Resolution 028735)113 C h 'This ) 2 )5 5' d
ADSPTilla b TIMIChtfidad Sth IMbodifft=all ( (1) Dime16151,
75))1,0TOR TO 51...0 CITY OS AitifiSEDS, C)))1IINC, Tfh SIDS AISO
FESCIVED NY Teh COtlICIL OF TSE cilidid OF hiLATE1,01) that tLe Specifications
and. ProvMsionsi for futanlchaite: ons ..f1) Diesel. Tractor to the Cnty of i1.1hmeda, No.
ME 6-454, filed. in the offiac of the City Churls CT.. June 15, 194.5), tam, aft). thb
Palaa are itereb)s, approvcd. ath cdopted,
PESOL111), FURTM1i11, that the Conhcil of bhe City of z. .p., rectal-vs
pealed bids up to the Pitch of )1)06 o'dlocK p. or. the Sth day of ..)c).1s, 1943,
for the futaTsctna) to the City nf ore (1) Diesel_ Tractor fp ubcordaphe witM said
Specifications and, Provi sibnp. MiSs mist be presorted to tre City Clerk., it ;he
outsitie chrooseaM tor Ttaictort"
Coritreht, if autirded, 1 i be :awarded, sobject to the provisions of
the chartsr of said. City, to taae itesconsible bldher :::,)Cho submits the lowest and
cest 5nhs The risht is reserved to reject aRy sa all Pius,
'Die City: ditchio heroby directed to udyhrtise, in .:to AL%-aap.
Stec, a notibe callit)p: fos sealed bidm accordance. with. the provitdons of this
resoolchdor spa . of paid. Specifieptiob ash. Mmovaltrb.
tne ceniosbOssed rsmaMiy obmtify that the fabodebisho) Resolution was
ac1s::: ash. rhydstibmly ihtroduhed. and adopted. ha: Mhe Ccduvil of the. City of Aihteds.
it fulda mbettms assembled ch rhe 15th Say of Mitre, 1pf1, by tbe
VOte.m 7 vide:
ISOMESS iichtoinen Drancichhid, Ensam homes, Osborn anti Mbesidebt
Codsticri, (5).
11N yl.,,.:217-ai::TD rbreumto act my: Mmed and. all:OM-see offib
cipi. seal of stolt. City: this 16th atcy of Tame, 1949).
d feceby dertimb mhit fotsoinp is a lichtt, trio eib percept copy of
Ducessolusich ihihti, a:Chita:LS.4 itibiSiiiiiliN111)11))5 F91,71751)7171. Sirs, C.) boiSZitici
T ittia STOS :PhD ta)th 701
emSed 0 0,0 e d.mdtedededi end, etecyrt.ed, "dedeedil er. e te,d.. de y
ced yd,