Resolution 13228CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 132 2 8 ADOPTING FINDINGS REGARDING BASELINE PHYSICAL CONDITIONS FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE REUSE OF NAVAL AIR STATION ALAMEDA AND THE FLEET AND INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CENTER, ALAMEDA ANNEX AND FACILITY WHEREAS, the City of Alameda ( "City ") issued a Notice of Preparation ( "NOP ") on February 28, 1996 for a joint Environmental Impact Statement/ Environmental Impact Report ( "EIS/EIR ") for the disposal and reuse of Naval Air Station Alameda and the Fleet and Industrial Supply Center, Alameda Annex and Facility ("NAS Alameda/FISC Alameda ") to be prepared by the City and the United States Department of the Navy ( "Navy "); and WHEREAS, NAS Alameda was closed on April 30, 1997 and FISC Alameda was closed on September 30, 1998; and WHEREAS, the City and the Navy worked diligently and cooperatively to prepare an administrative draft joint EIS/EIR; and WHEREAS, the Navy subsequently determined to prepare a separate EIS rather than a joint document with the City, and issued its Record of Decision on the EIS on February 29, 2000; and WHEREAS, the administrative draft EIS/EIR having been already substantially completed, the Navy provided the administrative draft`EIS/EIRto the City be used by the City as a separate EIR; and WHEREAS, the City determined that the EIR, should in most cases, use the baseline physical conditions representative of the fully operating military base as authorized by the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") (Public Resources Code section 21083.8.1 and CEQA Guidelines section 15229) for closing military bases, as had been done in the joint EIR/EIR; and WHEREAS, the City issued a Notice of Intent to Adopt Baseline Analysis for disposal and reuse of NAS Alameda/FISC Alameda on July 1, 1998, attached hereto as Exhibit A, specifying the proposed baseline physical conditions to be used in the EIR and provided for a public comment period from July 1 to August 11, 1998; and WHEREAS, the City conducted a public hearing on August 11, 1998 regarding the adoption of the baseline physical conditions for the EIR; and WHEREAS, the City received one written comment on the proposed baseline conditions and one speaker testified at the public hearing; and 1 WHEREAS, the City issued an Amended NOP for a separate EIR for the reuse of NAS AlamedafFISC Alameda on March 2, 1999. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Alameda hereby adopts the following findings regarding the baseline physical conditions used in the EIR: The baseline physical conditions specified in Exhibit A were adopted by the City and have been used in the EIR; 2. The last year of full operation was determined to be 1990 because the potential for closure of NAS AlamedafFISC Alameda caused the Navy to curtail operations after that year; 3. For the following impact areas, the existing environmental setting as described in CEQA Guidelines section 15125 was used inasmuch as there was determined to be no appreciable difference between 1990 and physical environmental conditions at the time the NOP was published: Land Use, Visual Resources, Cultural Resources, Biological Resources, Geology and Soils, and Water Resources. For Hazardous Materials and Waste, the most current available data was used, as required in Public Resources Code section 21083.8.1(d) and CEQA Guidelines section 15229(d). 5. The manner in which the adopted baseline physical conditions are integrated into the reuse planning and environmental review process is described in the Affected Environment portion of the EIR, Chapter 3, for each impact and is summarized below. In each case, current standards of significance were applied to the change from the chosen baseline caused by the reuse project (see EIR, Chapter 4). Baseline land use patterns for 1996 -1997 are used, which are essentially unchanged from 1990 conditions except for the 1991 construction of the Marina Village housing area Baseline visual resources for 1996 -1997 are used, which are essentially unchanged from 1990 conditions. c. The baseline year for population and housing is 1990. Information is also provided for 1980, 1995 and 2020 projections to illustrate historic trends and projections. d. The baseline years for public services are the most recent years for which quantitative information was available. At NAS Alameda, the baseline years used are 1993 for military fire protection and emergency medical services, 2 1994 for military police protection services, and 1995 for military emergency call data. At FISC Alameda, the baseline, year used for all of these military services is 1993. For the City of Alameda, the baseline year used for the corresponding City services is 1996. For schools and recreation facilities, the baseline year used is 1997 -1998. The Alameda Unified School District was consulted during the environmental review process. e. The baseline year for utilities is 1993, which is the most recent year of operation for which rate of use data were available. The estimated capacities of the water and sewer systems are based on 1989 operations (the year closest to 1990), which capacities did not change between 1989 and base closure. The physical layout of the utility systems is based on 1996 information, the most recent available. f. Baseline cultural resources conditions for 1996 -1997, updated by recent cultural resources surveys, are used The State Historic Preservation Officer and Advisory Council on Historic Preservation were consulted during the environmental review process. g. Baseline biological resources conditions for 1996 -1997, updated by recent biological resources surveys, are used. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service was consulted during the environmental review process. h. The baseline year used for geology and soils is 1996 -1997, which is the same as 1990 conditions. The baseline year used for water resources is 1996 -1997, which represents the most recent available data. Traffic and circulation conditions are described for the baseline year of 1990, at which time NAS AlamedaIFISC Alameda were in full operation. The traffic data used for the City of Alameda are 1990 data, the most complete traffic count data available. Traffic count, data for the City of Oakland is from 1994 adjusted to achieve consistency with the 1990 data. The Alameda County Congestion Management Agency was consulted during the environmental review process. The baseline year for air quality is 1997, the most recent year of base operation for which quantitative data were available. Ambient monitoring data from 1990 -1996 and emissions estimates for 1990 and 1994 are provided to illustrate historic trends. The most current ambient air quality standards are described to reflect the Bay Area's attainment status. The baseline years used for noise conditions are the most recent for which data were available: 1985 for NAS Alameda/FISC Alameda (the Navy's most recent Air Installation Compatibility Use Zone study) and 1991 for the City of Alameda. Baseline conditions for hazardous materials and waste are based on 1994- 1998 data, the most recent data available. 6. The following specific economic or social reasons support the selection of the baseline: a. NAS Alameda has been a closed military facility with only interim reuse since April 30, 1997. FISC Alameda has been a closed military facility with minimal reuse since September 30, 1998. The reuse project will create a balanced mix of land uses; create opportunities to emphasize, seek, and promote a balanced mix of businesses and light industry that are sustainable and forward- looking; meet the current and ` future ` housing needs of the community; achieve job creation and economic development to provide the employment and economic benefits historically associated with NAS Alameda/FISC Alameda; enhance reemployment opportunities; encourage uses that provide employment for displaced workers; integrate the former NAS Alameda!FISC Alameda into the rest of the island of Alameda; provide educational and training facilities and opportunities; and achieve human -scale transit - oriented development. b. Under the reuse project, employment generating land uses at NAS Alameda/ FISC Alameda would create the potential for new employment. Approximately 18,978 jobs could be created by the reuse project. c. The reuse project will facilitate and accelerate the economic recovery from the economic impact associated with the closure of NAS Alameda by attracting private investment and creating job opportunities for displaced, dislocated and eligible participants directly or indirectly affected by base closure. d. The reuse project will create an increase in housing opportunity in Alameda. At buildout, the reuse project will provide as many as 2,378 homes, which is a substantial addition to the available housing stock of the City of Alameda. e. During Navy operations, minimal public access was allowed to NAS Alameda/FISC Alameda. Implementation of the reuse project will create approximately 345 acres of public parks and open space, and optimize visual and physical access to the water. 4 g. The reuse project will: • Stimulate commercial and residential revitalization resulting in increased employment options for Alameda residents. • Prevent economic blighting conditions causing stagnant property values and impaired investments from occurring following base closure and transition to private ownership. • Help to eliminate physical blighting conditions which prevent he effective use of buildings or lots. • Upgrade buildings and infrastructure to enhance the health, safety and welfare of the community. Provide a suitable environment for economic growth and improve the well -being of citizens and businesses. Preserve the historic value and character of the area, including its residential and nonresidential structures. Expand the supply of affordable housing for qualifying households and families. The tax increment projections created during the Alameda Point Improvement Plan ( "APIP ") adoption process anticipate that the NAS portion of the reuse project will generate a total of $35 million present value, or $127 million future value, in funds specifically earmarked for housing over the 45- year life of the project. Similar housing funds would be generated by the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project area, which includes portions of FISC Alameda. In addition to this set aside for very low, low and moderate income housing, the reuse project will include inclusionary and production housing requirements related to affordability. h. The tax increment projections created during the APIP plan adoption process anticipate that monies will be available to correct deficiencies in infrastructure, public facilities, parks, recreation and open space, and provide monies for building rehabilitation and building demolition. i. The purpose of Public Resources Code section 21083.8.1 and CEQA Guidelines section 15229 is to expedite the preparation of EIRs for military base reuse by allowing them to more fully adopt the corresponding federal EIS. The use of baseline physical conditions that differ from those used in the administrative draft joint EIS /EIR would have required the City to entirely rewrite the administrative draft document and would have delayed by a substantial period of time implementation of the reuse project and the City's realization of the associated economic, social and environmental benefits. Hence, such approach would not have achieved the intent of the Legislature in adopting Public Resources Code section 21083.8.1. C: \WPDOCS\DATA\EJG032. WPD 6 City4AWIRA((.alifornia EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF BASELINE ANALYSIS ACCORDING TO CEQA GUIDELINES SECTION 15229, BASELINE ANALYSIS FOR MILITARY REUSE PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS TO: Responsible and Trustee Agencies; Interested Parties FROM: City of Alameda Planning Department RE: NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT BASELINE ANALYSIS FOR DISPOSAL AND REUSE OF NAVAL AIR STATION ALAMEDA AND FLEET INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CENTER ALAMEDA FACILITY AND ANNEX The City of Alameda is working with the US Navy, Engineering Field Activity West (EFA West) Naval Facilities Engineering Command, to prepare a joint Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines for the disposal and reuse of Naval Air Station Alameda and Fleet Industrial Supply Center Alameda Facility and Annex. You received a Notice of Preparation (dated February 27, 1996) soliciting the view of your agency regarding the scope and content of the environmental information germane to your statutory responsibility in connection with this project. CEQA Guidelines Section 15229 offers lead agencies that are preparing a military base reuse plan EIR the option of identifying a baseline for their environmental analysis and details the procedures for establishing the baseline. The following are the baselines and data sources proposed for this EIS/EIR: The joint EIS/EIR proposes a mix of baselines in its analysis, in order to best assess impacts according to resource/topic area, as follows: LAND USE, VISUAL RESOURCES, CULTURAL RESOURCES, BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES, GEOLOGY AND SOILS, WATER RESOURCES are analyzed using the (e.g., 1996-97) environmental setting as described in CEQA Guidelines Section 15125 data. SOCIOECONOMICS uses 1990 Census data for baseline, 1980 Census data for historic trends, 1995 for a comparison of base drawdown, and 1996-1997 Alameda Unified School District data. PUBLIC SERVICES and UTILITIES uses primarily 1993/1994 NAS Alameda data as updated by more current data. Planning Department, Room 102 City Hall 2263 Santa Clara Avenue • 94501-4454 Tel: 510.748 4554 TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION uses 1990 traffic data for the City of Alameda and adjusted 1994 traffic volumes for the City of Oakland (adjusted to represent 1990 conditions.) Portions of NOISE and AIR QUALITY are also based upon that data. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND WASTE uses data from 1994 -1997 based upon the Environmental Baseline Survey and BRAC Clean -up Plans. There will be 30 -day comment period and a public hearing regarding the adoption of the baseline conditions. The Public Hearing is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 11, 1998 in Council Chamber, Room 390, Alameda City Hall, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda. The public comment period is from July 1, 1998 to the close of the public hearing, August 11, 1998. The public scoping process for the EIS /EIR was previously held. Earlier comments are still valid, and issues other than the establishment of baseline conditions will not be addressed at this time There will be a public hearing and comment period on the entire contents of the Draft EIS /EIR at a later date. If you have any questions, please contact Cynthia Eliason, Planning Manager, at (510) 748 -4554. Thank you for your interest in this project. * Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact Monique Gordon, Planning Department, at 748 -4554 or 522- 7538 (TDD number) at least 72 hours before the meeting to request an interpreter. * Accessible seating for persons with disabilities (including those using wheelchairs) is available. * Minutes of the meeting are available in, enlarged print. * Audio tapes of the meeting are available upon request. * Please contact Monique Gordon, Planning Departmental Secretary, at 748 -4554 or 522 -7538 (TDD number) at least 48 hours before the meeting to request any other reasonable accommodations that may be necessary. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 6th day of June , 2000, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson, Kerr and Mayor Appezzato - 5. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 7th day of June , 2000. Diane Felsch, City Clerk city of Alameda