WHEREAS, an application was made on August 19, 1999 by William Mabry of Aegis Assisted
Living and by John Beery Jr. of Mariner Square Associates, requesting a General Plan Amendment,
Planned Development, Use Permit and Major Design Review approval and subsequently, Rezoning, at
2415 Mariner Square Drive, Alameda; and
WHEREAS, the application was found to be incomplete by letter dated September 17, 1999 from
the City of Alameda Planning Department; and
WHEREAS, the application was accepted as complete on December 13, 1999; and
WHEREAS, the subject property is designated M -U -2 Specified Mixed Use (Mariner Square
Area) on the General Plan Diagram, a category with which the proposed use is compatible subject to
approval of the requested Amendment; and
WHEREAS, the subject property is located in M -2, General Industrial - Manufacturing, and E,
Estuary Zoning Districts; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board and City Council have been advised that, and find that, subject
to meeting City standards and requirements, the proposed uses would conform to the adopted Community
Improvement Plan(CIP) for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project and General Plan policies
incorporated by reference within the CIP; and
WHEREAS, a proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study was circulated for
public comment between December 21, 1999 to January 21, 2000, and no public comments were
received; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board held a public hearing on this application on February 14, 2000
and examined pertinent maps, drawings, and documents, and recommended to the City Council approval
of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program, which on March 21, 2000 the
City Council approved; and
WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on this applicatibn on March 21, 2000 and
examined pertinent maps, drawings, and documents; and
WHEREAS, the City Council made the following fmdings:
1. The project does not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially
reduce the habitat of fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below
sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict
the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of California
history because the site has existed as a maritime commercial and industrial area, combined with
a shoreline marina along a portion of the Oakland - Alameda Estuary, for over a century; the
shoreline improvements will be limited to landscape and pavement enhancements; and there is
no identified area which is habitat for rare or endangered species, or any identified historic or
prehistoric structure or subsurface condition which would be disturbed by the proposed project;
and because administrative procedures are in effect for protection of the environment regarding
the marsh crust during foundation installation.
2. The project does not involve impacts, which are, individually limited but cumulatively
considerable, meaning that the incremental effects of the project are considerable when viewed
in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects and the effects
of probable future projects, because the project will incorporate mitigation measures to avoid
significant adverse impacts on the environment in the context of continued growth and
development along Alameda's northern waterfront. In particular, the project would have a less -
than- significant cumulative traffic impact on anticipated traffic congestion in western Alameda
and at intersections in Oakland associated with the interconnection between the Webster -Posey
Tubes and Interstate 880, because the number of vehicle trips generated would be reduced
compared to the number which could be generated by currently existing or permitted uses.
3. The project does not have any environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects
on human beings, either directly or indirectly because the project does not affect existing
residential settlement and the proposed land use is consistent with and compatible with the
4. The applicant has agreed to incorporate the mitigation measures into the project as identified in
the Initial Study and Mitigation Monitoring Programs (Attachriient A). The mltigai ons would
either avoid adverse impacts or lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts to less
than significant levels.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Alameda adopts
the Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS- 99 -08) with findings and a Mitigation Monitoring Program
(Attachment A).
NOTICE. No judicial proceedings subject to review pursuant to California Code of Civil
Procedure Section 1094.5 may be prosecuted more than ninety (90) days following the date of this
decision or any final action on any appeal, plus extensions authorized by California Code of Civil
Procedure Section 1094.6.
G :1cc\reso15is9908
1.1.1 Significant Effect. The obstruction of vistas to the Estuary from the open space and
restaurant area, including the areas designated east of the Commodore Cafe, would be a
potentially significant impact on the scenic vista.
1.1.2 Mitigation Measure: Docking Multi-Level Boats. In order to maintain clear views from the
shoreline, the applicants will manage the section of the marina lying within the Cal Trans and
City lease property eastward to the Barnhill marina, that no more than 25 percent of the main
or freeboard deck of a boat over 40 feet in length may contain cabins or other
superstructures. Masts, antennas, boat hoists and similar structures are exempt from this
requirement. The first enclosed cabin deck shall not measure more than ten (10) feet above
the water line and the permitted portion of a second enclosed cabin deck shall not measure
over ten (10) feet above the first exterior deck for these berths.
1.2.1 Responsibility. The applicants and the Planning Director.
1.3.1 Actions: Planning staff shall monitor performance by the applicants in reserving easterly
docks for low - visual- impact boats and shall file enforcement actions, including actions
through the City Attorney's Office, if needed to achieve compliance.
.4.1 Finding. With implementation of Mitigation Meas ure 1, the impact on the northward view
would be reduced to a less than significant level.
2.1.1 Significant Effect. Tenants in new buildings m the Fleet Industrial Supply area, and in
existing buildings, would be exposed to the walls of the boat storage building, which are
proposed with solid, unarticulated metal sidings on the west and south sides. The boat
storage building could detract from the visual quality of the Mariner Square area from these
vistas, resulting in a potentially significant impact.
2.1.2 Mitigation Measure: Design Enhancements for Boat Storage Building. Prior to the issuance
of the Building Permits, during final Design Review, the applicants shall be required to
maximize the visual quality of the boat storage building exterior with design enhancements
that may include, but are not limited to, greater building articulation, color bands or graphics
and landscaping treatments and window details, particularly on the southern and western
2.2.1 Responsibility. The applicants and the Planning Director.
2.3.1 Actions. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit for the boat storage building, the articulation
and detailing of the building shall be modified as required by the Planning Director.
2.4.1 Finding. The implementation of Mitigation Measure 2 to the satisfaction of the Alameda
Planning Director would reduce the impact to a less than significant level.
3.1.1 Significant Impact. The project would result in reconfiguration of existing lighting and new
lighting fixtures around the new structures. The Aegis facility is expected to have typical
commercial lighting requirements; however, the boat storage building could require the
placement of high - intensity flood lighting to support after -dark operations, which could have
a potentially significant impact on future residents of the Aegis Facility, the restaurants or
the project area as viewed from Jack London Square.
3.1.2. Mitigation Measure: Lighting Limitations. Prior to issuance of the Building Permits, during
final Design Review, the Planning Director shall be satisfied that all lighting will be
shielded, downward directed and have an average brightness of between 2 and 3 footcandles
as the Planning Director may approve.
3.2.1 Responsibility. The applicants and the Planning Director.
3.3.1 Actions. The applicants will provide detailed lighting specification, including level of
footcandles, to the Planning Director during Building Permit plancheck. Lighting will be
reviewed and approved by the Planning Director prior to installation.
3.4.1 Finding. Implementation of Mitigation Measure 3 would reduce the potential impacts of
lighting installed for the new structures and the marina on the appearance of the western
Mariner Square area from the surrounding area to a less than significant leveL
4.1.1 Significant Effect. The failure to implement appropriate dust control measures with
construction would be a potentially significant impact.
4.1.2 Mitigation Measure: Construction Soil Control. The project applicants shall prepare and
implement a construction dust mitigation plan. An appropriate dust mitigation plan shall,
at a minimum, include the following basic measures:
a) Water all active construction areas at least twice daily;
b) Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, debris and other loose materials, or require all
trucks to provide at least two feet of freeboard (space below its undercarriage);
c) Pave, apply water three tunes daily or apply appropriate, non -toxic soil stabilizers on
all unpaved access roads, parking areas and staging areas;
d) Use water sweepers daily on paved access roads, parking areas and staging areas;
e) Use water sweepers daily if visible soil material appears on adjacent streets; and
f) Water or cover stockpiles that can be blow by wind over 15 miles per hour and
complete landscaping at the earliest possible date as directed by the City Building
4.2.1 Responsibility. The applican ts, the Planning Director and the Chief Building Official.
4.3.1 Actions. The applicants will submit for Planning Director and Chief Building Official
approval a construction dust mitigation plan.
4.4.1 Finding. The implementation of Mitigation Measure 4 would reduce the impact of dust from
construction of the project to a less than significant level.
5.1.1 Significant Effect. Development of the Aegis and boat storage facilities on the site would
result in exposure of people and property to potentially significant strong seismic ground
shaking, due to subsurface soil and geological conditions beneath the site. The boat storage
building is currently proposed to be built on concrete footings, which may result in
potentially significant impacts on property stored in the building or persons working in the
building, unless geologic experts verify the safety of the design.
5.1.2 Mitigation Measurer Seismic / Geotechnical. The marina shall be engineered to avoid
potential impacts related to seismic hazards. Consistent with the geotechnical consultant's
recommendations, the Aegis building shall be constructed with at least 14 -inch square
precast, prestressed concrete piles or equivalent or stronger, to a minimum depth of 35 feet.
The piles shall be driven according to the requirements of more detailed geotechnical
investigation, or as otherwise recommended by a geotechnical consultant approved by the
Building Official. Lateral bracing and ties of the foundation system shall also be provided
to reduce lateral spreading. The need for a pile -driven foundation for the boat storage
building must be determined by a geotechnical report on its proposed construction, to be
prepared by a licensed geologist or consulting engineer, as approved by the Building
5.2.1 Responsibility. The applicants and the Chief Building Official.
5.3.1 Actions. The applicants will submit a geotechnical report on the buildings and foundations
in a form satisfactory to the Building Official, and will have the architects for the buildings
incorporate the recommendations of the report to the satisfaction of the Building Official.
5.4.1 Finding. Implementation of Mitigation Measure 5 would reduce the impact of strong seismic
shaking on the property and persons to a less than significant level.
6.1.1 Significant Effect. Construction of the Aegis and boat storage facilities could impact the
shoreline bulkhead of Mariner Square, exposing people and property to potentially
significant ground failure impacts along the shore.
6.1.2 Mitigation Measure: Bulkhead Investigation and Restoration. The condition of the existing
shoreline bulkheads shall be more fully investigated by a qualified consulting engineer,
approved by the Building Official, to determine if repairs or reconstruction may be
necessary, and have any such restoration completed prior to occupancy of the Aegis and boat
storage building facilities.
6.2.1 Responsibility. The applicants and the Building Official.
6.3.1 Actions. The applicants will submit an engineering report on the bulkhead of Mariner
Square shoreline to the Building Official for review and approval, and shall incorporate the
report recommendations in the construction under the building permits.
6.4.1 Finding. The implementation of Mitigation Measure 6 would reduce the potential of
Liquefaction and lateral spreading along the shore to a less than significant level.
7.1.1 Significant Effect. In the course of site clearance and construction, the project will involve
potential contact between construction workers and residual petroleum hydrocarbons, which
would be a potentially significant impact if effective safety procedures are not followed.
Substantial emissions of windblown dust or sediment -laden stormwater runoff from soils on
the site would also be a potentially significant impact in the absence of means of avoiding
such releases into the environment.
7.1.2 Mitigation Measure: Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines for Construction Workers.
Guidelines for the protection of construction workers typically emphasize preventing skin
contact of workers to petroleum- contaminated soils. The Guidelines, which may be imposed
by the Alameda County Environmental Health Service, include: Hazard Communication
Training for overall site safety; implementation of Health and Safety Plans for each
contractor; designation of a site safety officer for worker safety and controlling off -site
migration of soil materials; tailgate health and safety meetings; dust and erosion control
measures; and restricting public access to excavated and/or exposed areas during
construction. Personal protective measures are not required unless measured lead levels
exceed 600 mg/kg, which is the threshold used by California Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (Cal/OSHA). Pursuant to Proposition 65 (the California Safe Drinking
Water and Toxies Enforcement Act of 1986) and potential intrusion onto the construction
site by the public, certain procedures are recommended to avoid lead exposure.
Additional guidelines for preventing worker exposure to petroleum hydrocarbons include use
of personal protective equipment (disposable overalls, nitrile rubber gloves, rubber boots and
as needed during pile driving, face and eye protection, collectively referred to as PPE),
personal decontamination, checking for combustible gasses prior to performing "hot work"
(i.e. welding), and air quality sampling if strong odors are detected. The specific
requirements would be set forth in the Health and Safety Guidelines prepared by the prime
contractor. The overall Health and Safety requirements for the site will be established by the
Site Management Plan (SMP) to be approved by ACEHS.
7.2.1 Responsibility. The applicants, Alameda County Environmental Health Services and the
Building Official.
7.3.1 Actions. The applicants will submit the Site Management Plan to ACEHS and the Building
Official for review and approval, and shall implement the plan with the construction phase.
7.4.1 Finding. Implementation of Mitigation Measure 7 will reduce the potential impact of contact
between construction workers and residual petroleum hydrocarbons to a less than significant
8.1.1 Significant Effect. Earth Systems Consultants, Northern California, has indicated to the
ACEHS that the site is suitable for construction of the Aegis and boat storage facility
buildings conditioned on certain procedures with regard to existing monitoring wells.
Without completion of the recommended procedures, the potential for release of hazardous
materials into the environment is potentially significant.
8.1.2 Mitigation Measure: Hazardous Materials/Monitoring Well Closure. Consistent with the
recommendations ofEarth Systems Consultants Northern California and subject to approval
by the Alameda County Environmental Health Services Service, the applicants or prime
building contractor shall ensure the completing of the following procedures for closure of
existing monitoring wells:
Monitoring wells within the parcels shall be monitored and sampled one time to
confirm the condition of subsurface hydrocarbon levels; and
b) All monitoring wells will be destroyed or sealed after completion of sampling; and
c) On the boat storage site, five wells shall be monitored and sampled for a period of
one year, after which they will be destroyed or sealed; wells located within the
building pad will be sealed before pouring the foundation.
d) The storage and handling of all hazardous and toxic materials shall meet the
requirements of the Alameda Fire Department.
The applicants will contract with a soils engineer acceptable to the City and to the
Alameda County Environmental Health Services Agency to study the soils impact
and implement the remediation plan including replacement of the fuel tanks and fuel
8.2.1 Responsibility. The applicants, ACEHS and the Building Official.
8.3.1 Actions. The applicants shall submit for ACEHS and City Building Official approval the
plan and report for monitoring well closure procedures, and shall implement the plan.
8.4.1 Finding. Implementation of Mitigation Measure 8, as required by ACEHS and the Building
Official, would reduce the potential risk from subsoil hazardous materials to a less than
significant impact.
9.1.1 Significant Effect. Following completion of project construction, landscape maintenance
workers, specifically working in tree maintenance, may be required to excavate on -site soils
or engage in other close soil contact and could be exposed to harmful contaminants, which
would be a potentially significant impact unless mitigated.
9.1.2 Mitigation Measure: Tree Planting Limitations. The Site Management Plan, to be approved
by the Alameda County Environmental Health Services Agency may place a limit` on tree
planting due to future maintenance workers' access to subsoils. The installation of trees
shall require an excavated hole for each tree which is large enough to contain the root ball
when the tree is fully grown, up to a maximum of five feet in diameter and five feet deep.
After placement of the tree, the hole shall be backfilled with clean soil over the tree's root
ball, and the excavated soils shall be handled consistently with the Soil and Surface Water
Management Plan.
9.2.1 Responsibility. The applicants, the ACEHS and the Building Official
9.3.1. Actions. The applicants shall obtain ACEHS and Building Official of the Site Management
Plan, and shall direct the contractor to install root balls for on -site tree installation pursuant
to this Mitigation and plan.
9.4.1 Finding. Implementation of Mitigation Measure 9, as may be required by ACEHS, would
reduce the potential hazards to landscape worker exposure to residual soil contaminants to
a less than significant level.
10.1.1 Significant Effect. During construction, there is a potential for runoff of exposed soil during
rainstorms, which could have a potentially significant impact on water quality and could
violate water quality standards.
10. .2 Mitigation Measure: Soil and Surface Water Management Plan. Fill and other materials
excavated during utility trenching, pre - drilling for pile- driving, surface clearing and
preparation should be stockpiled and covered with 10- millimeter or thicker plastic sheeting
to prevent runoff or discharge of affected soil, water or dust. Depending on weather
conditions, containment structures or devices may be required.
Re -used fill materials shall be fully covered with buildings, paving or landscaping.
Where re -used fill materials are covered with landscaping, a one - foot minimum
thickness layer of clean imported fill shall be provided and any existing fill material
shall be covered in a manner to prevent human exposure from casual contact.
In the event that off site disposal of excavated fill materials is required, the material
shall be tested to determine appropriate means of disposal.
No water runoff discharges to the Estuary are permitted, and runoff to the storm drain
system shall meet water quality criteria set by the San Francisco Regional Water
Quality Control Board (SFRWQCB). If the water discharged to the storm drain
system could exceed 3 mg/liter, a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) permit could be required.
d) Groundwater from any dewatering activities shall be handled in the same manner as
other site runoff.
Trucks and large equipment shall be washed down before leaving the site to avoid
inadvertent, cumulative off -site transport of affected soils.
10.2.1 Responsibility. The applicants, the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board,
the Alameda County Environmental Health Service and the Building Official.
10.3.1 Actions. The applicants shall submit the required reports and plans to SFRWQCB, ACEHS
and the Building Official for review and approval, and shall follow the requirements during
10.4.1 Finding. Implementation of Mitiation Measure 10 would reduce the impact of substantial
emissions of windblown dust or sediment -laden stormwater runoff from the soils on the site
to a less than significant level.
11.1.1 Significant Effect. The project's construction could result in a potentially cumulatively
significant impact on the parking use for the public.
11.1.2 Mitigation Measure: Parking Mitigation. Prior to issuance of the Building Permits, during
final Design Review, the Planning Director shall review and approve, and the ` applicants
shall record an agreement that, in the event that Cal Trans requires closure of the parking lot
on the leased Cal Trans area for any purpose, the property owner shall be required to lease
another area within a 300 foot radius of the property to meet parking demand of currently
planned uses, or otherwise reduce parking demand by methods approved by the Planning
Director, which may include limits on the number of boats which may be removed from the
boat storage building on a given day or the number of employees or visitors to the remainder
of the site.
11.2.1 Responsibility: The applicants and the Planning Director.
11.3.1 Actions. Prior to issuance of Building Permits, the applicants shall obtain Planning Director
approval of the plan for reserve parking, in the event Cal Trans lease area parking is no
longer available. Constructive notice of this Mitigation and condition of approval shall be
recorded in a form acceptable to the Planning Director.
11.4.1 Finding: The mitigation measure will reduce the environmental impact to a level of
insignificance because parking will be controlled and will not excessively affect the
environment of nearby areas.
12.1.1 Significant Effect. An increase in noise from the boat storage building of 4' dBA in CNEL
could be significant if it exceeds 60 dBA for a nursing -home type use such as the Aegis
facility. The project could have a potentially significant impact on Aegis residents, and be
found inconsistent with the Alameda General Plan Noise Element.
12.1.2 Mitigation Measure: Noise from Environment Toward Assisted Living Building. The design
for the Aegis facility shall incorporate acoustical treatments to minimize noise levels for the
interior resident units facing west and north, to standards of the City General Plan Noise
Element, using methods approved by the Planning Director which may include inoperable
or closed windows with a mechanical ventilation system meeting Alameda Building Code
requirements provided.
12.2.1 Responsibility. The applicants, the Building Official and the Planning Director.
12.3.1 Actions. Prior to issuance of Building Permits, the applicants shall provide for review and
approval by the Building Official and the Planning Director plans which minimize noise
levels for interior westerly and northerly facing rooms in the Aegis facility, which may
include modifications to the boat storage building to reduce sound from boat loading and
other vehicle movements or limits on dining cruise boats in the marina..
12.4.1 Finding. Implementation of Mitigation Measure 12 would reduce the potential impact to a
level that is less than significant.'
13.1.1 Significant Impact. The effect of pile driving for the Aegis site on persons living on
houseboats and liveaboards within 450 feet of the site (such as Barnhill Marina) could be
potentially significant. Use of other construction equipment would have a potentially
significant effect on liveaboards within 200 to 300 feet of the facility site.
13.1.2 Mitigation Measure: Pile Driving Noise Impacts. To reduce noise emissions from pile
driving, the applicants shall submit a plan for Building Official approval, and shall
implement the plan, to either a) surround the area with a pile driver shield or b) use hydraulic
or vibratory pile drivers. In addition, prior to construction the applicants' contractors shall
meet with Barnhill and other nearby marina harbormasters and representatives of occupants
to discuss noise related issues. The meetings shall inform interested persons of the schedule
for severe noise - generating construction activities, and a process for interested persons to
provide feedback to the applicants's disturbance response coordinator. The applicants shall
provide temporary relocation for any houseboat or liveaboard within 300 feet of the pile
driving activity for the project, to the satisfaction of the Planning Director.
13.2.1 Responsibility. The applicants and the Planning Director.
13.3.1 Actions. After consultation with the Planning Director, the applicants shall direct the
contractor to follow the procedures in the mitigation measure and shall organize and hold the
meetings with neighbors, including Barnhill houseboat neighbors, specified in the mitigation.
13.4.1 Finding. The implementation of Mitigation Measure 13 would reduce the noise impact of
project construction to a level that is less than significant.
14.1.1 Significant Effect. The failure of the Project proponent to contribute to new traffic control
measures identified in the project traffic study, as established by the City of Alameda City
Public Works Director, would result in a potentially cumulatively significant impact as a
negative traffic impact upon Alameda.
14.1.2 Mitigation Measure: Cumulative Traffic Impact Measures. Prior to issuance of a Building
Permit, during final Design Review, the applicants shall prepare a written agreement for
review and approval by the Planning Director, that the Aegis assisted living and boat storage
facilities will not exceed existing traffic generation, as calculated by the traffic consultant
(Crane Transportation Group) based on existing office and other uses on the site which are
being removed to accommodate the project uses. The agreement shall provide financial and
legal security satisfactory to the Planning Director and be enforceable by the City of
Alameda, with measures to include, but not be limited to, controls on the number of boats
per hour which may be removed on the site or on dining cruise boats during the
a.m.outbound and p.m. inbound weekday commute hours. The project must not increase
traffic on Webster or Posey Tubes roadways during a.m .or p.m. peak hours in peak
14.2.1 Responsibility: The applicants and the Planning Director.
14.3.1. Actions: Prior to issuance of a Building Permit for the site, the applicants shall record the
written agreement as approved by the Planning Director to complete the mitigation of
Section 1.1.1.
14.4.1. Finding. The mitigation measure will reduce the environmental impact to a level of
insignificance, because traffic on Mariner Square Loop at Atlantic Avenue, Constitution
Avenue at Atlantic Avenue and other primary access intersections, and connecting routes
to Highway 1 -880 will not be caused to operate at Level of Service "D" or below by this
proj ect.
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly
adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on
the 21st day of March , 2000, by the following vote to wit:
AYES: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson, Kerr and
Mayor Appezzato - 5.
NOES: None.
IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City
this 22nd day of March , 2000.
Dia '" Felsch, City Cl2T1(
City of Alameda