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Tam 497
Typ•u•rjll'lnt In Inf!. Late Contribution Report .Amavn'l!s m11'!1 b1u .. 111nd~d ta \llllale dollerl5. NAME O' A\.ER Date Of Frien~s for Lena Tam lbls FIJina ---"II ~~~--~--~--~------~_,..~--~~~~--~~--~~--i A"l.Elt COOS.'l'HON1'11.IJ\/lj8;;R LC .... u,,,eu ~~ (510 > 523-93 01 I FPPC # 1267167 Repiort:No. --- STiu:ET Al)CRES$ 2816 Watertoo St. let Rl!prnt No. '460 ( I lg] Amendment - --~~--~~--~----~~------~Sc~;i.re'"'-"""'~-=~~P~::Cc=-:F---------;(~belot.'} 94501 No. of 12.iigBG t ateContrlbuUon(s} Received DATE. RECBVEC 1 (}f:2812001i • CarArilJ...r.or Ctlc&s I NC-Ind Yldueo f\J.J. N ... J.IS URE ::T llDOR'E.SS ""t-.C ::ZIP t:OJ! OF CON'rRIB' ~ 'X:R il'o;oo.mTE!,.o...l!Oli\11\;R :D ~UUi!iil\I I Be,nneU, Samuelse11, Reynolds&. Alard 1301 Marina VUage Pk\"'Y I PTV -Pon~·cail'ally COM-Rec:'~ COmtn«flio& (<;rJ-.g: ~h;;n P>Ytirscc; 07H-O:h11r {et; •• IJU'O.d'l>Sll 6n"J.-Y:> SCC-S-nell CoJTtrt:ilJ!Qr~mr:ir.too CI® =COM :8J O";H 0 Fr'( O sac r.: rrm =COM i:J O<:H OFrY o sec mo J COlv1 DOTH ORV ~ sec ""-,,.... A er ~ Filed Frxm 460 01110."3Ql06 lhis a.m.; w~ told wrmg form; the Form 460 ha.$11le ......,e$Cll ,.,; :men men~ sam11 Fntor!Tllltion as lhis form: Cali 9011 R~s {510) 759-3236 f<Y" ctricalon if needed. Tuanks! Oale.Stamp- E CALIFORNIA 49' 1"0Ri"o1 l 1:;..!111'.0.V«lU.ltl, ENTER n:::CUF'ATltltl'l<.-;c El$"_q.i'ER I. •ll'!!L~.Jl'l'eC-l!M"!lt•;,MEOl'UJSal!!5~1 LewfTrm .c!t I 3DDC .i){) = C'le:;it :I L:;:;;n 0 Cr.eek II Lllitll f'"PPC Fenn 4G1' (Jlllllll&r!{ifl!} Jll'Pl'e foll-Fr.a MalJlfifllll: 86&/AS'!t-l'PPC (l!lliEin?Q..311:2)