Resolution 02857RESOLUTION NO. 2852 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO aRBER THE VACATION OF WOODSTOCK LANE TN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, RESUMER!) NN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AMANIEDU that public interest required, and.. said Council hereby declares itm intention to order, the vacation, closing and abandonment of that uertain public lane or place known. as gRocastock Kane," and described as follows) A strip of land ten. (10) feet wdde lying sonthorly of the southern lint of lots 6 and. 28 and. northerly of the northern. line of lots 5 and 20 in. block 6, as said strip, lots and block are shown on the man of "Bay. 'new Tract, Alameda, dalif." - filed. June 29, 1922 in book 7 of Mame at page 33, in the office of the County Recorder of Aimmeda ;County, describeb. as follows) Beginning at the intersection of the Western line of Santa Clara Avenue, as shown. on said. map, with the southern line of said lot 6a) running thence along the southern lane of said lots 6 and. 28 south. e7* 2o, le,' Wept 220 feet to Mie Eastern line of Central Avenue (formerly Main Street); thence Southerly on. the arc of a curve to the left, with a radius of 646,24 feet, a distance of 10 feet, more or less, to tho Northwestern corner of said lot 29; tionne along the Northern line of said Lot 29 ,gid of said Lot 5, North 87* 20' ig" East 22.0 feet to swid line of Santa Clara Avarice; thence along the last narsch line Northerly on the arc of a curve to the right, with a radium of 406.52, feet, a tance of 10 feet more or less, tt the point of boginnang. alizoLvED, FURTHER, THAT the portions of said public lane or place to be vacated and abandoned and the details of said vacation are more particularly shown. upon a map bearing the legend: "Proposed Vacation of Woodstock Lane, Bay View Tract, Alameda, Cal.", which map is hereby approved for the purpose of this proceeding and. is hereby ordered filed. in. tho office of tho City Clork of the City of Alameda and marked "Filed May 18, 1943", and. vaibrh map is hereby referred to for particulars as to the brortsed imicatgent RESULTED, FURTHER, that the 15te. day of 7TNE, 1922, 1333 O'CLOCK, 3 sada duya in the COUNCIL CNKLBERD in the CITY HAIR, at the northwest corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street, Alameda, California, be, and the same is here- by, fixed ao the time and piece for heating by the Council of said city of all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed. vacetaon( RESOLVED, FUHILER, that the City Clerk of the City. of Alameda. lo hereby directed to cause this ±3 13 be published, in. the mannbr proscribed by law for the phblishing of ordinances of the City of Alameda, in. the Alameda Tlmes- Star, a 111 newspaper of genaral circulation. published aril. circulated in said city and the official newspaper thereof, RESOLVE. , FURW=A timat the City Clerk of the City 3, Alameda is here- by 3' 43 to post, or cause to. be. posted, conspiououshy along the line of the street, public lane or place proposed to be vacated, notices of such vacation, in. the form. and hammer required by the legislative act hereinafter mentioned, RESOLVED, FURTHER, that in the herein proposed vacation of said street, public lane or place, aforementioned, the Council of the City of Alameda hereby elects to proceed under and in pursuance of the provisions of the Street Vaca- tion Act of 1941 of the State of Califormia (Chapter 250, Statutes of 1SA1), * * * * * * * * * * * I, the undersigred, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution. was duly. and regularly introduced ahh adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regalar meeting assembled on the lgth day of May, 1221, by tho following vote, to whit: AYES) Countilmen Branscheid, Kowta Tones, Osborn and President Godfrey, (5)( NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN- WITNESS WHEREOF, have herbunto set my hand and affixed. the official seal of said. City this 19th day of May, 1925. LCRELE R. BEATEE CE,7,Y7Clerk of the City of Alambda * * * •*. * * I hereby certify 'Haat the foregoing is a full, true :and correct copy of "Resolution Nn. 2857, RESOLUTION OF INTENTION. CUSHR THE VACATION OF WOODSTECK inNE IN TEE CITY- OF ALAMEDA," introduced and adopted by the Council on the lath day of May, 1+943. - Clara of 'ti+-3-City of Alameda