Resolution 02870,11,80iSnbids FS). 28'10 fllibitosfO, the Oadroil of the Onity of Alameda did, an the 18-iih. day of laay, 192,di reps its 1920291.282iSta Caf 9822211811220 2812, 22752, 1.19a irassii8f, on to order the vasabrion, closing and abondienmedit of' that certain leap or place in tile City. of Aardidnoix '.f`idartnii el! Alard.e61P, Si-date of California., tr,own as "dload.staalr Lane", more painticuiddrly descrilded. in said aedelpodar of Intention as folibisys: strip of dedn..ni ten flO) feet wide lying southerly of tas sostaern line or lots b and 28 pnd nortliebnly of the northern lite of :lobs 5 or8 29 if b 'do': ) fdaid strid,P, dots and block- ere snown of. toe map of daisy View Tract, Calif ," filed. Jenne 20, 3.922, 221 120022 of Maps 821 begs ido in zne office 01 albs County .,•,dporder of Altman:6s. 0Pahty, described ES follows: Yenninniang inberaection of bne Western line of enta Olpra Abe7.1e, as stawdi on. sata map, wita the soatheY., line of snxid lot b; nunininds. thence cl..ono; the southern sine or said "Lots 6 and. 28 Apia. 20 18" West 21..0 feet to th.e fiesta:fr. line of Central .;freiate (formerly Street) ; thence coatherly on the are of a craws to the daft, with 8 radius of A2,6; 34 peet; a distance of 10 feet, 910119 daa 1898828 20 the ii0.082118281928810 2081182 Of Said Dif 29; th ;ince aloud; the .0orth ern Lire at' Said 808 29 prod Of Said. -80'2 :Worth 87* 20' 1.F" Dist SP.„.0 ifinet ta 1.1..ne cif Sdianda 01..sbed ..,fven.ps; tnarats aladrn tPe aPat ported. tine forrniaary 0111 1912 arc of a d11.1729 '2218 rie4tb, with a 1280.11.1211 4.08„3/,. di...stay-one of 10 feet, noire OiT1 18,22, 80 the point ftions of said rbids lope. cc fdace to be sPorbad anf pasredand ahr tap deaa is of Paid vacation. are more eartioamarly aanvor upsn. a DEO feapinf, 'brae lerenei 'Proposed Vadebion of Wcoosbsb lane, id toy iMew frect, 8028882 of tots priseedi.:x and was °roared. fileo in flp offies Of bne city. clenl.c. of' 2989 21109 (81 81,1802210„8219 21812999: drirled ',dray 3,8 , 1.9,ch", end we le trip ca fr." Aprierni chwerIcifich tornAttran' anal edaddinatedi lip said. natty and. the onrflisind. rews indeed' thensof .sidd biadidEPS:, bnp City Clerk of 1218 9229 OI .14jppda caused. to be posted cone spitsaradsly slate the ....1.1.ne 1720212d 18:11:19. Of" 01:80.8 pod lapd'ts thereof proposed to be. vert,fterd., addises of nadah -,,racnii„ion„ tile 190810 Saia stananen iitapaired by toe fobroot tarianise. Apt can lain ore the onto to of est if aftrina (Charter 2p0; raw:tower of ;hunk) ; and Shitinhaffs proof ef" shin iffull1pat on is evicts:hood. by au affidavit of nut - "Ince tier) now on f ile tee 6f-floe e npar Clerk: of chitd. "."J ty; ;coo aided0dtd, proof' or Salii posta..s or stop notibse is eviaenbed by tee Pall- res,pai-oiP pica posbla and. is now Oa fife in the offdee Of tile clerk of said nfabdisinae,S, in. end. by S888. 128S2921.18ida 22 Intention bne Corneal. of' thu ty Anifirteda finee. the 10th nay of ,Tuns, 1.91.1, at :8 c' clock, pp." ;of suird. y the h oche 11 finotters tips.; Chirpy Hull" at due rorthasict corner of Santa 0 dart; „ivantsi and 0099 Yfrees, Alprioda, sa the timp spd. place for hohrinfa cy tae Sob:foil of seta sity of add.. persons Interested lit. or dojestin to the proposed. -horn:tier. ", ann. "fififlifff, the natter of raid ;proposed vocation rawe regitistelth for hear- ing before doe CoespiI tne City of bipmedd at talea its ran:thief Teetinri, on the "did! 2812 C212 wire 111201 812 8820 Viale 8.202 place fixed in. sate Fessolation. of 1.1298S11.822.21, d21211 88 sten. bisearinfp Pas np.eld Coparil heard the evidence offerpti. by all personas irtorested in said. stooped, vaastifin, and a ftlit heart- thereon Pairina been. 1as ass 'the diettper subbnitted for detartination; ISOW, Ttdb-LbitI'Pei, 2E IT R-E3Offen,-,,, BY THb.! COUYCII., Of: idiE CITY OF fel„ii, be that eaia hore,bv --P4r0,51 and arterbi,ner, :Cron. all. tPe dvidease saandbbee, tadt 6 2 hall into cr blurs aaa tbrte :boroof it sufn besolution of J.:flaunt-lob drat nere inbefore hartictior'fy dead:shred 2V'rl she ottabeacaby for urehons and frotpectiva pablfs ataset purposes and fast publio Interact red:aired the unbu- tton or sale afreeh, Dahlia Ihne or -Mace. ef' if ftlithh stanninD that foodratock Lute, :an tait Pabolutlon of thtehhfor dab hareiaborore morn haatIo)birly deabribub, be, arb the naffs is hereby, vacated and abandoned. * I, the ubribrsigned, hereby certify that the foregoing ReaciufMch was duly anb reduilmany ratrobused nr b. aborted by. thb Council.. of the City. of AlJxa.,c,..fa in. regular. meeting aosembled. an the lbth deb of June, 1943, by. the, f:Miltbarns vote, to wit: ATEC: Councilmien. bronachbfa, Iones, Csachn and Presidnft (bob/Trey, (b) NOES: fire. ABSEhd: Nene. IN MT:MESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hoba cab affixed the official. seal of' said. City this 26bn day of bane, 194::.m lIAREME b, ditbdalf aiEnr) City Cierb of the City. of kith:tech horsty certify theft the .ftnnhgains, is a full, true and correct copy of bUbdabbution. Neb. 287:ba ORDEICINCI TbE VAdATIOM WhOhbfdfna LANE," fiarrodhoeb. and aborted. by Mrs Cohboil on Mau 15th. day of daub, 1943, a Sicr's tl , if Afenebn