Resolution 02867RESOLUTION NO. 2867 ADOPTING SPEC-137lb PNS FOR. FURNISHING GASOLINE TO THE CITY CY' ALAMEDA FOR 1.1-2 FISCAL YEAR. 1943-1944, CALLING• Ela BIDS lf,AD DIRECTING AIRE CITY. CLERK C70 ADITERTISE RESOLVED NY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 07' 4.4101.EA that the Specifications and Provisions for furnishing gasolthe to the City. of Alameda for the fiscal Yvar 1943-1.944, No. MS 6-433, filed. in. the office of the City Clerk on Tuna 1, 1943, be, and. the same are hereby, approved. and. adopted. RIPSOLVED, AdATIOTTEA, Lyst M.:1H Council of l'*,H City of Alamaha will. receive sealed. aids ap to the hour of 'G:05 o'cichle pi m., on. 1Masdays Jute 15, 1.943, for Lae flumishing to the City of gasoline for tha fiscal year 1943-1944 in scoorda anme with said Snemificationn and Provisions. Bids must be presented. to the City clerk in tans pies wall heA4914 agiamemabm, under sealed toga,' end plainly matkma om. the outside "Pmtbossi. for Gasoline." Contract, AS swathed, will be swardh.d. subject to the promihions of the charter of said fityb to the raothasibla bidder who submits tbe lowest ond best hid. The right is reserved. to reject any or all bids. The City Clerk is hareby directed to advertise in. the Alameda Timms - Sten, a notice caElimg for sealed bids in. accordance with the einoviziobe of this resolution. ann of sald. SpemilGtatiobb amd Provimionh. Id Lae undersigned., hereby celthAry that Lie foregoimg Resolution was Suly and. rezpiharly introdunsd. nah ahmpted dy Pus courmil. tne iity ot nitt.eda in. regular meeting absembled. on. the ist day' of Jana, 194S, by. the following vote, to with AYEat 07 hhdiiihn-7 anse7- id Howe, Jones Cothrn and. Premidert Codittyyt, NOSTM Nene. ADSPE: None. IN VAITTTES WPIPEOTA, I. have fameuhMo set my Tani and affimwd. the offi- oial seal. or said. ditm. this 2nd day of Olme, ihad. LOff.rff. fO.4777 (SEAL) °icy Clerk of the City of Unmedt I hereby certify that tme formgeitha is a truw and correct cope. Of "Resolmtimn EM. 2860, ADCPTEEG SPECIFICATIONS FOR. FUREIGAAMIII GASCIMEE dE PPE CITY CF ALATELA FOR dad. EISGaL ISAR. 1943-1944, OALLIG DIDs AND DIRFC7i.NG THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTESE SANE," Introduced anh. adopted. by. the. Council on the ist day of June, 19430 .977