Beverly Johnson 496late Independent Expenditure Report Type or print in ink. Amounts may be r6unded to whole dollars. Date qf Ttnr> Filing __ 1.;...1;,;,./0.::..1;,;,./2::;.0.;...:0~2;,_ NAME OF FILER Californians for Neighborhood Preservation AREA CODE/l"HONE NUMBER (510) 52,1861 1.D. NUMBER (if applicable) ~eport No. 1248909 STREET A DRESS 1620 Central Ave, Ste A CITY STATE Alam~dq CA ~. List. pnty One Candidate or Ball,pt Measure Zl~CODE I 9 501 O~mendment to Report No. LIE282002 -21 28 (exJlain below) I N~. of tiages_1 ___ _ ITURE REPORT 496 1 / 1 NAM~ QF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR IPPOSED NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED BevE)fly Johnson \ OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD/DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE BALLOT NOJLETTER Sought: Mayor x i I 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach additional informafion on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. ' DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE 10/28/2002 Seniors fori Bev Johnson I I , 10/28/2002 Postage Homeowners for Bev Johnson I Ref: D I . I I Reason for Amendment JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE AMOUNT 1788.89 3171.23 FPPC Form 496 (June/01) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 866/275-3772 late Independent Expenditure Report Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. LATE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT NAME OF FILER Date of Date Stamp 1248909 This Filing __ 1_1_10_1_12_0_0_2_ ((ii a &1 JS NOV 0 1 I Use Only Californians for Neighborhood Preservation l.D. NUMBER (If applicable) AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER (510) 523-1861 Report No. STREET ADDRESS 0Amendment to Report No. LIE282002 -21 30 CITY STATE ZIP CODE (explain below) Alameda CA 94501 No.of Pages~~~~~-'(!ity Clerk's Off ice 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Beverly Johnson OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD/DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE BALLOT NOJLETTER Sought: Mayor x 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE 10/30/2002 Literature to Support Bev Johnson I 10/30/2002 Literature in Support of Bev Johnson I 10/30/2002 Literature tc . .<; ~ to. UPt 9 61-t f.Jl{) )lit1f'IS llY") I 10/30/2002 Literature to ~ 4t, )upP6Y'lt fx.1) ~c>nvis.~ I Ref: D I Reason for Amendment: JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE AMOUNT 3709.50 3709.50 1116.66 3440.70 FPPC Form 496 (June/01) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 866/275-3772 1 0 1 0 1 9 1 0 1 0 1 0 Late Independent E:icpemditure Report City Clerk's Office MAME OF FILER ------------------< 1.0. NUMBER ~r"~"\:'.a.'..i,,J \'L.. '{ g'l o a .......;, CalJJornian~ .. fc;:_r Nei~hb2£.!!.?..£d Pr_~~~--------~n-· ___ ,_,n·---•-- 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* -· DAIE FULL MAME, STREET /IDORESS ANO ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR COMTRIElUTOR IF l\N INOIVIDUAJ.. ENUR OCCIJPAT!ON AMO EMPLOYER f~ECEIVED (IF C:>:JM•11ITT.f, ALS.:l ElffiORl.O. HUUBERI CODE 0 !)F SELF.SMF1.0VEO. EllTER tl ...... E OF 31.toUIESS) ----OIND /16/02 Signature Properties 0COM D f'TY oscc OIND The Desilva Group 0COM /16/02 Or>rr Fi sec OIND .22.92 0akiland Police Officers Assoc 0COM DOTH oscc DINO /23/02 The Desilva Group 0COM 0PTY oscc QIND /23/02 Doric Realty, Inc 0COM :, oscc --...___. ------· ·---··---··-·---.. LJiNo /24/02 No. CA. Carpenters REgional 0COM ID# 0PTY oscc ---------------- 'Major o~nor ano independent exp-endituro c:immitlees lh<il dn ool receive cor.tlibullons are no! raquired lo complete Part 3. "Contributor Codes IND-lndMduaJ COM -Recipient Comrnittoo (other than PTY or SGC) OTI-1-other PTY -Polilical Party SCC ·-Small Conlril:>u1or CGmmllloo - 1219354 AMOUNT INTEREST RATES RECEIVED 1000.0 If loan, enter Interest rale, if any ·----% 10,000.0 ff loan, enter interest rate, if any % If loan, 10,000.0 enter interest rale, If any % 5,000.0 If loan, enter Interest rate, if any % ·- If loan. 25,000.0 Emler inlerest rate, if any -------~) - II loan, 1,000.0 enter in!eresl rate, If any -----% -·------ FPPC Form 496 (JuneJG1) FPf>C Toll-t-rca Helpline: 866/ASK·FPPC 8661275-3772 Late Independent Expenditure Report LATE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT NAME OF F!LER -------------------~ LO. NUMBER (Jr,.~1t.0:.1J:1J Californians for Neighborhood Preservation ==-• l"'llll!lllll~-ru .. 19111n111~11•----...i..--.. -- 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* 1 0 1 0 1 0 10 10 1 0 1 0 OA!E RECEIVED /29/02 /29/02 /29/02 /29/02 /29/02 /29/03 /29/02 --·- FULL NAME, STREET /IDDRESS Af\'O ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBL1TOR (It: 00Ml.ilrr£E', ALS..:l k;NT::Rl.D. UUUBERI ··- Lahori Ram Cabe, Inc Foster Interstate Media, Inc : Alex Hahn SENTE PAC "Contirlbulor Cooes IND--lndl~JduaJ - CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL. ENTEH OCCLJPATlO!J AMO EMPLOYER CODE•" IJF SELF-EIAPl.OYEO. E/nEJt tl4NE OF ausu1ESS) OIND 0COM . GOTH 0f'TY oscc OIND QCOM oorn 0Prf Fi sec OtND 0COM DOTH QPTY oscc OIND 0COM DOTH 0PTY oscc QIND ID#1238531 QCOM oorn 0PTY oscc QINIJ QCOM DOTH QP1Y oscc 'Major cJJnor and independenl exp-endilurn committees th.al d;, nol raceivEt cor.llibullons are not required lo complete Part 3. COM -Recipient Committee: (olher !han PTY or SCC) Olli-Other PTY -Polilkal Party SCC -··Small Conlrib111or Cooimmae .• AMOUNT INTEREST RATES RECEIVED If loan, ·15,000.00 enter Interest rate, if any -Q _% 17,500.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any " % ~ If loan, enler inlerest rale, If any 10,000.00 % If loan, enter Interest rate, if any 2,500.00 ')(, ·-- 5,000.00 If loan, enter inlerest rate. ii any 4,000.00 _______ % II loan, enter interest rats. if any 2,500.00 _________ ')(, ---.. -~"~ FPf'C Fonn 496 (Jum1Jfl1l FPl'C Toll-Frno Helpline: !Hi6IASK·FPPC 8661215-3772 Late Independent Expenditure Report LATE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT NAME OF F!LER -------------------< LO. NUMBER (lr•'PJlll:".>!1"') ~-·--c_a_1_1_·f_o_r_n_1_·a_n_s for Neighborhood Pr_e_s_e_r_v_:_,t_i_o_n--------~~·---~-j~~~-~~ 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* DllfE RECEIVED 1 0 /.29/02 1 0 /29/02 1 0 /29/02 1 0 /29/02 10 /30/02 1 0 /30/02 ---- FULL NAlllE, STREET ADDRESS ANO ZIP C(JOE OF CONTRIBl.JTOR (I' OOM<llITE.E, ALs..:i !;llTiOR 1.0. UUUBERI -.-- Nor cal Waste Systems Inc A & B Auto Inc HMS Associates Horizon Beverage Co Embarcadero Cove Enterprises "" Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream .. Contributor Codes IND --Individual COflTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAJ.. ENTfR OCCUPATION AMO EMPLOYER CODE'* l)F SELF-EMPl.OYEO. ElnEFt tlllNE OF 9\JSIHESS) QIND QcoM· ID# 921099 "" DOTH 0 f'T'Y oscc OIND QCOM DOTH OPrr Fi sec OIND 0COM DOTH 0PTY oscc LJIND 0COM DOTH 0PTY Oscc -OIND 0COM Dorn 0Pn' oscc TI1ND 0COM QOTH OP1Y oscc I 'Major chnor anti independent expendiluro committees lhaf do nol racaiv& cor.!Jlbullons are not r<?quired lo complete Part 3 COM -Recipient Commlttoo (other than PTY or SCC} OlH--Olher PTY -Polilical Party SCC -··Smail Conlribuk>r C<:fnml!l&e - --~- AMOUNT lNTEREST RATES RECEIVED If loan, 1,000.00 enter lnteresl rate, if any ·····------% - ff loan, enler interest rate, if any 1,000.00 % If loan, enter interest rale, If any 750.00 % !f loan, enter Interest r.a1e, if any 1,000.00 _%. If loan, 2,000.00 en1er inleres1 rate. if any ________ % It loan, enter in1eresl rate. if any 10,000.00 % -----·-·· FPPC form 496 (JuneJG1! FPl'C Toll-Frno Helpline: B66JASK-FPPC 866/2"l5-3772 late Independent Expenditure Report Type or print In Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. LATE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT NAME OF FILER Date of Californians for Nei hborhood Preservation This Flllng __ 1_0_/3...;.0;..../2_00-'2c.....: AREACODE/PHONENUMBER f.D. NUMBER (rf applicable) LIE282002 - 510 523-1861 1248909 Report No. STREET ADDRESS OAmendment to Report No. LIE282002 -21 CITY STAT£ ZIP CODE l•Xpltln bolowJ Alameda CA 94501 No. of Pages ____ _ 1. list Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure --·-~~---------NAME OF CANDIDATE 'suPPORTEO OR OPPOSED NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Beverly Johnson OFF[CE. SOUGHT OR HELD/DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE BALLOT NOJLETTER Sought: Mayor x 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach .additional information on appropriately labell!d continuation sheets. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE 10/30/2002 Literature to Support Bev Johnson I 10/30/2002 Literature in Support of Bev Johnson I 10/30/2002 Qf!1 SJ us: at 11@:0AJe I Ref: 0 l'c /3b/ 6 }__, L1t-&rP!ivr~ ·+D ~u f PIJ'ft 6w Jb'hn<t>Y\ I Reason for Amendment: JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE AMOUNT 3709.50 3709.50 Q'I!>- ·3.'-/ L{D I 7 D FPPC Form 496 (June/01) FPPC Tol!.frao Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 86612 75-3 772 Late Independent Expenditure Report LATE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT NAME OF FILER ~~n.LlQ:r_~Q.!2.Q!:h.Q.,Q..<L.~r..YS.t.19..D.-_., __ ,, __ . __ _ 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* - DME FULL MANE, STREIET llDORESS Al\'O ZIP CODE OF CONTRIEllJTOR RECEIVED (I' OOM<llTTU:, ALS."l ENTiOl'l 1.0. UUl.IBERI - 10/30/02 Wulf sberg Reese Colvig & Firstman 10/30/02 Peace Officers Research Assoc of California .. ..._ ... ------·-+----·--------·-·"----··--· ·---·--" I --·· "Ccmlllbulor Codes IND--lndlvldueJ CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL. ENTf:R OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER CODE~* IJF SELF-EIAF\r.l'fEO. EllTER ti.WE OF !USUlf.SS) ·-OtND OcoM 1..oon-1 0 f'TY oscc OIND OcoM QOTH Orirr Fi sec OIND QCOM oarn QPTY ID# 911908 oscc LJIND 0COM DOTH QF'lY oscc -QIMD QCOM OOTI-1 QPTY oscc -0 IND 0COM oarn OP1Y oscc 'Major d~nor and independent expendilurn committees lhal du nol receive cor.tlibullons are not raquired lo comµleto Part 3. COM -Reciµien t Commitioo (o!her than PTY or SCC) Oll-1-0lher PTY -Polilical Party SCC ... Small Conlribulor Ccmmifl&e ·- AMOUNT INTEREST RATES RECEIVED -----------·-·- If loan, 1,000.00 enter lntaresl rale, if any _______ '){, --- if loan, enter interest rate, if .any % If loan, enter interest rate, If any 1,000.00 % IC loan, enter Interest rate, if any 01 "' If loan. enter interest rate. if any "' ---------"' - If loan, enter interest rate, if ariy % I '--------··- FPPC form 496 (JuneJG1j FPPC Toll-Frno Helpline: 866/ASfC·FPPC 866/2lS-3772 .. CD 0 N 0 0) C\J .j.) 0 0 late Independent Expenditure Report NAME OF FILER Californians for Nei hborhood Preservation Type or print In ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Date of This Filing 1012812002 Date stamp LIE2!)wou 1 ~ity Clerk's AREACOOEJPHONENUMBER l.D. NUMBER {itappllcable) 510) 523-1861 1248909 Report No. STREET ADDRESS 0 Amendment to Report No. __ .._ __ CITY Alameda STATE ZIP CODE List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME-OFCANO!OATESUPPORTEOOR OPPOSl:O h Beverlv Jo nson CF"FICE SOUGHT OR HELD/DISTRICT NO. Mayor CA 94501 SUPPORT x No. of Pages ____ _ NAMe oF eALLor MEASURE suPPoRrEo oR oPf'osCity Clerk' 5 Office OPPOSE BALLOT NO.ILETTER JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE Independent Expenditures Made Attach additional information on appropriately labell!!d continuation sheets. DATE 10/28/2002 \.. 'rrertt'I l)r0 -to I I 1,.11 r tZ.t m.11{[= I I I DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE AMOUNT SuppoR: 13DlN tl~· JNJnSrY ) 1788.89 To Sur?o1<r 13-EVP!Zl/ ) cH1l $:)(\/ .?; I 7 / , 2 2.> FPPC Form 496 (8199) For Technical Assistance: 9161322-5660 State of California ~· IQ \J f') Late Independent Expenditure Report 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure Type or print In Ink. Artlounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Date of This Filing -.:.-+-=---"ff!<=:; 0 Amendment lo Report No.----- (explain be' Ow) ·2a2002 Clorkt 1 Offi N/'1/E Of CANDIDATE $.i~PPORTED OR OPf'Oll,EO 17evie.r1"' ~Jt?Mc~.o·n Jby rY11t NAME OF BALI.OT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED OPPORE E!AtlOT NO.ILE1'1 ER 2. lndepende t Expenditures Made Attac/1acldition11I informaUon on appropriately Jabeledcontin11atlon sl>&ets, DA1E DESt;RiF'T!ON OF EXPE'NDITURE \D{?-~02., Ad-«lull--PDS1?1~ &Jr vY\?LtW Reason for Amendment: -------~------- JURISO;CTION SUPPORT OPPOSE AMOUNT )370. c;o FPPC Form 496 (Junc/01) FPPC Toll·Freo Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 866/275-3772 ------·---,., .. __ ---·---------- 'If" lfl °' I:' I ( (;,. lfl I a lfl a ll.. I 0.. I:' (\j lfl 0 N a :.0 N µ tl 0 Late Independent Expenditure Report Type er prlra In Ink. Amounts may b& rounded 10 whole dollers. NAME Ol' FILER t3EVGRLY Date of This Flllng -t---L--1-Jiiio AREA COOl:.IPHONI! llUM8ER 1.0. NUMBER f?ap~t:oab/aJ 5'10 5 .:<.. 3 -S";t/ .3 J :2.. I./'-/ Cf 0 / 'f 2 8 2002 STREET ADDRESS No. of Pages----- 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME QF BAI.LOT MEASURE SUPPORT£0 OR OPPOSEO A~LOT NO.l!.€ITEA JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOS!< 2. Independent Expenditures Made AHsch adrJ/t1'1n•llntcrmatlcm onappf()prlat11lyl111;1)/ad~onllnu111icn11h~ts, DATF. DESCRIPTION OF S~l'ENOITUAF. AMOUNT ir)_~ ;6 2 !f D M lf/L . 9' 'I 7 . . lfV1. ~ ,-~ ~-JI, .. z -I , Q 3() io/~t/o·z 11 [)1111/L , ?Of" S ~,,., ~ ~ 3/ Reason for Amendment:-------------------------------------- FPPC Form 496 (June/01) FPPC Toll·Fme Helpline: 8661/\S K·FPPC D :- late Contribution Report NAME OF FILER J od /\/sot'/ AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER l.D. NUMBER (d appliCllbl•) Type or print In Ink. Amoun1s may be rounded to whole dollars. Date of This Filing 10/ ;:;_ s/o::z, I Report No. ___ / ___ ,, S .2 3 :-__ S-'---/...:-'f=-3--~-'-2_'-l_L/_· 9_o_f ___ ---l -ST_R_E_ET_A_D_D_R-ES::-S-- SID 0 Amendment / 7(J & /'10REL/1/ D to RepdrtNo. ___ _ - ( No. of Pages __ / __ :J Late Contribution(s) Made .... () ~ :l! .JJ ...J Ll >-I-..... u a: 0 w ...J a: f1;J lf) V- O) 0 C\l 0 Ln (\j +> 0 0 I DATE FULL NAME, MAILING ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF RECIPIENT CANDIDATE AND OFFICE OR MADE (IF COMMITIE~. ALSO EN1"ER l.D. NUMBER) MEASURE AND JURISDICTl()N oj2s/tJ:<. W~+~~ ~ ~~ ,· /fp/~ ~~ ~ 77/~~ 'i (!;::;_,~ ~ <!. ~ Reason for Amendment ---~--=--==-·-""-,,,,J..-~-=--=----"'~-=-=-........:::"--------------------- . ace AMOUNT OF DATE OF ELECTION CO l'ITRIBUTlON (IF APPUCABLE) .g'/ 1 OC>O, L.lo 71~ ~ ~602_ FPPC Form 497 (June/01) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 'l J D t 0 t Late Independent Expenditure Report NAME O'F FILER 8~V£.RLY FoLLR.f/Tl-I Type or print In Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Date of This Filing 1~/zs/o.:<.. AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER 1.D. NUMBER (ifspplicabl") Report No. __ ! ___ _ STREET ADDRESS D Amendment to Report No. ____ _ No. of Pages _,..~/ ___ _ (explain below) ;, 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure .... () x: ~ l.l ...J .J >- .J J: ::i .J.J ' ...J J: NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED LDIDISTRICT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE ~ 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach additlonnl informetion on sppropristelylsbeled continustion shCJets. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE °/:ls /o:z y~ ~ ~ ·.-_.l.. µ . Zd~ I . City Clerk's JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE AMOUNT 11 2~18 ' iO FPPC Form 496 (Jime/01) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK·FPPC ¢ tn °' r- 1 ~ (\ tn I 0 -tn ' .r:: .I) I Ill I '-I ....... o· Li..; J:• l .I) J "' ..Q· o· 0:: Late Independent Expenditure Report ARSA CO OE/PHONE NUMBER 1.D. NU"4EIER 11•Ppfi<Jlblo) Sto S .z 3-Slt/.3 srneer AOORESS 1. I.1st Only One Candidate or Ballot MeHure 0 Amendment to Report No. -----(e~p1a:n below) No. of Pages --,...---- ----- NAME OF BAI.LOT MEASURE SUPPORTEO OR OPPOSED SVPPQRT OPPOSE ;>< ALLOT N l\.E:TTSA JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach arJ111t1onat/l!form11tlrm on 11pprapr101sly lsbeledconlf1?u11t1on 111/?oets • DATE OESCAIPTlON Of EXPENOITiJAE AMOUNT 1)01 /02 f~ f,;,~7 r---· 17C~. /Cf ' A?_,,,,.., ~-4/ Reason for Amendment---="~,.~--------------------------------- FPPC form 4S6 (JuneJOI) FPPC Toll·Free Helpline: 866fl\SK-FPPC IQ 1) "I') \J :J :::> "I') "' () :::> ,, ., .I Late Independent Expenditure Report Type or print In ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. --~-~---------------------_,.. _________ ......, ____ _.1._AT_.E, !:2~NDEN1 EXPENDITURE REPORT NA OF FILER) .• Date of l· {; 1· -,_1 ) / C }_ Date S1amp . I Vt : r--( r1~~11L ( l )lltil( H:e -('.'.--This Filing .!'--- ARfA C?Df/PHONE N~~1aeR ._ 1.0. !>11.il·'an_ . "'"PP'·"""'lo' / \_ f; fO )~ 2 ·<:; f ~t f ' I \ :) ~)'---2 Report No.--~=--- srREEt ADoru:ss • \ -0 Amendment to Report No. ---....-f-rl (o.xpla1n bel'.lw) No. of Pages----- 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF BALLOT f.IEA BALLOT NO.n.ElTER JURISDICTION 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach addltJonal lnforrnallon an11ppropriat111y klb«Wdcorrtlnu•tlon siheelll. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE , t \),, c1 I o 2 L li:er-ttturG ·fb Sopp61Ft ~ )6Jl'W) S.QY\ Reason for Amendment: ___ _ SUPPORT OF>POSE AMO\JNT d-I I '6' -ll FPPC fprm 496 (Junel01) FPPC Toll·Fr1:0 Halpllne: 866/ASK·FF PC 8661275-'.'772