Resolution 02841ill) 17'; 1.10 EET)cLEETE, Eo. 28ET AITHORaillt. ENE EXPEUTION OF AN ACTISENKNT OE COMPROMISE BETAKEN DEE caTEE OF ALANEDA AND KETE C. FEDEESEN, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS EXECUTRIX OE THE ESTATE 08 LERS A. PEDERSEN, DEEEASEDA WITH DESPEET TO THE RESPECTIVE INTERESTS Of SAID FART= IN THE AWARD TO EE KADE IN CERTAIN CONDEMNATTSX PROCEEDINES INSTITUTED HY THE UNITED 3TATEE OF AMETNINVa WHEREAS, the United States of imamica, on. March 24, 1942, instituted. condemnation proceedings in eminent dnmain against certain. parcels of lann in the City of' Alameda, by filMag an action. in the J Count of the Inited. States for the Northern District of California, Southern Division, No. 22133-W, entitled United StaMes of Aaarica, Plainnaff, v. 7.00 acres of land, more or less, in. Ala- meda. County, California, Carlo Carlayare, et 91, Defendants, aiaid. parcels being more particularly' described. in thR) DEciaration af Taking, the Complaint and the Inagment in saidbaction, and title to said parcela hbb now. vestad. in the United StaMea of America; wad WHEREAS, the City of Alameda is the ownar of the real property. MOTe par- ticularly describen in tne Complaint in said aatior. as "Parcel 22f; and WHEREAS, 0 reastua of the facts and. premises recited. in tame Agreeinnt of Compromise, hereinafter. set forth in full, there has arisen between thh City of Alameda. and said. Kate G. Eadersen, individually and as exacutrix of the Estate of Bars A. Pedernen deceased, a dispute as to the all of Mikir respective in- terests in. said Parcel 22; and WHEREES, said Kate G. Pedeinen, individually abb.. as executrix of the Ehtate of kurs A. Pedersen. deceased, bas 1310 to settle and compromise the aforesaid. disputes and nifinfences on the terma and conons set forth in the Agreement of Compromise hereinafter in thls resolution. set out in full; and WHEREAS, it aweeers to this Council and this Council so finds and de - terminus, that it is in. thn best interests of the City of 1j 11 that the afore- . said aisoomes and. differenhes be settled. and comnromised in the manner provided by, and in accordahce with, the terms and. stipulations contained. in the Agreemamt of Compromise hereinafter set forthf and WHEREAS, the aforesaid parties denire and deem it mutually advanhagesas that the me13 hmd. of diaibinp thn awand. to be made in said adtinr. in. conbmmination. urner the rale announced in City of lasadara vd Porter, 201. be dIsre- garnad by agreement between them; NEW, TIEMEECand), HE rE RESOLVED BY THE COMPETE OF TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA, as follows: Sec. 1. That an agreemwnt of compromino be executed im the City of Alameda jointiw with said Nate G. Padersen individuallb and. as executrix of the Eatate of Ears A. Pebnrsen, deceased, which agrearannt shall be, substantially, in fib= and contain the agreemnaME and stipulations foliowinw, to wit: ARREEMENT AOMPEEMISE This agmeement made betweEn the CITT OF ALAMEDA, 1 municipal corporation. of the State of California as First Party Oiereimafter sometimes raferran to ah "City"), amU EATS G. FEEEWEENA individually and as executrix of Mae estate. of Lars A.Pedmrsen deceased as Semonn Party, blifEESSEPEA WEEEHAS, Mae United. States of America, on larch 2A, 1942, instituted ponnemnation proceenirma in. emdnent domain against certain parcels of land in the City of A:lambda, by filinw an action in. the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of California, Southern Division, No. 22123-W, entAtLhi United StateE of America, Plaintiff, v. 7.66 acres of land, more or less, in Ala- meda County, California, Carlo Cawlevaroa et al, Defendants, said parcels being more particularly described. in the Baciaration of Taking, the Coawlaint and the Euegment in paid actimn, and title to said parcels has now vested in. tne United States of America: and WHEREAS, the City of Alameda is the ownnr of the said 2api property more carticularly coscriued as follows: newly:ming at the point of Intersection of vbe direct exteraion northeasterly of tie nonthwastcrly line of Bhostrat Street with the line of the portion of Mae faralta Parch° or Smart confirmed and patented to Artorio Earta pernita by the Eovermatint of ;no Gaence asliai4i Sala Ferailaa Urent Line a. S3i 44' S. 32-17 ft. and S. 331 48' le" E. 352.42 Mt. to a 1,--)1n-c, ljnw dram: basal:see with tr.: said extend:ion of the northwesterly line of Chostman Street ame d"stunt 363.0 ft. southeasterly natosirce ab yjmft tattles tberafrosm 'thence clorg sail parallel line So. 28* 55' 15'",.4.2'5, ft. mere or les° to a point distoht ne. 2SI 35' E, 091.8S ft, from the nettheactern line of diembnt mvehue; thong.: d. 511 25' W. 5.5 ft.; thence P. CS' 233.9 ft, to a pelmt on the Undted States Piesbead Pito, ad it omitted Febraany 9, 1942; thence norLy.ves-A,,rly aloha too 1DBt 1:La,3 559.2 ft. ,In3r-.2. leas uhtil imtercoatna by the sale oircet exteusich horsIdesteely ei xhe mar"hmesterin sdne of' 0hostatut Street; thosce siong sail last paned limo S. 2Ss j."' S. 522.1 ft. here op less to Ale point of tosihhimg, anion caid 2,JUi Propel:1g is a portion al. the leads desoriced in ante Complaint ono auagnent ore Is Mocreir aortic:cif-Is referred to arb asocrabed os "Tercel 222; and WITSIC4142, Mee portion of the ;above Olowbribed real property. eItch lies easterly. of the didweit embenaion. nomtherly of the easterly line of Chestnut Street was leased. by bile City- of Alameda to Pero A. Pmderson undar the follow- ing ieases: Coj Lease dated May 1920, for a berm. of 25 yemrs, beginning May 51, 1920 and orating 82dy 30, 1245,. for a total rental. of FifEeen. Thousand Dollars (015,000.00), payable do isstallmaoto of Six hundred Dollars ($500.00) each., &arm:ally ih. advance on the 31st day of' 'Ley of each emd every. year eosins said. termy fa) Monewal lease dated. MOrch 14, 1.921, for a term of 25 ywars, cum- EP:icing with bre 31.st day of May, 1945 and expiring on. May 30, 1970, at a total. rental of Fifteen Theusand. Dollars ($15,000.001, payable in drotellmets of Six ifoodmei Dollars 4' annually in advance on. the 31st day of May of eabh. and every year ansins: said renewal term; and WHEREAS, Second Party id the successar In. interest of said. A. Pedersen in acid leases and is now the owner thereof; and gAMAXmdm the area of that portion of said. Parcel 22 which is covered by thw aforesaid leases is 3.20 acres 8.F.C.1 the total area covered. by said.. leases is 2t2a acres; and. WSEREAS, 'Mae City of Alameda, with the consent arW. in agreement with Secord. Party, hws made a written offer to the hAdted States, the Plaintiff in tlic action im. condemnation. hereinbefore refertmd. to, to copemt the sum of Twenty - five: itpuEond Dollars ($)"25,00.0.00) as full erg just corquinsoMhot for tbw tairMdg by dro United Statew of Said Pmrcei. 22 and. all intorests therain; and YUEREAS, there has arisen. toteoer. the pamtied hereto a dispute ad to thw value of thw reweectimw interests of the parties hereto in said Petcel 22 and as to tto amount which. Second Pmmty is entitled.. to receive out of said. sum of rwemty -five Thousand. Dollars ($25,000.003 aa commensatiom for the leasehold and other interewts of Second Partyg and WHEREAS, the purlieu hereto are desirous of forever settling Mew dim: - antao and different:es JaGIN and heretofore existing between them; NOVI, THERMPERE, in consideration of the premises und. promises, each to the other, hereinafter contained, the parties Inwrete agnew an follow:so rtat in the Event that the UnIted Stateo of America, as Plaintiff in said action, shall accept the offer of the City of Alameda and. the City of Ala - mea shell be awarded. the sum of Twenty -fityw Thousand Dollars ($25;000.00) in said action, thw City of Alameda shall receive and. retain aut of said. award the sum of Fourteen. Thousand Seven hundred Forty Dollars ($14,740.00) as just nom- pensation for its title and interwst in. said Parcel 22, and:Second Party shall receive the sum of Ten Fhoueand Two hunemen SExty Dollar5 ($10,260.00), as just compensation. for the interest of Second Pamty and Second Party's tenants pnd sublessees in said Parcel 22. It is famUiler ;agreed that Second: Party Email pay' out of the :meant awarded to Second Party; as aforesaid, any- ammamt Or amounts which maw be awarded in said action to Any. of the sublessees or temonfa of Second forty as compensa- tion for their respective leasehold or °them interests itt. said. Parcel 22. IF IS FURTHEP AGEFED that as o part of tte consideration of' this agree- ment ix settipmEnt and compromise thm leases between the City. of A.1,mm:d asd said Lars A. Pwdemser, referred. to in the preamble, shall.. be. amewred '4 faPitoms: (a) -4 aid. lease of May 31, 1920 shwil be amended so as to provide that the total romUm:1 lee under salb. lease firsm end. after May 31, 1943 sinSPI be the sum. rf hundred and EjAllty Dollars (tend0.00), payahale in irstalisnts of Three Hundred and. Forty Dollars (434'3.00) each, annually in. advance on the 31st day of 1day ef each and every year during the balance of the term. of said lease, beginning may 31, 1943. (b) Said lease of (Claret I/. 1921 ebbil be amended. so as to provide. that the otal rental due ander sand. lease from. and. after Hay 31, 1,.24.5 shall be the sum of Eight Thousand Five Hundred. Dollars ($8,500.00), payable ih. installhazts of Three hundred. atd Forty Dollars (t340.00) each, annually in adnbrwe on the (dist Way. of Lby af each end every year during the term of said. lease, begirring May 31, 1943. FIRST FACET HERESY AIPPEES that: a suitable arAimance will be lEtroduced and paased authtrisdng madifitation ana anbndment of. tide aforesaid. leases as here - inbefore provided, all other terms add.. conditions of sed. leases to rembin. unntanged- TEE PARTIES HERETO AGREE that they mill execute and file, ih. the action in condelartion referred. to in the preamble hereof, all necessary stipulations in. order to carry into effect, and. autharize the ettry of judgmant in. said action. in accordance with, the erovisionb of ttis agreement. dilNESS CEEFACCIMP5g the Imettfe(ts harbto have executed this agTeement this , day of mg, 194A, Aigmwvea as 'se ((bird CITY ME AitAITENA Attest: 3 borst.7,7 Alloy 3 3313to Mayor 3 7./(b exboutTix of the TstaT(77(713( Lars A. Pedersen, deceased, Sec. 2. Ton Mayor of. Mae City of Ala:Enda is hereby' authorized. and di- rected. to execute, and. the City Clerk tw atteat, on. behalf of ant. as dam act and decd. of the City of hisrwaa, ts.t aforessibi agreement of own:promise. I, the undersigned, hereby certify. that the fvranwfArg Resolutioh. pas duly and regularly introdvned. arid adonted. by the Council of' the City. or Alameda in regular meeting assoubled ane. Idth. day of Faros, ICAO, by tee hollowing vote, to sit, ASSA: CodwrElvven Howu, Joil.Q;2, Cadrar onE President Godfrey, ISDE3, Nobs. ABEFSTA DoodanIchan AranewEadd, (3.0, IN '..,117.1„,,E3 -,cuIREc7, have hdreotto set my Ilene and effived the effi - cBad seal of said City this 17th. aay of March, JSE!EM LOREME R. AdCATIF ht City' Clerk of the Ulm/ cf—AIabied/1 7 I hereby certify that the VOTOL:a..„. a fual, true and. correct copy of "Resoinxiob. No. 2811, AuTauHIza.1,G. TH.,1 EXECTEE f AN AAPREE.,:2AFT OOMPREMISE BE - dEI2D Cil2Y Y.11,1"1-ElIA AND :SATE h. PEDERSEN, 121..wAlh.rdTPLY .cltd, AS PaNONTPAX OF n1A (h(TAIA dA hANA , PAhEACEN, OFSEASED, WITE. ADOPEOT TO IFF RESPECTIVE INTENECTS OE dAth PARTItS ThE dAnRN TO BE NAOS dB OEdTAITS CONESBIJI0t PPOUDECIFICS PCB'S' - TTNO AT TEE UNACCED .SATEE OF AMERICA," intro:dates( and, adopted.. by thE Council on tbE loth any of March, 1943. 4,4 4c47, / Cnty dabrk. oi. vegAdIrg of Alatea. 1.