Pat Bail 496-= late Independent Expenditure Report Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. NAME OF FILER /J /;-/ ,C),:}1L 1.D. NUMBER (if applicable) /~(p J35.!/ AREA~DE/PHONfNUMBER • cs-nJ; Ft s-e:L7/~ STREET ADDRESS J? ;( s-,/ STATE ZIP CODE CA 9¥5d/ 1. list Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure Date of This Filing ..&-/ Report No.------" D Amendment to Report No. ____ _ (explain be1owi It> r No. of Pages k LATE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT Date Stamp NAME OF CANDIDA~UPPORTED OR OPPOSED NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED ;.;. .,-.13 /.;}1 ~ OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD/DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE BALLOT NO./LETTER //-.t. ;t:Jm C£°P A C, ry ~l.l'ttre.1L-. 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE !~if;¥ /4-t..19-mt:/J'9 J' u Al -11/ ezv.:s,,OME~ HZ> ffNe..tNJIJ.L A-VF ~~~ e-y/r Sr12Are-G/e9' -/Y)/?-/L-~ l~.z-j1 ~x1r S}-~A-rG"a/e-S -./lJ /4/ L--.&::-7f.. %z,-Jo51 H£-IJ-ml:?' ZJ-4-JoLIJeNl9L -~-ZUS./J~Je -------JU RISO JC Tl~ SUPPORT OPPOSE /JD AMOUNT # -9'" ..Z.~67, X> # 3 / 7J/.d~ 4 ..:? tOd?~ tJO # ..;:J;;zttJdJ, oa FPPC Form 496 (June/01) FPPC Toll·Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC Late Independent Expenditure Report Type or print In Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. LATE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT __________ __,.,.... __________________________________________________________ ,.._ ______________ _ NAME OF FILER Date of k /_ , /, / Date Stamp AREA C°'E/PHONE NUM/3ER l 'S10 J ft, 5 ;2.. 7/¥ 1.0. NUMBER (llsppllcableJ /;t, 6/g5~ STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE (! /.f-9L/So/ 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure This Fiiing / ?1 /.eZ .Y/~_7' l 7 Report No. .6 -/ D Amendment to Report No.----- (explain below) ;l. pj& ,:2-No. of Pages----- NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUP~POSED ,/J4r 154-/L-- OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD/DISTRICT NO. ~ SUPPORT OPPOSE BALLOT NO./LETTER JURISDICTION ~ HL. ;tfmEO~ Ctry t'/4;../e/L- 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach additional Information on appropriately taooted continuation sheets. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE 1 ~Blof EI/ 19/11 s/ /J?~ 2>t? I/ t:JL/t; # -Ct11--/Jt/?T Reason for Amendment:------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA 496 FORM For Officlar Use Only SUPPORT OPPOSE AMOUNT # ~ §tf}L(}, /jO FPPC Form 496 (June/01) -----.. -. . . .. ---. --. ~ ~· -