The Perata Committee 496(\J Q.. ..... - (\J 0 0 (T) ~ 0 0 I J Late Independent Expenditure Report Type or print In ink. Amounts may be rounded to whol11 dollars. ARfACOOEIPHONE NUMBER · \. 010)~ 2 "~I ~~Ct I 1.0. ~MBlf (tappk!Jhlll) . ,, .,, ·2 ..... . ).J r. STREET ADDRESS \ ( -O Amendment to Report No. -----GCf ~; 0 200~ {explain below) 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAlllE 01' BALI.OT MEA URE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED BALLOT NO.II.ETTER 2. Independent Expenditures Made Att11chaddhlonallnformallon on 11pp10prl11te1y lfbe/edr:ontinuadon sheets. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE ' ·fb S 0f Ptk ·[r a.cy J.-ll!/SeA~ \Q)~b{DL L\t-0Ya-tu (-0 Reason for Amendment:---------------· JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE AMOUNT l DSLf. 3<p FPPC Form 496 (June/01) FPPC Toll·Freo Helplln&: 866/ASK-FPPC 8661275·3772