Janet Gibson for School Board 497- ...l 0 0 :I: L) U') U') l-o {Q t\l l\l 0 .... Late Contribution Report Type or prinl in Ink Arnoun!s may be roandl!-d lo whole dorlarts. O Amendmenl lo Repo11 No. --------,-~, .....:__:..,,:_.:i.. __ .,LL...JL,;,L..;,.,,~J,,,,_!,..i,_,_,..:!;;:::..J. ___ ,=~=·---::;:;:,-::::::::-;::----""'1 (el<piain t;e!Ow) No. of Pages • l.ate Contribution(s) Received ~--~~--~~-·---~-~~~~~----~~~~--~-----~·-·~~--,r-·~~-~""j-·~~-~;:;;:.~1 ~';-~~--,~~AMOV:-=-~N~T~ f'ULL NMAE, MAIUf\ G APOR F.SS Af\'D Zif' cooe OF CO'lTRiBVTOR RECEl\/EO DATE AC-ct'IVED Codes -Individual 411'(;-0MIK!TEE:, MOOUrtEA:ro. IJU'llSE~ -Recipient Cornminee (o:l'1er lhanPTY or SCCJ -Other CJD v Reason for Amendmen!: __,Z,t~2--:~:__.tf~:Z.:~~~~':6:~~=~3:;~i.,,,-----------·-­o -0 :> 0 z: fPPC Fo1m '491' (J1Jnel{)l} FPPC Toll·free Helpline: 666/ASK·FPPC