Resolution 12274CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 12274 APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992 -93, AND APPROPRIATING CERTAIN MONEYS FOR THE EXPENDITURES PROVIDED IN SAID FISCAL YEAR WHEREAS, there has been submitted to and filed with this Council at this meeting, a budget representing financial plan for conducting the affairs of the City of Alameda for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992 and ending June 30, 1993 attached hereto as Exhibit A, and a Capital Improvements Budget for said fiscal year; WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the two -year spending plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that said budget as submitted to this Council at this meeting, and each and every part thereof, be, and the same is hereby, approved and adopted as the Operating Budget and Capital Improvements Budget for the City of Alameda for the fiscal year 1992 -93, and the expenditure of the various sums of money therein provided to be spent for salaries and wages, maintenance and operation, capital outlay and capital improvements by each department therein listed in detail are hereby approved and authorized in total by the above object classification, as the appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1993. CITY OF ALAMEDA SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF FUNDS Exhibit A - Page 1 of 2 ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED BALANCE REVENUES APPROPRIATIONS BALANCE 6 -30-92 1992 -93 1992 -93 6 -30-93 GENERAL FUND - CURRENT $11, 227 $37,385,445 $37,159,030 $237,642 RESERVE FOR COMPENSATED LEAVE 934,505 D 0 934,505 RESERVE - PERS ONE -TIME CREDITS 1,000,000 889,000 0 1,689,000 RESERVE FOR ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTIES 5,038,741 0 0 5,038,741 Sub total General Fund $ 6,984,473 $38,074,445 837,159,030 $7,899,888 n= =sasass ::==sass::: Undesignated Reserves as percent of operating 16.95% 16.76% ::::sa=ss =in sa=sas=s SPECIAL FUNDS AFFORDABLE HOUSING 5415,822 30,000 0 445,622 AIRPORT EXPANSION STUDY 0 50,000 50,000 0 ASSET SEIZURE FUNDS* 573,513 200,000 200,000 573,513 ATHLETIC TRUST FUND 145,529 485,500 466,000 145,029 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 18,143 28,082,981 28,082,981 16,143 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 0 1,177,927 894,062 483,865 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT #1 4,545,067 150,000 3,500,000 1,195,067 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT #2 459,935 30,000 429,935 60,000 CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENT FUND 71,721 75,000 35,000 111,721 DEBT SERVICE FUND 9,422.269 714,392 2,114,392 8,022,269 DWELLING UNIT FUND 294,789 50,000 149,000 195,789 EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION 122,971 262,865 262,665 122,971 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 18,888 431,580 431,580 18,888 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING 0 0 FIRE EQUIPMENT FUND 27,871 140,000 150,000 17,871 GARBAGE SURCHARGE 0 80,500 57,250 23,250 GAS TAX 687,649 1,525,840 2.243.909 (30,820) GENERAL LIABILITY 700,588 1,077,880 960,755 817,713 GOLF ENTERPRISE 881,462 2,145,240 2,239,340 787,362 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION FUND**** (1,729,652) 162,000 162,000 (1,729,652) LIBRARY OPERATING FUND 0 1,482,520 1,482,520 0 LOCAL ACCESS FUND 954 0 0 954 LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING - 0 98,560 40,845 55,715 LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING - 247,000 623,410 884,020 4,390 MEASURE B 727,025 764,000 1,317,400 173,625 MUSEUM TRUST 68,311 5,000 0 73,311 PARKING IN LIEU FUND 6,159 0 0 6,159 PARKING METER FUND 227,662 95,000 180,677 136,985 PENSION 1079 2,378,510 2,825,000 2,825,000 2,376,510 PENSION 1082 920,504 125,000 150,000 895,504 POLICE/FIRE IMPACT FEES 59,771 30,000 22,130 67,641 RECYCLING PROGRAM 896 0 0 896 REDEVELOPMENT" WEST END (681,619) 2,497,955 2,610,960 (774,824) REDEVELOPMENT ** BWIP (248,963) 394,245 814,250 (668,968) REHABILITATION REPAYMENT 451,389 96,000 547,389 SENIOR CITIZENS TRANSPORTATION 14,221 145,590 127,590 32,221 SEWER FUND*** 4,206,080 2,917,275 6,382,125 741,230 TIDELANDS (284,296) 150,000 142,250 (276,548) TOPICS 0 0 TRAFFIC SAFETY FOAM 0 95,000 95,000 0 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT FUND 306,354 130,000 951,487 (515,113) CITY OF ALAMEDA SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF FUNDS Exhibit A - Page 2 of 2 ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED BALANCE REVENUES APPROPRIATIONS BALANCE 6 -30-92 1992 -93 1992 -93 6-30-93 UDAG 1,975,666 162,000 2,138,666 UNEMPLOYMENT 13,798 30,000 30,000 13,798 URBAN RUNOFF SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 0 321,000 321,000 0 WASTE MANAGEMENT /RECYCLING FUND 175,000 228,385 228,385 175,000 WEST LAGOON HOMEOWNERS (41,855) 62,000 20,145 WORKERS COMPENSATION TRUST (1) (794,914) 565,000 730,810 (960,724) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS —TOTAL COMBINED TOTAL 'Certificates of participation was issued for the jail construction in anticipation of future asset seizure funds and AB 1800 fees. ' ° Redevelopment receives a loan from General Fund until such time as the District's share of tax increment is sufficient to fund its activities. ***This reflects the unfunded obligation for revenue bonds issued in 1987 and is to be repaid from future sewer revenue collections. **•" Library Construction Fund has a $1,800,00 loan obligation from UDAG Fund. (1) Workers' Compensation Trust Balance includes reserve requirements from claims filed by employees of the Enterprise Funds as well as the General Fund employees Rev 6/19/92 City Atty — Muni Court Costs Chamber of Commerce subsidy 328,401,018 550,692,245 $33,385,491 $88,786,690 361,545,298 315,542,965 PAGE 2 398,704,328 $23,442,853 Exhibit B ai c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. ƒ — ( 0 % $ k $ $ cox c k - C n 2 / R CO 2 ~ CM ^ CV ■ • m 0 q w =E t�c2 c _2 0 0 o 0 7 @72 _= R c c c - _ �_ w 2@ ©g 2 / 7 ° 7 § c �c q 2 °ago ccsc 2 25 &2 • c m -0 ° 2 k E 2 kƒ a o c / w - 2 0 0 0 0 — ■ = m v• c C , - ✓ << / CO CO 2§ k k 13 * % el cr) cc7# q 0 ..JJO 0 a0 k22 £ 2 . ,.,c- c.) ' c o ( 2 e / §i m o $ 2 E _ _ £ m $ 0 2 t 2 - k&§ Q) 2 ~� a CO k � °! c Q c 2 Ea03 Tli k � ° 2 2 2 = u « Q J 2 2 C m k 0 k 2 e, =_ 2 V = • W_ 2 k 0 7 0; c 0 2 O c ■= a 0 2} a m O a • 2 2 § O 4 D k 2 2 & | Prepared: 04/14/92 by DCB for TO I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in special meeting assembled on the 25th day of June , 1992, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Lucas, Roth and President Withrow - 5. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 26th day of June , 1992. (-\ /,;„, iqt-e -6t9 ) Diane\-13. Felsch, City Clerk City of Alameda