Resolution 13070CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO.13070 ESTABLISHING AN INTERIM LEASE PROGRAM FOR FLEET INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CENTER WHEREAS, the City of Alameda has established in the G (Special Government Combining) zoning district procedures for Interim Lease Programs for lands owned by the United States or State of California which are no longer used for a Federal or State government purpose; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 30 -4.17 (c), the Interim Lease Program shall apply to a specific parcel or parcels, shall specify permitted land uses consistent with the underlying zoning district, and shall specify the maximum time frame for which an Interim Use Permit may be granted; and WHEREAS, the City will review individual Interim Use Permits for their environmental mpacts and their compliance with tennis of the interim lease; and WHEREAS, the United States Navy has announced that the Fleet Industrial Supply Center is available for non - military uses, and the City will enter into a master lease with the Navy to allow for interim use of the property; and WHEREAS, the City of Alameda wishes to encourage the economic development of the Fleet Industrial Supply Center in a manner that will advance the public health, safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS, the Fleet Industrial Supply Center is zoned M -2 -G, General Industrial Manufacturing), Special Government Combining District; and WHEREAS, the intent of the M -2 District is that it be applied in areas suitable for the least restricted use of land within the City and that the restrictions applied shall be those necessary for the public health, safety, and general welfare; and WHEREAS, the interim uses allowed under this Interim Lease Program would conform to the adopted Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project and General Plan policies incorporated by reference within the CIP; and WHEREAS, the City Council has approved a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Finding of No Significant Impact (IS- 96 -10) and a Mitigation Monitoring Plan for an Interim Lease Program for the Short-Term Reuse of the Fleet Industrial Supply Center; and WHEREAS, interim uses consistent with the Interim Lease Program may be allowed, subject to a Use Permit, if the following additional findings can be made: The interim use is approved for a limited time, not to exceed the maximum time frame set forth in the interim leasing program criteria. 2. The interim use utilizes existing facilities and does not require substantial new development. 3. The interim use will not disrupt on -going operations of the governmental entity should the interim use occur concurrent with continuing operations by a governmental entity. 4. The interim use will not be detrimental to the ultimate redevelopment of the property or the potential resumption of use of the property by the governmental agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby adopts an Interim Lease Program for the Fleet Industrial Supply Center, subject to City Council approval of Master Leases for the U.S. government for the Alameda Facility and Alameda Annex. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all uses permitted in the M -2 District shall be permitted under interim leases, with the following exceptions: Uses which consume large quantities of water, such as breweries, food processing and manufacturing, the slaughter of animals, canning operations, and dairy product processing and manufacturing, because of the limited water supply system on Naval Air Station Alameda. 2. Large -scale uses, such as airports and ferry terminals, that may pose safety hazards or that already exist nearby. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all Interim Use Permits issued under the Interim Lease Program shall be subject to conditions and restrictions as applicable, including but not limited to the following: Excluded Buildings and Parcels: All buildings and parcels within the Fleet Industrial Supply Center (Alameda Facility and Alameda Annex) shall be potentially available for interim lease, with the following exceptions as specified in the Finding of Suitability to Lease: the former dental laboratory in Building 6 (Parcel 16); Building 13 (Parcel 10); and Parcel 12. (The parcel numbers are identified in Figure 3 on page 29 of the Initial Study.) Additionally, all of Building 6 shall be excluded from interim lease. Maritime uses of existing piers shall be subject to approval of such uses in the Master Lease for the site. Lease Term: Each interim use may be approved for a period not exceeding ten (10) years or the term of each interim lease, whichever is shorter. The term of an interim use shall begin from the date of approval of each Interim Use Permit. Extensions beyond the approved term may be permitted upon reapplication for an Interim Use Permit with appropriate application and fees and may be subject to subsequent environmental review. Page 2 3. Contingent on Approval. Approval is contingent upon approval of the Master Lease between the City and the U.S. government for the FISC site. Vesting. Each Interim Use Permit shall terminate one year from the date of Planning Board approval unless: 1) valid building permits have been obtained and construction commenced prior to the expiration date; 2) if a building permit is not required, approved occupancy of the building and premises have occurred; or 3) prior to the expiration date, an extension is applied for by the applicant and granted by the Planning Board. 5. Limitations on Number of Employees. There shall be no more than a total of 1,800 employees at the FISC site: 700 at the Alameda Facility and 1,100 at the Alameda Annex. City staff shall review the current number of employees as part of the annual monitoring program and shall recommend revisions in the ILP to the Planning Board, if deemed appropriate. 6. Traffic Study. All interim users with 100 or more employees shall conduct a traffic study, which may result in the conduct of additional environmental review. 7 New Development: No substantial new construction or development shall be permitted, except for minor building additions or alterations, construction of small, prefabricated structures, seismic upgrading, or improvements to comply with Unifoini Building and Fire Code requirements. Any substantial alterations, additions, excavations, improvements, or installations shall obtain prior written consent of the United States government and the Planning Director. 8. Mitigation Measures: All interim uses shall be subject to the mitigation measures specified in the Mitigation Monitoring Plan (MMP), attached as Exhibit "A" to Resolution No. adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Plan for Establishment of an Interim Lease Program at the Fleet Industrial Supply Center (MMP). 9. Monitoring Costs: Each interim user shall reimburse the City for a proportionate cost of City staff time and any related costs for implementing the MMP, including but not limited to annual traffic monitoring and monitoring for compliance with the Urban Runoff Program. Proportionate costs and payment schedule shall be determined by the Planning Director, with consultation with the Public Works Director. 10. Excavation: There shall be no substantial digging, excavating, or other disruption of flooring, soil, sediment, or pavement, other than minor repairs of pavement, or minor trenching required for infrastructure maintenance or improvement to support activities within existing structures. (Refer to MMP, Mitigation Measures 3, 10, 11, & 13 for related conditions.) 11. Building Codes: All temporary improvements shall conform to the Alameda Building Code. Any proposed use that would be equivalent to the past use as defined by the Alameda Building Code may be permitted without requiring the use to be modified to comply with Page 3 the requirements of the current Alameda Building Code. If a change in occupancy classification is proposed, it will be necessary for Building Permits to be obtained for the change in use and for the use to be modified to comply with the Alameda Building Code requirements for the new occupancy classification. All interim users shall be required to conform to minimum standards established by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for accessibility, unless otherwise approved by the Building Official. (Refer to MMP, Mitigation Measure 2 for related condition.) 12. Fire Codes: Interim uses shall comply with the requirements of the City of Alameda Fire Chief including but not limited to fire :access lanes, assembly limitations and storage of flammable chemicals.Emergency access to the Coast Guard housing shall be maintained until the City's Main Street pump station project is completed. (Refer to MMP, Mitigation Measures 9 & 16 for related conditions.) 13. Hazardous Materials: The storage and handling of all hazardous and toxic materials shall meet the requirements of the Alameda Fire Department. No outdoor storage of hazardous materials shall be allowed, except for compressed gases, vehicle fuel, or propane in approved tank storage or dispensers. No article: :Dols; rquipment, or devices containi ,adioactive material or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) may be brought onto the site. There shall be no storage of ammunition or explosives on the site. All tenants and contractors shall be notified of all conditions of the Finding of Suitability to Lease (FOSL). (Refer to MMP, Mitigation Measure 12 for related condition.) 14. Police Review: The Police Department shall review each interim use for public safety concerns. Appropriate conditions, such as provision of watch persons, and designation of access and egress points shall be included as conditions of approval. 15. Exterior Lighting: Each interim user shall specify whether their project will require any additional exterior lighting. Any alterations to permanent lighting shall be limited to the lowest intensity consistent with its purpose, and shall be oriented downward and away from sensitive receptors. New exterior lighting shall be provided only if approved by the Planning Director. 16. Traffic: a. Each interim user shall meet the traffic control requirements of the City Engineer and the Police Department, including designation of routes to be used by trucks. The interim user shall notify all drivers of the approved routes. b. Each interim user shall be required to contribute a fair share to the cost of implementing the deficiency plan for traffic improvements at the SR 260/I -880 interchange. The fair share contribution shall be calculated by the Public Works director based on monitoring of traffic conditions in the vicinity of the interchange and the traffic that is expected to be generated by the subject use. Page 4 c. Each interim user may also be required to contribute a fair share cost of improving the Webster Street exit ramp to Tinker Avenue and other local streets or intersections that may be directly impacted by the subject use based on monitoring of local traffic conditions and the traffic characteristics of the interim use. The fair share contribution shall be determined by the Public Works Director based on traffic monitoring and the traffic contribution and characteristics of the subject use. d. The Tinker Avenue entry shall be opened for use by trucks to avoid the U -turn type movement from southbound Webster Street to northbound Mariner Square Loop. The interim user shall be assessed afair share of the costs of improving Tinker Avenue and connecting roadways within the FISC, such as pavement rehabilitation. As a temporary measure, the City may require the interim user to use other entries to the FISC, or limit truck trips to non -peak hours. 17. Trip Reduction. All interim users shall promote trip- reduction measures, such as encouraging transit use and discouraging single occupant parking by employees. Further, based on the traffic monitoring program (as described in the Mitigation Monitoring Plan for the ILP) and as determined by the Public Works Director, the applicant may be required to implem ..it trip reduction measures or programs, install alternative transportation improvements, or contribute an annual fee per employee for the City to install or implement alternative transportation improvements or programs. 18. Parking: Interim Users shall submit a parking plan for review by the City Engineer and the Police Department. 19. Stormwater/Urban Runoff: The City of Alameda Urban Runoff Ordinance (Municipal Code Sections 18 -21 to 18 -25) regarding storm water management and discharge control prohibits non -storm water discharges into the storm sewer system. a. Each applicant shall submit a plan that includes storm water measures for the operation and maintenance of the project for the review and approval of the City Engineer. The plan shall identify Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropriate to the uses conducted on site to effectively prohibit the entry of pollutants into storm water runoff. The plan measures shall also include erosion control measures to prevent soil, dirt, and debris from entering the storm drain system, in accordance with the regulations outlined in the Association of Bay Area Governments Erosion and Sediment Control I Iandbook. Each interim user is responsible for ensuring that all contractors are aware of all storm water quality measures and implement such measures. Failure to comply with the approved construction BMPs will result in the issuance of correction notices, citations, or a project stop order. Page 5 b. Prior to the commencement of any clearing, grading or excavation resulting in a land disturbance greater than five acres, the interim user shall provide evidence that a Notice of Intent (NOI) has been submitted to the California State Water Resources Control Board. c. All washing and/or steam cleaning must be done at an appropriately equipped facility which drains to the sanitary sewer. Any outdoor washing or pressure washing must be managed in such a way that there is no discharge of soaps or other pollutants in the storm drain. Washwaters should discharge to the sanitary sewer. Sanitary connections are subject to the review, approval, and conditions of the wastewater treatment plant receiving the discharge. d. All loading dock areas must be designed to minimize "runon" or runoff from the area. Accumulated waste water that may contribute to the pollution of storm water must be drained to the sanitary sewer, or diverted and collected for ultimate discharge to the sanitary sewer, or intercepted and pretreated prior to discharge to the storm drain system. BMPs should be implemented to prevent potential storm water pollution. Appropriate BMPs to be implemented include, but are not limited to, a regular program of sweeping, litter control and spill cleanup. e. All metal roofs, including galvanized, shall be coated with a rust - inhibitive paint. g. Trash enclosures and/or recycling areas must be completely covered; no other area shall drain into this area. Drains in any wash or process area shall not discharge to the storm drain system. Drains should connect to the sanitary sewer. Sanitary connections are subject to the review, approval, and conditions of the wastewater treatment plant receiving the discharge. All paved outdoor storage areas must be designed to reduce /limit the potential for runoff to contact pollutants. Bulk materials stored outdoors may need to be covered, as deemed appropriate by the City Engineer. h. All landscaping shall be properly maintained and shall be designed with efficient irrigation practices to reduce runoff, promote surface filtration, and minimize the use of fertilizers and pesticides which can contribute to runoff pollution. Sidewalks and parking lots must be swept regularly to prevent the accumulation of litter and debris. If pressure washed, debris must be trapped and collected to prevent entry to the storm drain system. No cleaning agent may be discharged into the storm drain. If any cleaning agent or degreaser is used, washwater shall not discharge to the storm drains; washwaters should be collected and discharged to the sanitary sewer. Discharges to the sanitary sewer are subject to the review, approval, and conditions of the wastewater treatment plant receiving the discharge. Page 6 A structural control, such as an oil /water separator, sand filter, or approved equivalent, must be installed in the parking lot on the site to intercept and pretreat storm water prior to discharging to the storm drain system. The design, location, and a maintenance schedule must be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit., k. Commercial Car Washes. No washwater shall discharge to the storm drains. Washwaters should discharge to the sanitary sewer. Sanitary connections are subject to the review, approval, and conditions of the wastewater treatment plant receiving the discharge. Vehicle/Equipment Washes. No vehicle or equipment washing activity associated with an interim use shall discharge to the storm drain system. Wash areas should be limited to areas that drain to the sanitary sewer collection system, or the washwater collected for ultimate disposal to the sanitary sewer. Wash areas must be covered and designed to prevent " runon" and runoff from the area. A sign must be posted indicating the designated wash area. Sanitary connections are subject to the review, approval, and conditions of the wastewater treatment plant receiving the discharge. Fuel dispensing areas must be paved with concrete extending a minimum of 8 feet from the face of the fuel dispenser and a minimum of 4 feet from the nose of the pump island. Fuel dispensing facilities must have canopies; canopy roof downspouts must be routed to prevent drainage flow through the fuel dispensing area. the facility must have a spill cleanup plan. the fuel dispensing area must be dry swept routinely. Dispensing equipment must be inspected routinely for proper functioning and leak prevention. n. All on -site storm drain inlets must be labeled "No Dumping - Drains to Bay," using approved methods. o. All on -site storm drains must be cleaned at least once a year immediately prior to the raining season (October 15). Additional cleaning may be required by the City Engineer. 20. Public Service Fee: All interim users shall be required to pay a public service fee or pay a fee in lieu of taxes for public services and utilities, as determined by the Public Works Director. 21.. Solid Waste: Interim uses shall comply with the City's Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinance for the storage and disposal of solid waste. Each interim user shall use the recycling services of the City's licensed recycling program, providing adequate space and support to ensure the program's success. Each interim user shall use best management practices to reduce the generation of solid waste and to divert as much material as possible from being deposited in a landfill. Page 7 22. Waste Water: Interim uses shall have connections to the piped sanitary system. Each interim user shall comply with East Bay Municipal Utility District Wastewater Control Ordinance No. 311. Interim users shall be responsible for maintenance of the storm drain system including cleaning of debris from catch basins and for repairs as may be necessary; however, access to the storm drain system and repair and maintenance work shall be subject to prior approval by the United States Government. 23. Water Service: Interim uses shall be evaluated to determine whether it is appropriate to require installation of water meters and backflow preventers. If new plumbing fixtures are installed, they shall be water conserving. The use of ground water is prohibited. If water service is provided by the City, the interim user shall pay a service fee, which may be included in the rent. Bottled drinking water shall be provided for employees, customers, and visitors. 24. Electricity: Interim users shall obtain approval of a plan for electric service from the Bureau of Electricity and provide an individual meter, if required by BOE. 25. Compliance with Laws: Interim users shall comply with all federal, state and local laws and shall file with relevant federal, state and local agencies for required permits. Interim users shall comply with all conditions of such permits. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use will be cause for revocation of the Interim Use Permit. All required federal, state, regional, and local permits shall be obtained prior to occupancy. 26. Self - Certification: Each applicant for an Interim Use Permit shall provide information on any regulatory actions or current investigations involving violation of environmental regulations, including but not limited to regulations under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, Clean Water Act, or Clean Air Act that they have been subject to over the past five years, or certify that the applicant has had no violations of such regulations for any other uses, activities, or developments over the last five years. When an applicant has had significant or repeated violations, appropriate conditions and compliance measures shall be included in the lease with ARRA. ARRA shall have in place a procedure for screening tenants for past violations, and shall complete this screening process before the Planning Board acts on the Interim Use Permit. 27. Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC): Interim uses within 100 feet of the shoreline (measured as the line of highest tidal action) shall obtain approval of a permit from the BCDC, which has extensive policies addressing the protection of the shoreline, and avoiding or minimizing bay fill. 28. Maritime Uses. All marinas and other water- related uses shall comply with the City of Alameda's marina regulations, as set forth in Subsection 30- 4.9c15 of the Zoning Ordinance, and with Fire Department requirements. 29. No Fishing. Fishing is prohibited at shoreline and pier areas. Multi- lingual signs shall be posted stating this prohibition. Page 8 30. Signs: Interim uses shall comply with the City of Alameda's Sign Regulations or any approved Sign Program for signs within FISC. 31 Outdoor Storage. There shall be no outdoor storage of materials or equipment, other than vehicles in parking lots, unless specifically approved in the Interim Use Permit. 32. Hold Harmless: Interim users shall agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City, uts officers, agents and employees, from any and all liability or claims that may be brought against the City arising out of its approval of the Interim Usc Permit, or arising out of the operation of the business, save and except that caused by the City's active negligence. 33. Revocation: An Interim Use Permit may be modified or revoked by the Planning Board, pursuant to Alameda Municipal Code Section 30- 21.3.d should the Board determine that: 1) the use or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity; 2) the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance; or 3) the use is operated in violation of the conditions of the Interim Lease Program or an Interim Use Permit. 34. Acknowledgment of Conditions: Interim users shall acknowledge and accept in writing the conditions of approval set out in the Resolution approving the Interim Use Permit in order for the Interim Use Permit to be exercised. NOTICE. No judicial proceedings subject to review pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.5 may be prosecuted more than ninety (90) days following the date of final action by the City Council plus extensions authorized by California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. g:AccAresoifisc2 Page 9 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 1st day of December , 1998, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Kerr, Lucas and President Appezzato - 5. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 2nd day of December , 1998. e Felsch, City Clerk City of Alameda