Resolution 13086CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 13086
WHEREAS, the City of Alameda desires to adopt a Bicycle Master Plan for the City
of Alameda in order to implement General Plan Policies 4.5.a., 4.5.f., 4.5.g, and 4.5.h, that
seek to provide a system of bike ways that will encourage commute and recreational cycling;
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the proposed Bicycle Master Plan
provides a comprehensive and appropriate approach to implementing General Plan Policies
related to bikeways; and
WHEREAS, the Proposed System figure (Figure 4) of the Bicycle Master Plan will
be adopted to replace General Plan Figure 4.2 in the Transportation Element; and
WHEREAS, on December 14, 1998, an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative
Declaration was completed and distributed to agencies and interested parties to commence
a 30 day public review period for review and comment on the Negative Declaration, and a
Notice of the public review period was published in a general circulation newspaper; and
WHEREAS, the public comment period as announced by the State Office of
Planning and Research Clearing House closed on January 13, 1999 and comments were
received related to the proposed environmental document; and
WHEREAS, the comments which were received during the public comment period
have been considered; and
WHEREAS, on January 19, 1999, after the close of the public review period, the
Alameda City Council held a public hearing on the adequacy of the proposed Mitigated
Negative Declaration, and has examined pertinent maps and documents and has considered
the testimony received during the public hearing; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has made the following findings:
1. By adopting the proposed mitigations, the project would not have the
potential to substantially degrade environmental quality. Specifically, the proposed project
would not substantially reduce or damage the habitat of fish or wildlife species, eliminate
important historic or prehistoric resources, create traffic circulation conflicts, create conflicts
with surrounding land uses, substantially degrade water quality in the vicinity of proposed
improvements, or significantly damage riparian or wetland habitat. Project mitigations
would ensure that such potential impacts be addressed through the design of future
2. As mitigated, the proposed project would not achieve short-tem', to the
disadvantage of long -term, environmental goals, because the project implements the City's
long- teitii goals related to bicycle improvements without damaging existing environmental
3. The project would not have possible environmental effects which are
individually limited but cumulatively considerable, because the potential project impacts
have been mitigated to eliminate environmental impacts, and the project would provide
cumulatively significant environmental benefits by providing viable alternative forms of
transportation for people who live and work in Alameda.
4. The project would not have environmental effects which may cause
substantially adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. As a result of the
proposed Bicycle Master Plan, there would be no increase in earthquake or other natural
hazards, and any hazardous materials that may be encountered in the vicinity of proposed
improvements would be cleaned -up in accordance with governing state and local standards
before facilities were improved.
WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the Mitigation Monitoring Program for
the Bicycle Master Plan and related General Plan Amendment (GPA 98 -1), attached hereto
as Exhibit "A ", which shall be adopted as part of this Resolution and finds that these
mitigation measures adequately mitigate the environmental effects of the projects.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Alameda City Council hereby
makes the following findings:
1. Notice of the public review period and hearing on the Mitigated Negative
Declaration was given as required by law and said hearing was conducted pursuant to
Section 15073 and 15074 of the State CEQA Guidelines.
2. All individuals, groups and agencies desiring to comment on the Mitigated
Negative Declaration were given the opportunity to address the City Council.
3. The Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project consists of the Initial
Study, a Negative Declaration document, and supporting information incorporated by
reference therein.
4. The Mitigated Negative Declaration was completed in compliance with the
intent and requirements of CEQA, and the State CEQA Guidelines.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alameda City Council
hereby approves a Mitigated Negative Declaration, IS -98 -9, and finds that any potentially
significant environmental impacts have been mitigated to a less than significant level.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alameda City Council
hereby adopts the Mitigation Monitoring Program, Exhibit "A".
NOTICE, this decision by the City Council is final as of the date of this Resolution
unless judicial review is initiated pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section
1094.5. Any such petition for judicial review is subject to the provisions of California Code
of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 after the date of this decision.
Following are the mitigation monitoring programs for the Alameda Bicycle Master Plan and related
General Plan Amendment (GPA- 98 -1). These programs describe the responsibilities of the City of
Alameda to assure compliance with the mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study. The
Mitigation and Monitoring measures have been numbered to correspond with the relevant section
of the Initial Study.
Mitigation 1.c.1: The project sponsor shall perform an investigation of facilities and resources
in the vicinity of planned improvements before completion of the final bikeway
design. At a minimum, the investigation should include the following tasks.
a. Bicycle improvements /facilities need to be designed to minimize conflicts
with adjoining uses, including privacy and circulation issues; and
b. Bicycle improvements /facilities needs to be designed to minimize conflicts
with environmental resources.
1.c.2: All subsequent construction plans shall be designed to minimize use and
resource conflicts based on the above investigation.
Monitoring 1.c.1: Prior to issuance of construction permits, the Alameda Department of Public
Works engineering staff shall review the final facilities investigation to verify that
it adequately addresses the potential use and resource conflicts.
1.c.2: Prior to issuance of construction permits, the Alameda Department of Public
Works engineering staff shall verify that the construction plans incorporate the
recommendations of the final facilities investigation, and have been designed to
minimize the potential use and resource conflicts.
Mitigation 3.f.1: A Registered Civil Engineer with soils engineering expertise or a Registered
Geotechnical Engineer shall perform a final, detailed geotechnical investigation of
projects which include sites that are subject to wave action before completion of the
final improvement plans. The geotechnical investigation should examine soils
conditions in these areas and provide recommendations that would minimize erosion
I12: All subsequent construction plans shall incorporatc the recommendations of the
final geotechnical inve i ation, as ap by the Department ofPub|ioWocks.
Monitoring 3.t1: Prior to issuance of grading or building permits, the Alameda Department of
Public Works engineering staff shall review the fina geotechnical investigation to
verify that it adequately addresses the potential for erosion for those project
components located in areas that are subject to wave action.
3.f.2: Prior to issuance of grading or building permits, the Department of Public
Works engineering staff shall verify that the construction plans incorporate the
recommendations of the final geotechnical investigation.
Mitigation 4.e.1: A Registered Civil Engineer shall perform a detailed drainage study before
completion of the final improvement plans. The drainage study should examine
hydraulic conditions in the vicinity of proposed improvements and provide
recommendations that would ensure that surface run-off is collected and discharged
in an appropriate manner.
4.e.2: All subsequent construction plans shall incorporate the recommendations of
the drainage study, as approved by the Department of Pub!ic Works.
Monitoring 4.c1: Prior to issuance of construction perrnits, the Alameda Department of Public
Works engineering staff shall review the final drainage study to verify that it
adequately addresses water movement in the vicini of i
4.e.2: Prior to issuance of construction prrmjts, the Department of Public Works
engineering staff shall verify that the construction plans incorporate the
recommendations of the drainage study.
Mitigation 6.b.1: A qualified professional with relevant expertise shall perform a detailed
traffic/circulation study before completion of the final improvement plans. The
traffic/circulation study should examine roadway conditions in the vicinity of
proposed improvements and provide recommendations tbut`vuuhdnzi`hnbexufeny
6.b.2: All subsequent construction plans shall incorporate the recommendations of
the traffic/circulation study, as approved by the Department of Public Works.
Monitoring 6.b.1: Prior to issuance of construction permits, the Alameda Department of Public
Works engineering staff shall review the final traffic /circulation study to verify that
it adequately addresses circulation and safety concerns in the vicinity of
6.b.2: Prior to issuance of construction permits, the Department of Public Works
engineering staff shall verify that the construction plans incorporate the
recommendations of the traffic /circulation study.
Mitigation 7.a.1: A qualified professional with relevant expertise shall perform a field -level
survey of the biological resources along the southern waterfront and at Alameda
Point before completion of the final improvement plans. The reconnaissance should
examine biological resources in the vicinity of proposed improvements and provide
recommendations to prevent impacts to threatened or endangered species or to other
sensitive habitat.
7.a.2: All subsequent construction plans shall incorporate the recommendations of
the biological reconnaissance.
7.a.3: All bicycle improvement plans in the northwest territories and within the
proposed Alameda Wildlife Refuge at Alameda Point shall be coordinated with the
United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
Monitoring 7.a.1: Prior to issuance of construction permits, the Alameda Planning Department,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife, East Bay Regional Park District, and/or California Fish and
Game staff shall review the field survey to verify that it adequately addresses habitat
issues in the vicinity of improvements
7.a.2: Prior to issuance of construction permits, the Public Works Department staff
shall verify that the construction plans incorporate the recommendations of the
biological reconnaissance.
7.a.3: Prior to issuance of construction permits, the Department of Public Works
engineering staff shall demonstrate that bicycle improvement plans in the vicinity of
the Alameda Wildlife Refuge at Alameda Point have been approved by the United
States Fish and Wildlife Service.
Mitigation 7.d.1: A qualified professional with relevant expertise shall perform a field survey
of the wetland and riparian habitat along the southern waterfront before completion
of the final improvement plans. The reconnaissance should examine resources in the
vicinity of proposed improvements and provide recommendations to prevent impacts
to wetland or riparian habitat.
7.d.2: All subsequent construction plans shall incorporate the recommendations of
the wetland survey reconnaissance.
Monitoring 7.d.1: Prior to issuance of construction permits, the Alameda Public Works
Department staff shall review the wetland survey to verify that it adequately
addresses wetland and riparian habitat issues in the vicinity of improvements and to
deteliiiine whether formal wetland delineation needs to be prepared by the Army
Corps of Engineers.
7.d.2: Prior to issuance of construction permits, the Public Works Department staff
shall verify that the construction plans incorporate the recommendations of the
wetland survey.
Mitigation 13.c.1: Final improvement plans shall be designed to minimize the use of lighting so
that it is the minimum necessary to provide for safe use of bicycle facilities. Any
lighting should be directed downward and hooded to minimize spillover and glare
impacts to adjoining uses.
Monitoring 13.c.1: Prior to issuance of construction permits, the Planning Department staff
shall verify that the construction plans incorporate lights that comply with the above
The City of Alameda, Department of Public Works shall be responsible for the costs associated with
the requirements in the Mitigation Monitoring Program. To the extent that other City Departments
have a responsibility to monitor mitigations, the Department of Public Works shall provide adequate
funding to cover the costs of such monitoring efforts. The amount of funding will depend upon the
individualized program for each mitigation. City staff will record the time spent in monitoring the
development and operation of the project.
In exception to this provision, City staff time devoted to plan check and construction phase
inspections that are ordinarily associated with construction projects in the City of Alameda will not
be billed to the Public Works Department uodcrtbc Mitigation Monitoring Program. Instead, City
plan check and buildi permit fees will be collected in accordance with City policy to address these
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly
adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on
the 19th day of January , 1999, by the following vote to wit:
AYES: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson, Kerr and
President Appezzato - 5.
NOES: None.
IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City
this 20th day of January , 1999.
Diane Felsch, Ci
City of Alarn_ eda