Resolution 03675M
E'011 ,.ON Kc. 3675
A— -;i2Y'S'arcnl of real pvoperty s7t�.�ato.� 'I'a tne City of j.1ameda,
Count; of Alameda, Staue of Califurnia, and narticuio'Tip dosnr.'-o'-d a, Coa-'Ous:
ReQnWhy at [he point uf intersoction onthe ooutheasbern
—ne of ITINh thn northeastern 11-o� of
Boulevard, as said street and bwalovand are s1hown na Un P,,ap
entitled, "Natcroido Terrace, Alameda, Cal.," ffied August 30,
1512, in Do ok 27 of Laos, pqvo 12, In ne offlcf, af tl—., County
Mcorder of Alasniodia Coant-y-
, (the bearineis boroli'i oso�i resod
upon said lire of lFigh Sirreet as having a bear-iingr of north dl-`-
041 east) running thence soatireastorly along said line, Of
WernsIde Boulevard 70.43 foot to tho wocrT"Mcn t1roof Mh
as Me drawn parallel with and distwt lC ML noNlAnsterlY
a.,, ,.d at Waht anYY2 fromthe sonGwaniosrn line of Mt 5,
in Mock "Y", in s.10 lot anj block am shmn on sald nap,
thonno along said narallal !We narth 4W (MI can 19-56 VoPi,
to Cho circimforencc Of a circle 1MVII a ININUE Of VP foot,,
the cormor of said cimle boars north 7i)* )i3l 12 ea9t 188
feet diets t; Mennn along the c1rcurnferenco Of sairl circle
nor ither2y and northeasterly 130.79 feat to a point on the,
souVoestorn lire of Let Z, in said Klock "W", distant thereon
sm0A M Ed' easL 3.G2 fem, frcar.'. oald Il, -'.o af him
Lhcnco alonZ said line of said 1,0t 3, north 48* 5G I wen 6.62
feet to the southeastern 11--, ofr It 2,trzrol,.; te
.-mon along 'hc
last mentioned Won Routh 41--, 041 weal 120 feat to bde polri:
of bsninniq>
a ortiol-I as said,
T, Ff 4 and 5, il, Blocur
'-r, inabove PeArrod to,
a -'w! j-",Ocu�: are sl',cer vn nap r,-
has boon assessed he7atooforo for cownty purposos for t" =am! yea. 3M7QG43 and
the taxes MvIcd thereon are uEcollnewd ar"i inpuld: and
AREWAS, after %he time said ansessmunt and taxns became a Man no salc-
parcel of real propertl, to vi -t: J. November 6, 1047, .hesadjarcel of real
property was accnA rod for municipal purpon" by the CI by of Yama, a mus hoNal
cornoration,by PinaL judgment in Ocndpmnation In a certain acti-or 7ri the Sups-clo-c
Court of the Statc at California, in and for • the Coun,y of Allacioda, cniblticd, City
of Alameda, a moniciral corporation, PlaintIM, vo, Amelia ,winlrqq et al, Defend-
ants, antai Ln. 190310; WaL sold Final XJ_�a,i-ft in tondp--nnsVlon was filed and
entered on Nownr 6, 1547, to rudry-ut Took No. 324, a, pa,4E7 thevoof_ In the
Mice of the c, rt;, Clerk of the Quaty ON ._talo, , of ,all fuvnlag and
ever _,:Inco the said Nth day of rovo"TJ70r' 1S'47' the salc T"arnnl
of real .a. cel has bean and now is owned by said 0101 of Aloumda and has been,
and now K be b, osed Per 7.ubl4c >, moon and Wcause c,soon pubf*c Cr,e2,.2.,_77R,
net subjech so Me for dolhauent Moe;
that tne !Vaud of Suporvionrs of the County of bc, and it IL, :,.croby, ra-
qwsnd to makc its ord-r, and to talc such fu' thor proccadno as my be nacos
card, to cause all unuolloctod taxqn, assoc's"nonItc, ponal", or costs clhar',-ed
levied for owintr pvrposes upon the aforesaid parce-I Of real roporty, !;o be can -
called; and whau a reuc,V of ouch cancellation be n'. the "frIcar or
having custody of the record thereof, in accordance with the pmrvNinn of SMAWn
45BO of the eve: we and 7axaLlun C of tj'ae, 050,tw of Californla.
t'C`-N",'iIE!q ton the City Clerk forward a o cap, or thil
resolution fcruM M, 6o the ,o... rd of 3uponsiums of sAa Llamka Camty,
j, tne undersinnod, heraby cerulf; 1.haL the of :e Acsolution was
Only and regularly inn nduced and adopted by the CcMicil of no Aty of Alameda
j -o assembled on Uto 204h day of january, 126% bitRa folwWWb,
vote, to wit -
&Too Cou'vilvor Andemon, S'X-Isu`10"" sr-J"rerolcu';nL
snanschold, A.
RUM: ItOre.
A 19
H NWMMS NAMUR, F have hereunto not ry hmni and aill-ned tne suci-
eta! scal Q tA"-,�s C. 1 o. day o,raw-o,
WAAW is. Mt of the Oty of Alameda
i Twomby cer0f, that the foreyolng is a fun, tmw and c"r,wt cyg of
"Banolution in. Wb, EEZOESTWO I.. _C Q TOMS OW PHUPOY A001WD 0'
�l — 11 by
010 CITY 02 LLKADA 205 AWKYPM, FMWJM—, -,d and a'2Q,,.A 0
on t' --e 20tll d -""y of Jaf-"��ary' 10,18.
Y'O trz: of tne G3 t y Of Itlanteds'