Resolution 12691CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 12691
WHEREAS, City of Alameda is the lead agency in the preparation
of an Initial Study, IS-95-5, to determine the potential
environmental effects that would be associated with a proposal to
adopt an Interim Leasing Program for the interim reuse of Naval Air
Station Alameda and proposals to approve two Use Permits under the
Interim Leasing Program: 1) CALSTART - Reuse of Building 20 for a
business incubator which includes the production of electric
vehicles, and 2) City of Alameda - for reuse of Parcels 144 and 132
for a soccer field and parking area; and
WHEREAS, a proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration was
circulated for public comment between September 15, 1995 and
October 4, 1995; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board held a public hearing on this
Mitigated Negative Declaration on October 9, 1995, examined
pertinent documents and comments and recommended that the City
Council adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration, IS-95-5; and.
WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on this
Mitigated Negative Declaration on October 9, 1995, and examined
pertinent maps, drawings, and documents; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has made the following findings:
The projects do not have the potential to substantially
degrade the quality of the environment, substantially
reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause
a fish and wildlife population to drop below self-
sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or
animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range
of a rare or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate
important examples of the major periods of California
history or prehistory.
Interim Lease Program: Each interim lease will be
reviewed by both the City of Alameda and the Navy to
ensure that adequate safeguards are imposed on the lessee
to eliminate any potential environmental degradation.
Further, due to requirements imposed by the Section 106
consultation pursuant to the National Historic
Preservation Act, the Navy and the City of Alameda will
be reviewing any proposed exterior modifications to
ensure the context of the historical district is
Building 20: The proposed project is in an existing
developed industrial area of the base. No endangered,
threatened, rare or sensitive species are present in the
area, nor would any be affected by the proposed reuse.
Conditions placed on the lessee will ensure that wetlands
areas and endangered species habitat areas are not
accessible. Proposed exterior modifications have been
reviewed and approved by the State Historic Preservation
Parcels 144 and 132: The proposed project is in an
existing developed area of the base. No endangered,
threatened, rare or sensitive species are present in the
area, nor would any be affected by the proposed reuse.
Conditions placed on the lessee will ensure that wetlands
areas and endangered species habitat areas are not
accessible. These parcels are not located within the
historic area.
2. The projects do not have the potential to achieve short
term, to the disadvantage of long term, environmental
Interim Lease Program: The impact of the interim leases
will be the reuse of existing facilities so there will be
no shcrt-term additional impacts.
Building 20: The proposed project is the reuse of an
existing industrial hanger. No short-term impacts will
be generated by this use.
Parcels 144 and 132: The proposed project will have no
short-term impacts because it is the reuse of an existing
training field and parking area.
3. The projects do not have possible environmental effects
which are individually limited but cumulatively
Interim Lease Program: Although the interim leases will
occur individually, they will all involve the reuse of
existing facilities so the proposed interim leases will
involve activities which are similar in scope and
activities to those presently being conducted.
Building 20: There are no cumulative impacts associated
with the reuse of this airplane hanger facility for
another industrial use which is similar in scope and
activities being conducted and will be approved for an
initial lease period of five years.
Parcels 144 and 132: There are no cumulative impacts
associated with the reuse of this training field for
another recreational use, a soccer field, which is
similar in scope and activities being conducted, for a
lease period of ten years.
4. The projects do not have environmental effects which will
cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either
directly or indirectly.
Interim Lease Program: Each interim lease involves the
preparation of an Environmental Baseline Survey which the
Navy uses for risk assessment. Only those parcels which
are found not to have an adverse effect on human beings
will be able to be leased.
Building 20: The findings of the Environmental Baseline
Survey for this property have determined that, with
conditions, this property is suitable for lease.
Although this building is -locat.6d within an air—Crash--
area, the impacts to humans are similar to those
presently experienced by persons using this facility so
the proposed project will not result in an increase in
hazards to public safety.
Parcels 144 and 132: The findings of the Environmental
Baseline Survey for this property have determined that,
with conditions, this property is suitable for lease.
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that although these projects
could have a significant effect on the environment with respect to
soil distiacement, erosion, seismic safety, air quality, odors,
water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, noise, light and glare,
land use, risk of upset, emergency response plans, transportation,
public services, utilities, and historic resources, there will not
be a significant effect in this case because of the mitigation
measures added to the projects; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the Mitigation
Monitoring Program for the projects, attached hereto as Exhibit
"A", which shall be adopted as part of this Resolution and finds
that these mitigation measures adequately mitigate the
environmental effects of the projects.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of
Alameda hereby adopts Mitigated Negative Declaration, IS-95-5.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Alameda
hereby adopts the Mitigation Monitoring Program, Exhibit "A".
Following are the mitigation monitoring programs for (1) the
Interim Lease Program for Naval Air Station Alameda, (2) CALSTART
(UP-95-11), and (3) the City of Alameda Soccer Field (UP-95-19).
These programs describe the responsibilities of the project
proponent(s) and the City of Alameda to assure compliance with the
mitigation measures identified in the Environmental Initial Study,
which are incorporated as conditions of approval of the Use
Soil Displacement
Pr000nent: interim lessees applying for a Use Permit shall
specify whether their project will require utility trenching and/or
soil stockpiling.
City: If utility trenching is required, the construction
permits will include conditions to ensure that there is adequate
bracing during construction, that the soil is stockpiled or
replaced and returned to its previous state upon completion of the
trenching, and that dust is controlled. At the plan check and
field check stage, City inspectors will verify compliance with
these conditions.
Proponent: Interim lessees applying for a Use Permit shall
specify whether the use would occupy any of the piers or would
require maintenance dredging.
City: The Use Permit will include appropriate conditions for
responsibility for maintenance dredging. The City will inform the
Navy, which maintains the dredged channel, of these conditions.
Seismic Safety
Proponent: Interim lessees applying for a Use Permit shall
provide information about the susceptibility to earthquake damage
of the building(s) proposed for use, based on the 1993 NAS Master
Plan or more recent information.
Ci v: Any interim lease involving buildings in need of
seismic upgrading shall be required to upgrade those buildings
prior to occupancy, as a condition of approval of the Use Permit.
At the plan check and field check stages, City inspectors will
verify compliance with this condition.
Air Quality
Proponent: Interim lessees shall specify whether their
project will have air emissions or odors which require air quality
permits for either new source emissions or the transfer of existing
permits to new operators. Interim lessees shall obtain necessary
permits from the Say Area Air Quality Management District and
provide information to the City regarding air quality requirements,
including equipment and/or monitoring.
City: For any interim lease requiring a permit from the Bay
Area Air Quality Management District, the City shall ensure that
a permit is applied for and received by the proponenet. Any
conditions imposed by the permit will be enforced by the Bay Area
Air Quality Management District.
Water Quality
Proponent: Interim lessees shall provide detailed information
in their Use Permit applications to determine whether water
discharges may be associated with the proposed re-use.
City: If it is determined that there is a potential water
quality impact, the lessee shall be required as a condition of
approval of the Use Permit to comply with the City's Urban Runoff
Ordinance. Through spot field checks, City staff will verify
compliance with this condition.
Animal Life
Proponent: Interim lessees shall provide detailed information
about the locations of wetlands and/or endangered species habitat
that are within one-half mile of the building(s) proposed for re-
City: The City will work with the Navy and the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service regarding the need for a Section 7 Consultation
and appropriate conditions. These conditions will be included as
conditions of approval of the Use Permit. These conditions may
include prohibitions on visits to wetlands or endangered species
habitat, participation in the maintenance costs for the protection
of the California Least Tern, and/or prohibition of outdoor
activities during the nesting and breeding season. The City will
inform the Navy and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of these
requirements. Thrcugh spot field checks, City staff will verify
compliance with these conditions.
Proponent: Interim lessees shall provide information
regarding anticipated noise generation levels, compared to the
existing noise levels in the building(s) proposed for re-use.
City: Any use found to increase the noise level may be
required, as a condition of Use Permit approval, to mitigate noise
levels. Mitigations may include insulating or baffling noise
sources. At the plan check and field check stages, City inspectors
will verify compliance with these conditions.
Licht and Glare
Proponent: Interim lessees applying for a Use Permit shall
specify whether their project will require any additional exterior
lighting, and shall specify the locations and intensities of this
City: As a condition of approval of the Use Permit, all
proposed exterior lighting will be required to be limited to the
lowest intensity consistent with its purpose, and to be oriented
downwards and away from sensitive receptors. At the plan check and
field check stages, City inspectors will verify compliance with
these conditions.
Land Use
Proponent: Interim lessees applying for a Use Permit shall
describe in detail all activities proposed for each building.
City: The City will evaluate all uses for conformance with
the M-2 Zoning District and the Public Trust Doctrine. Uses not
conforming to the M-2 district shall not be approved. Uses found
to be inconsistent with the Public Trust Doctrine shall be limited
in to no more than a total of 25 years (initial use permit plus
extensions), if necessary.
Emergency Response Plan
City: Conditions of approval of any Use Permit shall require
that the interim lessee provide information about the Navy's
emergency response program to building occupants. City staff from
the Fire Department Disaster Preparedness Division will verify
compliance with this condition through spot checks.
Transportation /Circulation
Proponent: Interim lessees applying for a Use Permit shall
describe in detail the numbers of workers and visitors estimated to
be in the building(s) at all times, their anticipated times of
arrival, and their anticipated mode of transportation. Interim
lessees shall also provide detailed information about expected
access and egress by freight and service vehicles, including
numbers and types of vehicles each day and their times of access
and egress.
City - Traffic Generation: The City will review the traffic
generation of both the proposed use and the Navy operation. As the
Navy drawdown continues, there will be a limited amount of capacity
available for peak hour trips based on the reduction from the 1990
Navy traffic levels. This capacity will be made available on a
first -come, first - served basis to interim lessees. Once the Navy
peak hour capacity is depleted, each Use Permit will be conditioned
* require pro rata payment of appropriate mitigations, or
* provide an alternate transportation system management
approach, such as remote parking with a shuttle service,
subject to review and approval by the Engineering Division of
the City of Alameda Department of Public Works, if it is
determined that with the mitigation there will be no
significant impact on peak hour traffic, or
* require operation outside of a.m. /p.m. peak hours
(starting times before 7:30 a.m. and ending times before 4:40
p.m.), so that the traffic generation will not impact those
time periods and pro rata payment would not be necessary.
Proponent - Traffic Improvements: Lessees whose interim uses
change from being interim (i.e. 10 years or less) to long -term
shall be responsible for payment of a pro rata share of mitigations
for traffic impacts to other key intersections, such as
Atlantic /Webster and Seventh /Harrison in Oakland, as a condition of
approval of the Use Permit.
Proponent - Transportation Systems Management: Each interim
lessee with more than 50 employees shall be required to comply with
the City's Transportation Systems Management program, as a
condition of approval of the Use Permit. Requirements shall
include periodic reporting by employers. (NOTE - Should the Lewis
Bill pass in September 1995, this program will be modified to meet
new State Law.)
Proponent - Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities: Each interim
use shall be required to pay either a proportionate share of
pedestrian and bicycle improvements or to install a proportion of
those improvements up to an equivalent amount. This proportionate
share will be calculated based upon the existing deficiencies, the
number of employees and the length of the interim lease. Interim
uses of less than five years will not be required to pay for any
improvements since their use is considered too temporary for cost
recovery. Likewise, interim uses with less than fifty employees
will not be required to pay for any improvements, consistent with
the established threshold for the Transportation Systems Management
program. Proponent will determine whether to contribute to an
improvement fund or make the equivalent improvements.
Each interim lessee shall also be required to install bicycle
storage facilities for at least 5 percent of the expected
workforce, as a condition of approval of the Use Permit.
City - Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities: The City Public
Works Department will monitor and collect the improvement payments
at the appropriate time or enter into agreement regarding what
improvements should be made in order to satisfy an equivalent
amount. City inspectors will verify compliance with the
construction requirements at the plan check and field check stages
of the interim uses.
Public Services
Proponent: Interim lessees applying for a Use Permit shall
provide information about what, if anything, the proponent intends
to provide related to fire protection, crime prevention, utilities,
and other services.
City: All Use Permits will include conditions to require the
payment of a public service fee or payment in lieu of taxes for
public services and utilities upon departure of the Navy. The City
Finance Department will monitor and collect these payments at that
Cultural Resources
Proponent: All interim lessees within the Historic District
shall advise the City of their intent to modify either the interior
or exterior of the buildings and structures. Lessees whose use
involves building modification shall complete a Section 106
consultation with the State Historic Preservation Office, and shall
provide the City with information about the recommendations from
that office.
City: Use Permits for buildings within the Historic District
will include recommendations from the State Historic Preservation
Office as conditions of approval. City inspectors will verify
compliance with these conditions at the plan check and field check
Responsibility for Monitoring Costs
Proponents shall be responsible for the costs associated with the
requirements in the Mitigation Monitoring Program. A deposit shall
be paid annually to the City Planning Department to cover the costs
of the City's monitoring efforts during the construction phase and
for each year of the lease. The amount of the deposit will depend
upon the individualized program for each interim lease. The
initial deposit shall be paid prior to the issuance of building
permits for the project. In the event that the interim lease is
extended beyond the initial lease period, or should the Planning
Board require that the scope or intensity of City monitoring
efforts be increased because of a documented need for additional
review, the amount of deposit shall be renegotiated by Proponent
and City. City staff will record the time spent in monitoring the
development and operation of the project, and deduct said
expenditures from the balance. Upon expiration of the monitoring
program, the outstanding balance shall be refunded to the
In exception to this provision, City staff time devoted to plan
check and construction phase inspections that are ordinarily
associated with construction projects in the City of Alameda will
not be billed to the Proponent under the Mitigation Monitoring
Program. Instead, City plan check and building permit fees will be
collected in accordance with City policy to address these costs.
The following conditions of approval will be included in the
CALSTART Use Permit and will be monitored by the City.
Number of Employees and Building Use
The maximum number of employees at Building 20 shall be 300;
increases in the number of employees or expansion into other
buildings shall be subject to another Use Permit. City staff will
review employment records to verify compliance with this condition.
Water Quality
CALSTART shall comply with the City's Urban Runoff Ordinance.
City staff will conduct spot checks of the premises to verify
compliance with this condition.
CALSTART shall be prohibited from using ground water. City
inspectors will verify that adequate other sources of water are
provided at the plan check and field check stages.
Animal Life
Employees of CALSTART shall be prohibited from entering
wetland areas or areas of endangered species habitat. City
inspectors will verify compliance with this condition at the field
check stage and through periodic spot checks of the premises.
Land Use
The Use Permit shall be for five (5) years. Any extensions of
the Use Permit shall not exceed 25 years from the date of the
original approval approval unless the use is found to be consistent
with the Public Trust Doctrine.
Emeraencv Response Program
CALSTART shall provide information about the Navy's emergency
response program to tenants. City staff will verify compliance
with this condition through periodic spot checks of the premises.
Transportation /Circulation
CALSTART shall meet the City's Transportation Systems
Management program requirements. (NOTE - Should the Lewis Bill
pass in September 1995, this program will be modified to meet new
State Law.) The City's Engineering Division will monitor
compliance with this condition by reviewing periodic reports from
CALSTART shall either contribute $5,000 toward pedestrian,
bicycle, and other transportation improvements or shall make such
improvements at a cost not to exceed $5,000. The City will either
collect this amount at the appropriate time or enter into agreement
with CALSTART regarding what improvements should be made in order
to satisfy an equivalent amount.
CALSTART shall install bicycle storage facilities for at least
15 bicycles on site. City inspectors will verify compliance with
this condition at the plan check and field check stages.
The City shall work with AC Transit to have the "T" line bus
route rerouted closer to Building 20 for the convenience of
CALSTART workers. If successful in having the "T" line rerouted,
the City shall install a bus shelter in front of Building 20 for
the use of CALSTART workers. CALSTART may construct the shelter as
part of, their transportation improvements required above.
Public Services
Upon the departure of the Navy, CALSTART shall pay a public
service fee or payment in lieu of taxes for public services. The
City's Finance Department will collect this fee or payment at the
appropriate time.
Cultural Resources
For any exterior modifications to the building, CALSTART shall
obtain a Section 106 consultation with the State Historic
Preservation Office, to ensure the modifications are appropriate
and compatible and that they minimize impacts on the architectural
integrity of the building. CALSTART shall inform the City of the
recommendations of the State Office. City staff will verify
compliance with these recommendations at the plan check and field
check stages.
Responsibility for Monitoring Costs
CALSTART shall be responsible for the costs associated with the
requirements in the Mitigation Monitoring Program. A deposit of
$500 shall be paid annually to the City Planning Department to
cover the costs of the City's monitoring efforts during the
construction phase and for each year of the lease. The initial
deposit shall be paid prior to the signing of the lease. In the
event that the interim lease is extended beyond the initial lease
period, or should the Planning Board require that the scope or
intensity of City monitoring efforts be increased because of a
documented need for additional review, the amount of deposit may be
renegotiated by CALSTART and City. City staff will record the time
spent in monitoring the development and operation of the project,
and deduct said expenditures from the balance. Upon expiration of
the lease and the monitoring program, the outstanding balance shall
be refunded to CALSTART.
In exception to this provision, City staff time devoted to plan
check and construction phase inspections that are ordinarily
associated with construction projects in the City of Alameda will
not be billed to CALSTART under the Mitigation Monitoring Program.
Instead, City plan check and building permit fees will be collected
in accordance with City policy to address these costs.
The following conditions have been placed on this Use Permit and
will be monitored by the City.
Soil Displacement
Soil shall be stockpiled and replaced after installation of
the sprinkler system. The property shall be returned to its
previous state upon completion of the system. During the
stockpiling of the soil, the soil shall be either covered or
watered in order to control dust. City inspectors will verify
compliance with these conditions at the plan check and field check
Water Quality
The soccer field operator shall comply with the City's Urban
Runoff Ordinance. City staff will verify compliance with this
condition through periodic site checks.
The City shall pay its proportionate share of traffic
improvements. The City shall identify appropriate budgetary
resources which will be available at the time of the construction
of the improvements.
The City shall install bicycle racks or bicycle storage
facilities on site. City inspectors will verify compliance with
this condition at the plan check and field check stages.
The City shall install pedestrian facilities, crosswalks, and
ramps on the site. City inspectors will verify compliance with
this condition at the plan check and field check stages.
Animal Life
The soccer field shall be fenced to prohibit access to wetland
areas or areas of endangered species habitat. City inspectors will
verify compliance with this condition at the plan check and field
check stages.
Responsibility for Monitoring Costs
All of the monitoring with the exception of the compliance with the
Urban Runoff Program occurs during the construction phase of the
project and is built into the cost of the project. Compliance with
the Urban Runoff Program does not necessitate additional fees to be
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution
was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the
City of Alameda in adjourned regular meeting assembled on the 9th
day of October , 1995, by the following vote
to wit:
AYES: Councilmembers Arnerich, DeWitt, Lucas,
Mannix and President Appezzato - 5.
NOES: None.
IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
official seal of said City this 10th day of October , 1995.
Tammy Brixe} , Deputy
City of Alarheda