Resolution 02840RESOLUTION LO. 2840 coLfRoiLyz 11 ,Tssr2LE.,,Lii:;::: [.;1:1-2EL STATES UTE 4290A1C4 CS. 7.66 ACRES OR LAPP, FPO., 048E0 CARLDCARO, Em It WEER-2AS, the United. Statez of America, on. Eafch 24, 1942, heretofore inztituted. condemnation proeeeddimins in amizaaot•domein against certain barmaid of land in. thz City of Alameda, by filing an eatien. in. the District Court of the United States for the NoreLiEwmi District of Californibm Southern Division, No. 22133-W, entitled UMiteb. States of America, Plaintiff, v. 7.66 acrez of land, morb or less, in Alambda Courty, Oaliaernia, Carlo darieware, et al, Defendants, • said. parcels being more particularly described in. the Declaration. of Taking., the Compidint and. tne Juddtment in. said action, Ulla. title to said. parcels has now vested ir the United Stetez of America and WHEREAS, tbe City of Alameda is tile owner of the said. real property more particulamly described as fellows: Beginmind at Nee print of intersection of the direct extension aortheasterly of tbs. northwesterly ldne of Chestnut Street with the line of the portion cf the Pefalta Sancho or Grant coaffixned and natooteu to Aefonde Maria Peralta by the Government of the United States; thocce alehR said Pei:alto GoariC Line 6. C88 44i E. 34.17 ft, ena 8. 83' 4.8" 10" E. 358.42 ft. ft, to pojht on a lice drawn parallel with ttie said extension of the northwesterly line of Chestnut Street and distant jeJ.0 ft. PortleasteLly measured at right obigles therefrom; thence aleha said parallel. line R, 288 35' E. 134.2D ft. zoos or less to a point distabb N. 28* 55' E. 691.88 ft. from tee Jortheast a ern line of Whs.:bat Hvehde, daonce b. 618 25' W. 5.3 ft.°, thence 8. 28' 35' E. 233.9 ft. to a point on the 'foiled States Diet:asses Lize, as it existed February 9, 1948; Tsesee honth - wester] j, aloha; tee 3„ast newt rated 359.8 it. ::-.crQ unbil intecchsted hy the sold diceeb exteezior neimhoostorly of une nortowtsterty line of Chtsthht street; tneocs alonp asha Teem aamed ljne S. 28"' 55' W. 527.1 ft. ru5re or isms to Mau poibt of thipinoRng, whimin saio rood yracedby is a Lori-doh af bae lanes dosetibed id saiJ OcmnIalat abh dba;vreht ano is tnerein berticulority cefsvred to dna dParcei 4 2.8; end WHEREAS, a dispute nab arisen bbtween the City of Alameda. ard tie Tjljite6. f:tates pf .Pefeerica tas to the value of the city,s right, birdie and. interest in and. to saie. Farcel 22; and. WRIPEAS, it appears to this Cchaell, and dbis Council so fields and deteradnes, idiot it is in the interests of Who City od Alameda neat teee disente heretofore and now effetin.g hotweem. the City of Alohedd and tte tanfted. Statez of Axemice. in. said action. he. settltd. ard combated...cod. in. the me:arson provided by, sob in accordance wiMi, thz tobfm and stipulations.; oor.tmbaied in the "Offer to Accept' ferebnafter sot forth; NEW, TRERFFORE, RE PEDDUMIE TRT, CODFOLL OF TUE OTIS CP ALAMELA, az follows: I- tne City of Alameda execrate am Offem ho Acaemim which offer shall be substuntiailai Lb form enh. oputain thLe attire:amanita anJ. stipaltitichs foly• lowing, to wit: 7.66 aches of lanh, more or less, in. Rlemeda County, California, etc., et al, Defendants Tad LISIbtai' LOTRT DP ONE FCh ThE FhPlEMAL DISTRICT OF ORLFSERWIA MSOUTaldlii 285845,818114 CIVIL NO. 22133 dal; OFEEM TC AgaE2TT The TmfeelarTgne, the owner and. claanant of ParceE. 22 in. the above a entitled. condutah41 tiar. nroseediarm hereby ofTere to accept the sTa of Twenty-five Theasamd Dollars (t25,000.00) or full and. just compensation for the taTarg by' the. United StaTes of the said. land and all interests therein- (31 It is agreed that the said sum shdli be inclusive of principal. awd hatereur and that payment of all. claims, liens, ereambrdtres and. tapes or other charges against the land shall be made from the said sum, expept the payment or award to be made as just compenpation for the taking in said proceeding of eqpim- ment and structures on said parcel and awned by Alameda Boat Club, Hall Scott Motor Co, and Barney Sandstrom and. Anna Dorothy. Sandstrom - it is further agreed that thia offer is contingont upon. and is made with. the understanding, that the final ijudgment in dander:dation. in the above on - tirted action shall contain suitable provisions reserving to the City or Alameda, a municipd1 corporation, the follaNing easements in, duross and througi. the par- cels or aan< . described. in. the complaint iD the above (untitled condemnation pro- ceedings as Parcels 20, 21 and. 22: (a) A. perpetual easement and right of way to construct, reconstruct, repair and maintain covered public sewers for sanitary and. drainage purposes, in. and. along twa certain strips or land described as follows: (1) A stric or parcel of land ten (f0) feet wide, situated. in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of Californid, and lying five (5) feet on each side of the following described center lidef To find thd true point of beginning of said ceuter lihe begin at the point of intersection of the Northwestern lind of Chestnut Street and the Northeastern line of Clement Avenue, as sand.• street And avunud are shown and delineated on that certain.. map aft.itled, wdesubdivision. of Blookd 1, 2 and 1 bands Adjacent to the Town of Encinal, Alameda TuwAshit, Alameda, fuyumber 1.890," filed Novanber 20, 1800, in Book 8 of Maps at page 47, in the office of the County 2d3 urder of Alameda County, and ran thence Edsteriy, alond thd Nomtna . eastern line of Clement Avenue, produced across Chestnut Street, 2,4 feet to the said true point of bedinning of said center line; thence Northm easterly along a line parallel to said Northwestern rind of Chestnut Street and. its direct Northeasterly projection 5585 feet to a point; thence herth 1* 25' Wast to a point on rbd direct production Northm -easterly of sdiJi Western. line of Chestput Streat. (2) A strip or parcel of Land ten. (10) feet wide, situ- aed. in thd City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, and lying five (5) feet on ea39 h. side of the foliodanig described center line: To find the true point of beginniug ot said cantdr line begin at the point of intersection of the Northwestern line of Chestnut Street and the North- eastern. line of Clemunt Avenue, as sdAd stredt and avenue are shown and delineated. on. that certain map entitled, "Resubdivision of Blecks.1, 2 and. 3, Lands Adjacent to the Town. of Ludinel, Alameda. Township, Alameda, November 1090" filed November 20, 189C, in Bdok 8 of Mans at page. 0, the office of the County Rdcorder of Alameda. County, and. run thedce Easterly along the Northeastern line of Clemunt Avenue, produced acrods Chestnut Street, 24. feet to a point; and. thence Northeasterly' parallel with. said. Northwestern line pf Chestnut Street 330 feet to the true point of beginning of said. center line; thenoe Easterly' along a line parallel. to the Northeasterly line of Clument Avenuu 339 feet, mere or less, to a point in thd Eastern lithe of Parcel. 21 au described in. the complaint in. the above entialod action, subjeut, however, to such rugulations may be imposed. by the Navy Department for safety and security measures during the period rhat the United States of America shall own the above described parcels of land; (b) A. perpetual easament riadt of way to the City of Alameda, a htnnErlfal conderntion, its lessees, licensees and lnditada, for the. purpose ef passage over, duress add along a strip of land ddscribed as fellows: Beddinntng at the point. of intersection. of the North- western lint of Chestnat Street. and the Ehnallueastern line of fltmanat Avdnue, as said stre1, t. dud avencd are shawn. and delineate1+ . on that certaih. map atfoitiod, 1/ 1' of Siodku 2, 2 and 3, Lands Adjacent to the Tonr. of Eimptual, Alanadr. Township, Alameda, No.:umber 1890," idle:A NJ:Ana:Aber 20, 1890 in Book 8 ot Dinas at sage L7, in Ono offdoe of the County Recorder of Alameau Coarty, and running ttbnee Northeasterly along; said. Westamn line of Chestnut Street, and along the Northerly projecian thereof, 380 feet to a. pwint; thence at might angles Sestheasterly 20 feet; thence at right angles Scathwustenly ann. parallel to said Westehn line of Chestnut Street 380 fast to a bwinb in the Northeastern boundary liebe of Clement Avenue, prodsbed. across Chestnut Street; thence tIonIURnmesterly alon said. hroMaation of' said Ihuhanonstern line of Clement Avwnsw 20 feet tw gMe point of beginning. It is furthwr egPeon. and. understood. 'that able is an offer in settlansent and compromise and in. the evont the same be not accented. it shall nwt be csnetrnbd 2.0 an admission of value or tutrodtbed. or •in any manner used agaiteit the City of Alemeas and. thp Eseate ef Lain: A. Pedersen. at any trial of the above entitled.. action— It :Is underStood that this is sEeRaly an. offer to absent and. menet be approved.. by tehe Chief of Was. huresa of Yards and DO3ki.S. Noted: 'march PITY CP shah1DA, a :tunic:col Corparttioh, Its Mayor EistAhe 30 AtIf A. .sahhhas, otcesiwt, .77,377cIltrf7—f ti17-1,frst Pedersen, Deceased. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Alamodm is hereby alnnari.zed and. directed. to emecute, and Mie City. Hierk to attest, as the ant and. deed of the City of Alamedb, the aforesaid offer ere agreement. 7.tat if said. offer is accepted by the htited States --- - of the dffew made pswcuant uLa to hoewent, for and. OR behalf of the City of Alameang to the entry.. of a Mina". judgb ment of tahbne, and condemnation in. said action, La wesoranoe with the of the dity's sand. offer. I, taa undersigned, hereby certify that thw foregoing Resolution. was duly ann. rogdierly introduced ann. adcuted. by the Council of the City of Alameda Ln regular meeting assembled. on thb 16th day of Mhrod, 1.913, by the IMALmuleng: vote, to wit: !MIS: CosaRenmen. F.:onus, Jones, Etdrer ann. President Cudfrey, (WI). nhICEM: hone. ADSPINg Connoilman Branucheld„ fne). LO WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand ann. affixed Cie official seal of oald City this 17th day of March, 1943. ICREilt-3— ELAN 03 Clang of the gamy 1 hereby neTtify that the foreahhing is A. Tali, tnue and oorrect copy. of "Es-solution NO. 2840, AUTCIORIECLEDI COMJIRONITSE A.ED SETELECINT th' UNITED STATES EN AtEATICE VS. 7.66 A.CREE OE .1„..41.,a). ETC., CARES CARSTEVARO, ET ALT" introErred aad adohted. by the. Council. on the:i6th day of Mancl, 1943. ,-7° / 1 ' SE y CterT of thetflty of Alameda.