Ezzy Ashcraft 496l. E Ill n S) .. -t S) late Independent Expenditure Report STREE ADDRESS OAmendment to Report No. -----(explain below) No. of Pages _ __,,,Q..,·,_..=.; CITY STATE ZIP CODE '94501 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF CA.ttDIDR'E SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED IJ\IAME OF BALLOT MEir.SU!'tE SUPPORTlitl OR OPPOSED OFFICE $OUGHT OR HEW l°IS!R!CT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE isALLOT NO.fl.ETTER rUR!SOICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE 2. Independent Expenditure$ Made Attar:h addition at Information on appropriately labe/Gd continuation sheet.a. DATE DESCRIPTION Of' EXPENDITURE AMOUNT 10/zz./otf Mwt<. ·1<.e.i 1 l t;'" i--Pn nJ-~ M.cdl& /7.a·roc)1~ ~ ¢.4£4-o ,o I ' • (C7r11p;;;>i'61'1 ~~ S?n Lav-t:.n3P1 Or q<+'586 I oj '2.2 .. j D'-f M.o..l k:.:(Zei ily /Pn~ j\{cLi 10"" )'Brr;;ch WU-4 ~ 28Lf'S, 00 L/?oskt0 S;m Loveyru, ·C::~ 9~ ._, Reason for Amendment: _____________________________________ _ FPPC Fann 496 (Jan/03) FPPC TOll·Free Helpline: 866/ASK·FPPC 8661275-3772 Lam Independent Expenditure Report t:/\! Ii OWJI/\ 496 IORM -...-.-..,,,,...-------------------------------------11.c. NUMBER (lleppllce/JJt) . OA'TE RECEIVED ro}i9 10) IB ll=·I IC, 101 zo io{27- l0/2-2- l'UL.L NAME, STftEET ADDRESS ANO ZIP CODE OF CONTRllUTOR (II' COw.!rt!&. Al.Ila llHWt t.O, NUM'llEll) ·f'.Y.:mk. J:, ...P,+-n c:...i.c:-·-ed::d + . ~j q~2.. -i;;>r. '1?• ~d ~ K-1ns . • Awnno.&?-/ Ck 9f5:Jz_ ./..}Ll...Lv) Sa-LL.Sc!- :~~ '94601 M. ICYY.:>cl ~ M~ -H-oH'is A L~.6 J Ck ~4$:) I Al"iDw..Sh~ Ma v+-c ... 3e:...vi ·~ ~,CA~l LLJ..cy ~~'1ej ~ -.. ~I C4 Cf4-5CJi ••Contributor Codes IND -lndMdual CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIOtJAL, ENT&R OCCUA<\TION OOOE*"' ANO EMPl.OV&\R UF SEU'ol!Ml'\.OYE!l, l!NTER NMIE OF SUSINE68) ~ ND --t<ezr~t M~/ ""'COM I= OTH L~u..n As~ . ..:U,c... Im P'li" ~~_,, sec ~ IND ~ .. Sc:;e..n-h-:,+-J COM ii: OTH '13u.Jex. 16ioSC'1~ ""'PTV == sec ~io.NO ;,,, COM ~4-ii-cd ,_ OTH = P'li" ' sec ' ~ ND ·~ I COM ~ i... OTH = PlY ""' sec ~ IND OpJ-crn1of-rf~+-""COM ""OTH "" PTY sec ~ NO I= COM ._ OTH """ PTY sec *M&;ior donor ancf Independent expenditure OO!IUlllUeff that do not receive conbibullons a~ not required lo complete Part 3. COM -Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) O'TH-Other PTY -Polllical Party sec -Small Conlribu1or Committee 1 '2..70C(<,p5 AMOUNT INTEREST RAl'ES Rl!CE/VEO lflo111n, .$ 100-enter Interest rate, If any % Uloan, -$ IOD~ enter Interest rate, tf any % If loan, ~2CO-enter lntereet rate, If any % If loan, $156-enter lntereat rate, if any % If loan, ~lei)-enter Interest rate, If any % If loan, ~iCCi-enter Interest rate-, If any % FPPC Fenn 4H (Janl03> FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8'8/ASK·FPPC 81111275-3172 Late Independent Expenditure Report 3 Contributions of $100 or More Received* . OATI: RECEIVED 1ojz:z. FULL NAME, STREeT ADDRESS AN!> ZIP COOE Of CONTRIBUTOR (IF COP&l!T'IE:. ALSO i;NTeR 1.0. NIJMBEl\} o~c.-·~1~ ~~~-A' ' I CA 9+.5(:) I .. Contributor Codes IND -lndMdual CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDtVIOUAt., ENTER OCCU~TION ANO EMPLOYER CODE** (IF SELF·5MPl.OVE0, ENTER NAME OF BUSINESS! ~~ "?C~Y ~~~ R~ '/<c:oL.?f B~ B~ nscc ~~ oscc l.,..JINO 8COM OTH R~ WIND B~ R~ 8~ B~ ii sec •Major donor and Independent expenditure committees that do not receive contributions are not required lo complete Part 3. COM -Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH-Olfler PlY -Political Party SCC -Small Contributor Committee AMOUNT RECEIVED 4100- CALIFOR~JIA 49c FORM 0 INTEREST RATES If klan, enter interest rate, if a11y % If loan, enter interest rate, if any % If Joan, enter interest rate, if any % If loan, enter interest rate, if any % lfloan, enter interest rate, if any % If loan, enter interest rate, if any % FPPC Form 496 (Jan/031 FPPC Toll-FNe Helplllle: 866/ASK-FPPC 86111275-3772