Resolution 01305R37.01305I711 O. 7005 TRANSHERRIN1 96,015.98 •ROM THE EIPECTRIC MIGHT 17850 TO THE GETERAL 3UND. 2CSOLy3D, by tha council of the city of Alareelp, that there be (mid there ie hereby transferred from the Electric laigt 3und to the Ceneral pund, the F.-Lk of 21x thouoznd, and sixteen end 99/100 Dollar (6,016,95) ce o dividend, some beiag the e.mount of the city lighting bill for the months of Auehst and g:eptember, 1923. She Auditor and the Treasurer' ore hereby authorized to make said. trensfer upon their respective books. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoins Re2o- lution wee duly arT, regularly introduced end ae.orted by the r;ouncil of the CitY of Alamed a. in regular meeting assembled en the 7th day' of November, 1929, by the following cote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Calcutt, Latham, Noble and President Otis, (4) . NOES( None. ABSONT: Councilman Neiss, (1). IN TESTIMONY 311511305 , 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city thio 1311 day of November, 1928. (Seta of the City of Alameda.) 15 E. 111130016 15lit4j Clerk of the Cit7 Alamem6. I hereby certify that the foregoin is a full, true sad cor- rect ()spy of lRTSCIUTION NO. 1305 - IRAC8931(RING 86,016.98. MOE THE 31,30TRIC LICHT -m.irD ,-.!() TH3 (1397ERAL 71311)", passed by the Council of the City of ilameda in regular meeting assembled on the 7th day of Hovember, 1928. .t-T,) r th e ',,`,11-4.y 331 Alt-Jr:leen.