Resolution 0519074 EESOLUTION NC. 5190 PROVIDING FOR EXTRA COMPENSATT.ON FOR iTflA L. 17ASON. SENTOR STENOGRALLEL -CLERK. (DEPUTY CITE ELEREl, FOR. ClXITY SERVTEE PPIAPCAWFM PER flitilT OF VACATION' PERIOD WHEREAS. under the provisions of ArtieXe 4, 5hAggbff 54 TItie of the Alameda MunAcipal Code every officer and. employee of the City of Alameda who has beer. contiLunusly in Ci..73 service for more than ono year IR entitled te. AR. ann.ual. vacation v.,,Ith full pa.s- during each•calanUar year; and WEI.I.EASf, the services wf Irma L. Nelson, Sentor Stenographer-Clerk (Deputy City Cangk), are urgently needed during Mha remainder of finr vacation. period; and WHEIREAS, saXA Irma L. Nelson hAs '+ 11 to work for thw City. durtAg thw remainder of her annual vacation; and WHEHEAS, it is to the advantage, benefit anE best interect of said. City. that said Ifgua L. Celson should work during the remainder of her regular annual vacation leave, and has beer. grafilAuf permission by the (fity- Eanager so to dm,, Naa 'IEFLEFORE, BE 1W.' RESOLVED BE' TH-R COUNCIL EE ThE Eicx OP ALAMEDA. that Said lrmA L. Neizon shala, in addXtion to her regular salur'y or wage, reoeiva tional comhenw(4 tton. for the 2.1.x. (6) days worked by her durtng her regular vacation period. aE IT EXTTEElli LESCIVED that thls resolution shall terrtim.te and be of no further effect 1441 December 61, 1955. AECOPIXE TEgIcAl that nothing in this resolution is intended or ffhall be nmnutrued. as repealing or superseding: any of the provisionw of any salary resolu- tion heretofore or hereafter adopted Ify. this Counnii. fixing the regular sagAry or compergation of city fc. 'ioora and Amployees for ordXnary anA regnaar service. * ff I, the undersigned, hereby duly a '41 '.1' (4+ '(11 rtifs. that the foregoing Resolution was the Council of the Uity of iliameda in regular meeting assembled on the 6th day of December, 1955, by the following vote, to wit: ( 5 ) AYES: Councilmen. Haag, Hove, 41 +i Mbresi and 2-resident Kranelly, NOES: None. ABSENT: Nunw. IN WITTIESS WHEREOF I have hereunto 5:A.t my hand and. affX>ted thw official 2a41 l. of said City this 7th day'of pooewber, 1955. SEAL PLT SHIA-LEX H. nT5LcoHi, City Clerk of the City. of Alameda "ERMA L. N, nuty * ft C * * * * * X * I, hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and. correct cop,v of "Resnlution. No. 5190x PROVIDING FOR EXTRA COMPEkSATION ?OA IRMA LA nnsoN, FITTLEXXXgAPHER-GLEAK (DEPUTY EIlTN CLERAt, FOR CITY SEEITIEE LE:AIWA:MED DURING. ?ART OF VACATION PERIOD", introdwoed and adonted by the Council on the eth day. of December, 1955. Deputy tnLty Edna .he Clty 41 f' Alameda