Resolution 13455CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 13 4 5 5
WHEREAS, the City is proposing a new roadway, Tinker Avenue, to provide access to the
western part of Alameda; and
WHEREAS, the City is proposing to add Tinker Avenue as a Major Street from Main Street
to Webster Street to Figure 4 -1, Street and Transit System, of the General Plan; and
WHEREAS, the proposed roadway is designated along an alignment with Medium Density
Residential, Public/Institutional /School and Parks and Public Open Space on the General Plan Land
Use Diagram; and
WHEREAS, the proposed roadway is located adjacent to MX, Mixed Use Planned
Development, M -2 -PD, General Industrial (Manufacturing), R -4, Neighborhood Residential, and 0,
Open Space, Zoning Districts; and
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WHEREAS, the proposed roadway is located within the boundaries of the Alameda Point
Improvement Project; and
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WHEREAS, the proposed roadway is consistent with the Redevelopment Land Use Map;
v WHEREAS, a proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study was circulated for
public comment between June 2, 2001 to July 5, 2001 and written comments were received, as
1) U.S. Coast Guard, June 7, 2001
2) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, June 20, 2001
3) Peralta Community College District, June 27, 2001
4) California Department of Transportation, July 2, 2001
5) East Bay Municipal Utility District, July 2, 2001
6) State Clearinghouse, July 5, 2001
7) U.S. Coast Guard, August 16, 2001
WHEREAS, staff has provided a written response to each letter of comment, attached to the
City Council Staff Report which is incorporated here by reference, and found that the comments did
not identify new significant impacts associated with this project, did not identify new mitigation
measures and the comments did not challenge the adequacy of the proposed mitigation measures;
WHEREAS, the Planning Board held a public hearing on the proposed Mitigated Negative
Declaration and Initial Study on August 27, 2001, and heard public testimony, and the testimony at
the public hearing did not identify new mitigation measures nor challenge the adequacy of the
proposed mitigation measures; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board recommended that the City Council strongly consider that
the existing housing on the north side of the Tinker Avenue Extension enjoy the same reduced
interior noise level as the other structures in town as provided for in the General Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board encouraged mitigations including, but not limited to,
glazing, mechanical ventilation, additional vegetation, and reduced construction hours, soft road
surfaces, and as a last resort, sound walls. The Board strongly suggested that many of the
mitigations be put in place prior to the opening of Tinker Avenue; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board examined pertinent maps, drawings, and documents, and
recommended that the City Council adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration; and
WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the proposed Mitigated Negative
Declaration on May 21, 2002 and examined pertinent maps, drawings, and documents; and
WHEREAS, the City Council made the following findings:
1. The project as mitigated does not have the potential to degrade the quality of the
environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or
wildlife population to drop below self - sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or
animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or
animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or pre-
history, because the site has existed as part of the U.S. Navy's Fleet Industrial Supply Center,
an industrial site, for over fifty years; and there is no identified historic or prehistoric
structure or substructure condition which would be disturbed by the proposed project. Areas
identified as wetland in the vicinity of Main Street will be subject to mitigation measures to
reduce the project - related impacts on such areas to a less than significant level.
2. The project as mitigated does not have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively
considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other
current projects, and the effects of probable future projects, because the
project will incorporate mitigation measures to avoid any significant adverse impacts on the
environment in the context of continued growth and development in Alameda.
3. The project as mitigated would not have environmental effects which will cause substantial
adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly, because implementation of the
mitigation measures identified would reduce project - related effects on those who would be
living or attending school in adjacent areas to a level of less than significant. As a major
road intended to serve future development, Tinker Avenue has been designed to be
compatible with existing and proposed land uses in the surrounding areas; and
WHEREAS, the City Council adopts additional language to enhance Mitigation Measure 11,
described in Attachment "A; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has made findings, described in Attachment "B ", that all
significant and potentially significant environmental impacts of the project can be reduced to a level
of insignificance; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Alameda
hereby adopts Mitigated Negative Declaration, IS- 01 -01, and a Mitigation Monitoring Program
described in Attachment "C "; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Alameda hereby adopts
the Revision to the Mitigated Negative Declaration, IS- 01 -01, described in Attachment "D ", which
does not constitute a "substantial revision" as defined in the California Environmental Quality Act
Guidelines Section 15073.5.
NOTICE. No judicial proceedings subject to review pursuant to California Code of Civil
Procedure Section 1094.5 may be prosecuted more than ninety (90) days following the date of this
decision or any final action on any appeal, plus extensions authorized by California Code of Civil
Procedure Section 1094.6.
MITIGATION MEASURE 11: Traffic Noise Attenuation. The following noise attenuation
measures should be required to reduce noise levels at existing or planned adjacent uses:
Tinker Avenue Segment - Main Street to Fifth Street
• Prior to the roadway's operation, measures which reduce the operational noise of Tinker
Avenue should be provided. such as additional vegetation adjacent to Tinker Avenue from
the western property line of the U.S, Coast Guard housing complex to the easternmost
residence. and the use of soft road surfaces like rubberized asphalt. to meet either the 60- or
65 -dBA standard for usable outdoor space. As a last resort, a noise wall should be provided
on the north side of Tinker Avenue from the western property line of the U.S. Coast Guard
housing complex to the easternmost residence of that housing development. If necessary,
the noise wall should be of a height sufficient to interrupt the noise propagation path
(approximately six feet, depending on location of the wall relative to final elevation
differences between source and receiver) and to meet either the 60- or 65 -dBA standard for
usable outdoor space.
• Prior to the roadways operation, glazing which reduces interior noise to 45 dBA (CNEL or
Ldn) and supplemental mechanical ventilation should be provided in the upstairs rooms of
U.S. Coast Guard residences located adjacent to the proposed Tinker Avenue and with
upstairs windows facing the street. Provision of supplemental ventilation would allow for
window closure. Of the 30 units located immediately adjacent to the proposed Tinker
Avenue alignment, nine of these units have no windows on the southern facade (facing the
roadway) and no mitigation would be required in these units. Four units have windows
facing Tinker Avenue, but they are located on the first floor only where the recommended
noise wall would provide sufficient noise protection. However, there are 17 units with at
least one upstairs window facing Tinker Avenue and mechanical ventilation would need to
be provided in these units if the affected rooms have no other means of ventilation when the
windows are closed. If the affected rooms have windows on other sides (not directly facing
Tinker Avenue), mechanical ventilation could consist of a room fan. Otherwise, mechanical
ventilation would involve a suitable ventilation system.
• Planned residential and school uses with frontage along the proposed Tinker Avenue shall
comply with the 60 -dBA (CNEL) City Land Use Compatibility Standard for residential and
school uses. If they would be exposed to higher noise levels (due to smaller setbacks), noise
attenuation measures will need to be incorporated into their design to ensure that City
standards are met.
Tinker Avenue Segment - Fifth to Mariner Square Loop
• Planned office/R &D uses with frontage along the proposed Tinker Avenue should be set
back sufficiently to meet the 65 -dBA (CNEL) City Land Use Compatibility Standard for
office and commercial uses. If they would be exposed to higher noise levels (due to smaller
setbacks), noise attenuation measures will need to be incorporated into their design to ensure
that City standards are met.
The following sets forth all significant effects of the project, all of which can be reduced to a level
of insignificance, and less than significant impacts for which mitigation is recommended.
Aesthetics The portion of the Tinker Avenue alignment that borders the College of Alameda
athletic fields is lined by mature ornamental pine and eucalyptus trees. Current roadway
improvement plans call for these trees to be removed, which would have a significant
adverse impact on the visual character of the area.
Finding. The City Council hereby makes the following finding: Changes or alterations have
been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen the
significant environmental effect as identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial
Facts in Support of Finding. The following mitigation measure indicates that the identified
impact will be reduced to a level of insignificance.
Mitigation Measure 1:
Along the College of Alameda boundary, 24- gallon trees of
a type similar to those to be removed may be planted as
replacements on College property instead of within the
roadway alignment. The landscaping plan will be designed
to reduce the impact associated with the removal of the
existing trees along the Tinker Avenue alignment to a less
than significant level.
The implementation of this Mitigation Measure would reduce the impact from construction
of the project to a less than significant level.
2. Aesthetics Construction of the proposed roadway would include the installation of street
lighting, which could generate light and glare visible from the existing USCG housing area
and from future residential units which are anticipated under the approved Catellus Project.
This is viewed as a significant impact associated with the Tinker Avenue Extension Project.
Finding. The City Council hereby makes the followings finding: Changes or alterations have
been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen the
significant environmental effect as identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial
Facts in Support of Finding. The following mitigation measure indicates that the identified
impact will be reduced to a level of insignificance.
Mitigation Measure 2: The City of Alameda, in the conditions of approval of the
Development Plan, shall require shielding, design revisions
or other measures to reduce adverse lighting impacts to the
extent feasible.
The implementation of this Mitigation Measure would reduce the impact from construction
of the project to a less than significant level.
3. Air Quality Failure to implement appropriate dust control measures would be a potentially
significant impact, and would be inconsistent with the current Bay Area Clean Air Plan.
Finding. The City Council hereby makes the following finding: Changes or alterations have
been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen the
significant environmental effect as identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial
Facts in Support of Finding. The following mitigation measure indicates that the identified
impact will be reduced to a level of insignificance.
Mitigation Measure 3:
Water all active construction areas at least twice daily
Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, debris and other
loose materials, or require all trucks to provide at least
two feet of freeboard (space below its undercarriage)
Pave, apply water three times daily, or apply
appropriate, non -toxic soil stabilizers on all unpaved
areas, parking areas and staging areas
Use water sweepers daily if visible soil material
appears on adjacent streets
Hydro seed or apply. (non- toxic) soil stabilizers to
inactive construction areas (previously graded areas
inactive for ten days or more)
Enclose, cover, water twice daily, or apply (non- toxic)
soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.)
Limit traffic speeds on unpaved roads to 15 miles per
Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to
prevent silt runoff to public roadways
Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as
Install wheel washers for all exiting trucks, or wash
off the tires or tracks of all trucks and equipment
leaving the construction site
Install wind breaks, or plant trees /vegetative wind
breaks at windward side(s) of construction areas
Suspend excavation and grading activity when winds
(instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 miles per hour
The implementation of this Mitigation Measure would reduce the impact from construction
of the project to a less than significant level.
4. Biological Resources The loss of possible nests in active use would be a potentially
significant impact.
Finding. The City Council hereby makes the following finding: Changes or alterations have
been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen the
significant environmental effect as identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial
Facts in Support of Finding. The following mitigation measure indicates that the identified
impact will be reduced to a level of insignificance.
Mitigation Measure 4: The Tinker Avenue alignment and adjacent areas should be
surveyed for nests by a qualified biologist 60 days prior to
construction. If nesting raptors are observed, these locations
should be avoided, and no construction completed within 100
feet of these locations until the nesting cycle is complete.
Alternatively, the City of Alameda may develop a mitigation
program with the approval of the CDFG.
The implementation of this Mitigation Measure would reduce the impact from construction
of the project to a less than significant level.
5. Biological Resources The two small ditch segments within the Tinker Avenue alignment and
the tip of the new wetland being developed as part of the Main Street Improvement Project
total less than 500 square feet. Most wetland impacts are considered significant under the
Resource Agency CEQA guidelines. In addition, Regional Water Quality Control Board and
California Department of Fish and Game staff perceive most wetland loss to be significant.
Finding. The City Council hereby makes the following finding: Changes or alterations have
been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen the
significant environmental effect as identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial
Facts in Support of Finding. The following mitigation measure indicates that the identified
impact will be reduced to a level of insignificance.
Mitigation Measure 5:
A mitigation program consistent with the Main Street
Improvement Project (that is, the provision of adjacent
wetlands) would be the most appropriate approach toward
mitigating the project- related fill of approximately 500 square
feet of wetlands identified within the Tinker Avenue
The implementation of this Mitigation Measure would reduce the impact from construction
of the project to a less than significant level.
6. Geology and Soils The proposed roadway improvements would result in exposure of people
to potentially significant strong seismic ground shaking, due to subsurface soil and
geological conditions beneath the Tinker Avenue alignment.
Finding. The City Council hereby makes the following finding: Changes or alterations have
been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen the
significant environmental effect as identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial
Facts in Support of Finding. The following mitigation measure indicates that the identified
impact will be reduced to a level of insignificance.
Mitigation Measure 6:
The Tinker Avenue alignment shall be cleared prior to
construction, including the removal of existing asphalt, rubble
debris, vegetation and any loose, wet or otherwise unstable
soils. Any oversized material exceeding six inches
encountered during excavation which can not be crushed for
use as road base shall not be utilized in the fill, but shall be
properly disposed of off -site. Project specifications shall
include appropriate design and construction methods to assure
stable subgrade.
Extra drying and compactive effort may be required to
achieve stable subgrade. Additionally, overexcavation of the
subsoil or the use of a stabilization fabric or geotextile layer
may be required in order to filter moisture away from the
pavement structural section as much as possible. Other
measures used to compensate for expansive soils include lime
treatment of the upper 12 to 18 inches of wet, clayey soils.
The appropriate treatment shall be evaluated during the
design phase of the Project by the geotechnical consultant.
The implementation of this Mitigation Measure would reduce the impact from construction
of the project to a less than significant level.
7. Hazards and Hazardous Materials In the course of ground clearance and construction, the
Tinker Avenue Extension Project will involve potential contact between construction
workers and residual hazardous materials, which would be a potentially significant impact,
if effective safety precautions are not followed. Substantial emissions of windblown dust
or sediment -laden stormwater runoff from the soils within the Tinker Avenue alignment
would also be a potentially significant impact on the environment in the absence of
commonly accepted and available means of avoiding such releases into the environment.
Finding. The City Council hereby makes the following finding: Changes or alterations have
been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen the
significant environmental effect as identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial
Facts in Support of Finding. The following mitigation measure indicate that the identified
impact will be reduced to a level of insignificance.
Mitigation Measure 7: All construction activity associated with the Tinker Avenue
Extension Project will be required to comply with the
provisions of the Site Management Plan (SMP) developed for
the Catellus project. The SMP will require Risk
Communication, implementation of site - specific Health and
Safety Plans (HSP), and Health and Safety Training and
Certification. Measures which may be identified in a
site - specific HSP for preventing worker exposure to
hazardous materials include use of personal protective
equipment (disposable coveralls, nitrile rubber gloves, rubber
boots and [as needed], face and eye protection, collective
referred to as PPE), personal decontamination, establishment
of work zones, and documented daily tailgate safety meetings.
The implementation of this Mitigation Measure would reduce the impact from construction
of the project to a less than significant level.
8. Hazards and Hazardous Materials Installation of utilities and the construction of roadway
improvements could expose construction workers to contaminated groundwater, posing a
potentially significant impact.
Finding. The City Council hereby makes the following finding: Changes or alterations have
been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen
the significant environmental effect as identified in the Mitigated Negative
Declaration/Initial Study.
Facts in Support of Finding. The following mitigation measure indicates that the identified
impact will be reduced to a level of insignificance.
Mitigation Measure 8: Disposal of groundwater should be performed in accordance
with the guidelines of the RWQCB. Since encountering
contaminated soil and groundwater within the proposed
construction area is likely, contract specifications should
include a line item for treatment, loading, transportation and
disposal of contaminated soil and groundwater generated
during the construction of the roadway improvements.
The implementation of this Mitigation Measure would reduce the impact from construction
of the project to a less than significant level.
9. Hydrology and Water Quality During construction, there is a potential for runoff of exposed
soil during rainstorms, which would have a potentially significant impact on water quality
and could violate water quality standards.
Finding. The City Council hereby makes the following finding: Changes or alterations have
been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen the
significant environmental effect as identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial
Facts in Support of Finding. The following mitigation measure indicates that the identified
impact will be reduced to a level of insignificance.
Mitigation Measure 9:
Dust Control. Measures could include water spraying
or application of dust suppressants, and gravel
covering of high - traffic areas (see Mitigation 3).
Temporary storage of excavated soil material. Fill
and other materials excavated during utility trenching,
surface clearing and preparation should be stockpiled
and appropriately covered to prevent runoff or
discharge of affected soil, water or dust. Depending
on weather conditions, containment structures or
devices may be required.
Guidelines for re -use of excavated fill materials.
Re -used materials should be fully covered with
paving or landscaping. Where re -used fill materials
are covered with landscaping, a one -foot minimum
thick layer of clean imported fill shall be provided,
and all existing fill material shall be covered in a
manner to prevent human exposure from casual
contact with landscaping or other surfaces.
Off -site site disposal of excavated materials. In the event
that off -site disposal of excavated fill materials is
required due to geotechnical or other construction
considerations, the material should be tested to
determine appropriate means of disposal.
Surface water runoff controls. Runoff to the storm
drain system shall meet water quality criteria set by
the SFRWQCB. If water discharged to the storm
drain system could exceed 3 mg/liter, a NPDES
permit could be required, or a NPDES waiver, if
greater than 0.5 mg/liter. Water from saw cutting
activities shall be vacuumed and disposed of
Dewatering. Groundwater generated from dewatering
activities should be handled in the same manner as
other site runoff.
Equipment Decontamination. Trucks and large
equipment should be washed down before leaving the
construction site to avoid inadvertent, cumulative
off -site transport of affected soil. Wash -down water
should be handled in the same manner as other site
The implementation of this Mitigation Measure would reduce the impact from construction
of the project to a less than significant level.
10. Noise The project's construction - related noise impacts would be a temporary significant
Finding. The City Council hereby makes the following finding: Changes or alterations have
been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen the
significant environmental effect as identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial
Facts in Support of Finding. The following mitigation measure indicates that the identified
impact will be reduced to a level of insignificance.
Mitigation Measure 10: Construction will comply with Alameda Noise
Ordinance hourly limits, which prohibits construction
during nighttime hours.
Construction activities should be prohibited on
weekends along road segments located adjacent to
U.S. Coast Guard residences.
Equipment and trucks used for Project construction
should utilize the best available noise control
techniques (improved mufflers, equipment redesign,
use of intake silencers, ducts, engine enclosures and
acoustically- attenuating shields or shrouds) in order to
minimize construction noise impacts. Construction
equipment should not generate noise levels above 75
to 80 dBA at 50 feet.
Equipment used for Project construction should be
hydraulically or electrical powered impact tools (jack
hammers, pavement breakers, and rock drills)
wherever possible to avoid noise associated with
compressed air exhaust from pneumatically powered
tools. However, where use of pneumatically powered
tools is unavoidable, an exhaust muffler on the
compressed air exhaust should be used; this muffler
could lower noise levels from the exhaust by up to
about 10 dBA. External jackets on the tools
themselves should be used where feasible, and this
could achieve a reduction of 5 dBA. Quieter
procedures should be used such as drilling rather than
impact equipment whenever feasible.
Stationary noise sources should be located as far from
existing sensitive receptors as possible, particularly
U.S. Coast Guard residences. If they must be located
near existing receptors, they should be adequately
muffled and enclosed within temporary sheds.
The implementation of this Mitigation Measure would reduce the impact from construction
of the project to a less than significant level.
11. Noise Implementation of the proposed Tinker Avenue Extension Project would result in a
significant impact on existing residences in the U.S. Coast Guard housing development. The
Project's impact on usable outdoor space at U.S. Coast Guard residences would be a
potentially significant impact.
Finding. The City Council hereby makes the following finding: Changes or alterations have
been required in, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen
the significant environmental effect as identified in the Mitigated Negative
Declaration/Initial Study.
Facts in Support of Finding. The following mitigation measure indicate that the identified
impact will be reduced to a level of insignificance.
Mitigation Measure 11:
Prior to the roadway's operation, measures which
reduce the operational noise of Tinker Avenue should
be provided, such as additional vegetation adjacent to
Tinker Avenue from the western property line of the
U.S. Coast Guard housing complex to the easternmost
residence, and the use of soft road surfaces like
rubberized asphalt, to meet either the 60- or 65 -dBA
standard for usable outdoor space. As a last resort, a
noise wall should be provided on the north side of
Tinker Avenue from the western property line of the
U.S. Coast Guard housing complex to the easternmost
residence of that housing development. If necessary,
the noise wall should be of a height sufficient to
interrupt the noise propagation path (approximately
six feet, depending on location of the wall relative to
final elevation differences between source and
receiver) and to meet either the 60- or 65 -dBA
standard for usable outdoor space.
Prior to the roadway's operation, glazing which
reduces interior noise to 45 dBA (CNEL or Ldn) and
supplemental mechanical ventilation should be
provided in the upstairs rooms of U.S. Coast Guard
residences located adjacent to the proposed Tinker
Avenue and with upstairs windows facing the street.
Planned residential and school uses with frontage
along the proposed Tinker Avenue shall comply with
the 60 -dBA (CNEL) City Land Use Compatibility
Standard for residential and school uses. If they
would be exposed to higher noise levels (due to
smaller setbacks), noise attenuation measures will
need to be incorporated into their design to ensure that
City standards are met.
Planned office/R &D uses with frontage along the
proposed Tinker Avenue should be set back
sufficiently to meet the 65 -dBA (CNEL) City Land
Use Compatibility Standard for office and commercial
uses. If they would be exposed to higher noise levels
(due to smaller setbacks), noise attenuation measures
will need to be incorporated into their design to
ensure that City standards are met.
The implementation of this Mitigation Measure would reduce the impact from construction
of the project to a less than significant level.