Resolution 05165REPOLUT1ON NO. 8165 AUTNOElMiSTG, ATTENDANCE OF' METBERS OF ' pfIT OMEICERS AND EMPLOYE:2'2 07 TEE C1T))90F kLAMEDA AT THE ANT-FULL COLETEREiXE OF THE LEATTME CE CALIFGENTA DITIES TO bE HELD AT SAN FEJ%NCISCD, AND AFPRO PRIATING FUNDS THEEEFOR. WHIT:PEAT:), the Mift7-Sbverth Annbel Conference of thp Longue of Csibfornis Cities will be hol.d. at SP,n Yrancloco, Califs.ralsx, on September 18, 19, 20, and 21, 1955; 9r8)1. WHEREAS, the Council deems it necessary and proper and. for tne benefit of the Cit)mpf Ainmeda that mpMbems of the City [council S.D.0 other e.rbieser and employees of eff.1.9 City o f AlamehD, snail 2 tetchy) sal° conference; YOU TH8REFOTLE, BE II' riESOLVED BY THE GOUNCLL OF THE CITE: Og ni40D1JOA that the members of thn ,jity Council arc. other officers of the Clhcmf Alameaa, aMO. such employees as nay. be designated hey tPe Leads oi' the several departments of' the City,. be, end. the came arn, and eann. of Lbem. is Perch's., nthbbized. to ottar.d. snid Annual. Conference of the, Learue of California Citins at San Frhnoispo. BE IT PUY:hi:LP RESOLVED, that tho sam of -.1i.:1,000.00 be, arid the samE Is hareby, popropripled from the Conferences and Conventions 9neounts of thc officer and departments sebnimg representatives to said. CoP'fbrench, for the purpeso of payinn the oxpenses of the ohbve enamerated. persons who may- attend. 8aid. Conference I, the undersigned, hereby certify' thdt the foregoing Resolution was duly prb regularly. introduced and. adepts() hy the Council. of the OitY of Alameda. in objcarned repulbr" mhoting etenemble8 on trn 13th. Pain of Deptcmbpr, 1.958, by the following vote, to Counoilmen Haag., Hove, McCall, Ebresi and Presibent Kbanelip, (5). NO2S: None. ABSENT: Mbnn. IN =)T,).9S hMiUDT.9f, I have hereunto set my hand 2nd. affixed. thp official seel of said pity tbis lltb dpp of SnoteMher, T9)). of' Alameda PC d n2 n*P hereby certify that tbe forc8oina: is a fbit, true ane correct copy. of °Resolution No. '5169, AUTHDRIZING ATITODAHCE OP MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL, OFFICERS AND Edv.f.PLOYEJTS OP THE Cll7 OS' ALAMEDA AT THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF Th9), TEACETE OF CALIFORNIA CITTE$ TO EE HELD Ad' SAY FRANCISCO, AND AEPROPEIATING FEUDS TIETLIEFel',.8, Introduced. ab adopted bp. Council on the ibith. dap. oh' September, 1998.