Resolution 02879REE3 '.;C, 87') CALL= FC2 =LA riAA2 A=AL :=ERTI,A= TOZ,E 'Ar to t'Ae AcAr -o, ,Foiesd.a.y, the Ge.y. of oari.v, tho 7onr ondionr'. Jui7 70, 191,j- 7ThjiS:,":10,1 n.ewsparer of T:,,o.,,eror ciro'Alation la. e t v of' _:J orilealo, reri of not LIS".. diat edy .1! t .c"; 1 .'Jco 1)3 a 'a ono 7r.„ id.. cal re ii. l le le a e a 3a IA sAall be .1..r.1 c eeiA...11A e th.o e r r s as ( loroe urea oetavi,oen. eines os eu.Ah. DIAIrleer cooe., airJ:r3et; eS and, a ue soACI.A. Zs3f..“ Si„"X.-i.)0i1:11 cooi toots !„..u.,,Aropareel.1), T,yre, or An. erAIo larEer tyr..e as eiay be 9pecifien. ey tole ,,Oeficer ing oh.E, feaveatisemertA. (IA ro, tOo. :1 plaropc.:,s s for doing. .2*, eg,u.. 1 ado or tisir, laare Trojrc r ou ear c, of a. 4 4, S d orlx T.,,celor, r, car r eolat ) tor roo, , tr. (eel amxio 2A, Ales leo 'eh@ , o rdires t Dalevei e A coar e toOaa 1..eet, :leas eore., n car, A priQe 'rer oquarA: for th,,3 3ra and fcr sups,,00lueyet ftrib.::, rrorst i rreaya roe ed to ',A.A.`, .(,,r1„ try- 0 e rk. r r A o AA ',AAA , ullaer seaeec, oov,,,,ro on peaialy plaIrArod on. the outeiGe ',Proposal 1.3 on tee,,,A,AG U leCal a tiStnZ yr,,ar cal o."A. ird Foeb e t 0 :',..aolorlo,AjAAAS of tLe 3 Eer :Of o t tbib ot:b3itble b atob 7,111 Citv o notOce co.1.1Ano ror in arrro.n.co nrevArri.00 or trio resoaAAO.0.,...1„ e.o.r roreby ttabi, tar, e rnro reieTe! oia tal -,,,Fero Aeo lee v.-Loa:OA oad c -1? tra e„,,,art of o f aelrazae j o rr„ooe reoo,..,„Ar mroeire,o, oss,...erol,ar, or iThe AgAA, 'Glee foolowin. Toj rere o t r rid. A ff t e 0 o J.. ay of JOAAA 1.„