.----- (exp1a1n below} 1 No. of Pages----- DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED (IFCOL'IMITTEE,AL$0 ENT'OR U:t Nl)MBER) 11/4/06 Electrical Workers Local 595 PAC •contributor Codes IND -Individual ID# 1273532 COM-Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH -Other (e.g., business entity) ' PTY -Polltloal Party SCC-Smalf Contributor Commiltee CODE* 0 IND fKJ COM DOTH OP1Y o sec D IND D COM DOTH OPTY D sec D lND D COM DOTH 0 PTY O sec ~eason for Amendment------------------------------ ·.submitted by FAX-11/4/06] ~ u/4(06 CITY OF ALAME A CITY CLERK'S OFF CE IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION ANO EMPLOYER (IF SElF·EMPLO'IEO, ENTER NAME OF'SUSll\IESS) Labor Union Local PAC AMOUNT RECEIVED 1000 O Check if Loan O Check if Loan O Check if Loan FPPC Form 497 (January(05) FPPC Toll-Free Help!lne: 866fASK-FPPC (8661275-377.,1 Type or print in ink. late Contribution Report Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Date of 10/25/06 This Filing _____ _ NAME OF FILER Committee for Frank Matarrese 1 Report No. ------111 AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER 1247509 l.D. NUMBER (if applicable) (510) 522-6100 STREET ADDRESS D Amendment to Report No. ____ _ -Cl_TY __ _:::.._ _____________ -=s=TA-:T=E:----:Z:::IP:-:C:-::0:-:D:;:E-----i (explain below) 1 No. of Pages----- late Contribution(s) Received DATE RECEIVED 10/24/06 *Contributor Codes IND -Individual FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER l.D. NUMBER) Sandre R. Swanson for Assembly FPPC ID #1268689 PTY -Political Party COM-Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH -Other (e.g., business entity) SCC -Small Contributor Committee CONTRIBUTOR CODE* D IND l&l COM D OTH D PTY D sec D IND D COM DOTH DPTY D sec D IND D COM D OTH D PTY D sec Reason for Amendment: _______________________________ ~ Date Stamp ILE OCT 2 5 2006 CITY OF ALAMED ITV CLERK'S OFFI IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME OF BUSINESS) AMOUNT RECEIVED 1500 O Check if Loan O Check if Loan O Check if Loan FPPC Form 497 (January/05) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772)