Resolution 05189RESOLUTION f0. 5189 ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR 0.0.73111 TRENG REORRESITMENR' CONCESSION IN WASHINGTON plim, ISINGOLN. PARER KRUSIE . PARK, Er,..EK. AND TEGIV.PSON FIELD FOR THE PERIOD COMRENCING OILITURRY 1, 1956 LER ENDING DECEMBER 3a, 1957, CALI:I:NG FOR BIDS AND arREcTTT.2, CITY CLERK rR) At37bRTT „ME RESOLVED FT TBE COUNCIL OF TBE CITY OF ALP.MEDA that the Specifications flied in the office of the City 01.erk oR December R, 1955, No. MS 12-55-19, for operating refreshment concession in. WasbIngton PRrk, FiRcolia Park., Krusi Park, McKlniey ParR. and Thompson Field, in the City of Alameda, ColiforniR, for Rre. period comm.rnoing jantary 1, 195B anA. ending December 31, 1R57, be, and the same are Rooreby approved and. adoptrO. RESOIRED, FIFTH:1-n., that tho Council. of the City of AlamedR will receive sealed bids., up to the hour of 8:05 orcaock P. M. on Tuesday, Desenther 2.7), 1955 for thR privilege of operating refreshment concoroion. in Washinator Park, Ninooln KTUZi Rark, McKinley Park and. Themjsron Field, in the City of Alameda, in accordance wAth said SpecificatienR. Bido mRRt be presented to the City Clerk, in. the Rlty Hall, in .itiameda, Callfornlra, under sealed cover and plainly.. marked on. the outside "Proposal for Park Refreshment S:oncession or similar designation, Contract it* awarded, will be 1131' 11 to tne resuonsible bidder who submits tRe highest and best bid. The rAght is reserved to reject any or all bids. The City- Clerk is hereby.directed to advertise, IR the Alameda TIrres- Star, a nottIce calling for sealed. bids in. accordance unth the provisions of this resblution and of said SpecificationR. I, the loRdersigned, hRreby certify that the foregoing Resolution was dRiy anbi reFRiariv introduced. atota adoptRd tho C1 nto3.2. of the City of 13 1131 ih. regular meeting Boserfolbd. on thn '.3th day of recember, 1.955, by. the following. vote, to wit: Councilmen. Haag, NRre, McCall, .1,oresi and President KraRRily, NOES! None. AT=IR None. WITNEZR VRERRECIER I have hereoRtb set mv hand and affixed the official seal.. of raid City. this 7th day. of December, 1955. By SHIRLEY E. TENSIER, City Clork of the City. of lrlameda BMA_ NE CNN. Deputy I, hernby certify' thtrs toe forgoing i3 a full, Unle and correct copy of no'Rsototion. No. SIR9, ADOPTANG SPRCIFICATION RO7 OPRRATING FEFRESHNFNT CCRIREARNON PAK, EITICOLN R.RK KRST PAR TITOMRSATV RIFILL ROF Tffir PRRIOD CO.PP.RE"gGIN oPRIUORF7R 1, 1RR13 ANS RNDINR 'ECEMBETO 31, 1957, RARE:FRG RRR BIDS RND DIFECTINR 0177 CLERK TO ADVNTIRISE SANE", introduced and. adopted by the Council 13 n the 6tn aay of December, 1955.