Resolution 0284613 RESOLUTION EO. 2846 FOREMEnS, tne County or Alameda hnneforere filed an. actlar la the Juutice's Courb oi' Aiameaa Township amaanwt the Oitm ul' Alameda. and h. E. Skilling, its health. officer, for the recovery. of the cum of ;:',")576.75, and said aobloa resulteu in a lInnemmle againut the. City and said r. a. ElMilimm for said annunt ant. costs; rnd. said. judgment was asicealwa ny said City. of Aremade. ant. sold. L. E. SkAillne to Eau Superior Court of the State of CalifornAp in ana for the Couhty of Flamer:la, and on Aaron. 24, 194S a. jaufsgent was auly made ana rendered by said.. Cutforior Court in said. action. pfovidirm that the County- of Alameda, elaittiff in said action, have dad recover from the defendants City of Alameda and L. E, (re sum of ;;.576.75, Etion. judgment was entered oh. (Aaron 4, 1943 it. Oangment Book "hto. 3°7, paye 66, Records of the County' Clarks County. of Aratadap arel WHEREAS, said. action was breumht by said County of Alameda. to recover the. anaunt of 14 several warrants whicb. bad been. drawn by the auditor of said County of Ifirran. fnvoz of I- E. OnIllAng, the health officer of the City of Aixaeda and. ex officio local reAistrdr of vitaa. statialits in said city, and which warrants were purportedly nrawr in caijrmert for fees for tht registration of death and bimta certificates registered cy sadd incai registrar in the City of Alamedas and. 4EEREAS, it was held and determinad by sadd judgmeht that said. Wl:liT- rats wore Illegally issued and said foes were illegally paid by the Caunt7 of Alameaa to said hteltn officer; ana .AhEdEAS, it further appears that on. roceint di' the County wagrants ovidunakny shun taymants the said. haalth. ofTlcer endorsed the same to the City of Alameda anti that each and all of saiA warrants and the amounts thereof were in fact turned. into the city. treasury of the City of AjunJula and used. by She City or Alamode. for public purposes and nn part of said warrants or of the amounts represented thereby- was. in fact received or retained by said L. E. Ski:Lairs for his personal use or benefit; par. mlaillAs, the endorsement and delivery' ef sair. warrants to the City of Alameda uy said nealth officer was none nurstant th the Dhoolddiorn of the charter of the Cloy of Aladmotto whdch. require tnht all. fees, percentages and. commissions received ey. any ()Minter of the city in his official capacity shall. beichs to the City' of Alameda and shall be marred over to tha treasure thereof; NEW, TEEREFORF, SE IT RESOLVED SY FEE COUNCIL OF' TKO OTTE OF ALAFFSA tr.illt dna City of Aoumeda pay the Pun of 1,1',576.7'd, plus jaterest accrued, to the County of Alaorna in full. payment and satisfaction of the judgment fendared agparat the City of Alamadia as aforesaid- The auditor of the City of Alomoda is hereby directed to asrit salt. claim as erovirad. by and. to Issue a war- rant of tha city. drawn. against the city treasurer for the amount of said. judg mant abb. &wort:ad. interest, in the sum of ,578.30, to themorder of ',Ale County or Alameda- staagtaaaaa f, the undersimned hereby dertify TT:at tne laregoihg Resolution wee duly and retalwri.y. jetrodawed. end adopted. by the Council of the City of Alamunn in negniar meeting assembled on thu Oth. day of Acrid, 19A3A by tte fallowing vote, to wit: AFFSr OcubwiRnmn Shanschuld, Sows:, Tones, Esurer mid. President Godfrey, (5). Iva Es : AdadiddT: 'Padre IN RETSESS WHERE0f, 1 aqua acturee set my hana and affixed.. tha odfia alai seal. of sand City this 7th day of April, 19,13. LCAFFE R. OSETIn (storm aiTy Clii'Trk of eh e frity of AniFTTa 1,• 131 Ahreby certify that tato forego:cod is a fuin, thue and. correct copy of "A:sac:cation OTA,. ATcrinadiatinfo TAlfradaf sorklatorlf TO COUITTY ATATIA0A,d introduced and adopted by thd Council ca., the Oth day of April, 19413, y Clark. od to. e Aland:oda.