Resolution 05191HESHUT.q0,N NO. P191
RESCUED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF hiANEDi,, that the public interest
requ.ires„ an.d aald Council h31 reby. declares its intention. to order the vacation,
piosLng and abandonment of that certain. portion of Market Street, in. the City of
Alameda, Count, of Alameda, State of California, described as follows:
(a) Market Street from. the southerly line of San Jose Avenue
to the northerly. line of Adams 13(
(0 Market Street from the southerly line of Adams Street to
the nortITierly line o6 Waphinpton Street;
(o) Market Stroet from the southerly line of WasMngtor. Street
to the northerly line of Fillmore 3treet.
BESCITTED, FITRTHER, that said Council finds and determines that the
31 3131 and necessity require the reservation to the City of Alameda of
permanent easements and rights-of-way over and across certain parcels of land situ-
ate in those portions of Karket Street proposed to be vacated, for the purpose of
constrcting, operating maintainin, replacing, renewing and repalopl.rg tharecn
storm and sanitary. power5, or either of them, and said permanent easements an6
rigtspofpway for the aforesaid purposes are hereby' reserved to the City of Alameda,
and excepted from. the vacation o.6 said portions of Market 6troet, over and across the
following described parcels of land:
ARCEL: 'it BEING a strip or parcel of land, 1.0.00 feet in width, situate. in the
City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of 6a2.1.fornla, and further
described, to-wit:
COMMENCING at the potnt of intersection of the center 31 Washington
Street, 60 feet in width, and Markpt Street, 60 feet in. width, as said.
lines and streets are shown on Drawing 4330, Case 51, City Engineep's
Files, City of Alameda, California; sald point has thp coordinates of
y - 460,681 ,,6,)5 feet and x 1,498,933.10 feet based on the California
Coordinate 6ys0em, Zone ITT, as arp all. bearings, distances and coor-
dinates In. this description;
THENCE along the said. center iThe of Market Street Ncprth 42° 2.1" 18" East to
a point on the direr.t extension. of the northeasterly iine of the afore-
said W'ashington Street; said point is t]p TIM POTNT 31;:.
rr.HENCE along the last described line North 46P 40' 35" West 5,00.feet;
THENCE along a line that is parallel and 5.00 feet northwesterly. 31 1 ight
angles to the said center line of Market Street North 42° 21' 18" East
199.9e feet to a pol.nt on the dire31 t. extension of the southwestPrly iTne
of Adams Street, 60 feet in width, as said street ip also ...thown on the
aforesaid drawing;
THENCE along the last described. line South 47° 40 35 East 10.00 feet;
THENCE along a line which is parallel with. and 5,00 690: southeasterly at
rIght angles to the afpre2aid center line of Market Street, South. 42°
PT' le" West 199.98 feet to a poTnt on tbe afor9said northeastpPly ?Inf.
of Washinhton Street;
THENCE along the last 8ald ilne North 4.7u 40' 35 'Ast .5.00 feet to the TRUE
PARCEL, 2: BIEJTG a otrip. or parcel of land, 10,00 feet in. width, sltuate .1n the
City of Alaneda, County of Alameda, State of California, and further
described. to-wit:
COMMENCING, at the polnt of intersection. of the center lines of Ada:op Street,
60 feet in width, and Market Street, 60 feet in width, as said linos
and. streets are shown on Drawing 4630, Case 51, City. Engineer'a
City of Alameda, California; said point has the coordinates
873.17 feet and T4... - 1,499,108.25 feet based on the California Coordi.nate
System, Zone ITT, as are all bearings, distances and. coordinates In this
THENCE along the said center line of Market Street North. 62° 21' 13" East
30.00 feet to a point on the direct extension of the northeasterly l'ine
of said Adams Street; said point is the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;
THENCE along the 'last described line North 47° 40' 35" West 5.00 feet;
THENCE along a line which. is parallel. with. and 5.00 feet northwester-15 at
right ang:les to the said center iTne of Market Street, North. 42'
East 199.98 feet to a point on the 6.1rect extension of the southmenterly
line of San Jose Avenue, NO feet Tr width, as sMpl avenue is also shown
on the aforesaid drawing
THENCE; along the last described. llne South. 47° 40' 35" East 10.00 feet;
THE1XE along a line which is parallel with and feet southeasterly at
right angles to the aforesaid center line of Market Street, South 42°
21' 13" West 199.98 feet to a point on bhe said northeasterly ilne of
Adams Street;
THENCE along the last said line North. 47° 40, 35" West 5.00 feet to the TRUE
RESOLVED, PtafHPlii, that the portions of Market Street to be vacated. and
abandoned and the details of said vacation are more particularly shown upon that
certain map knowm as Drawin 4330, Case 51, bearing the legend: 313) 33. of
Marhot St. Fillmore St. to San Jose Ave.", which mac is bbreby approved for the
purpose of this proceedinh, and. is hereby ordered filed In the office of the City
Clerk of the City of Al.ameda dn rnbbed Dec. 1955", and which map is hereby.
hferhhd L:e for parfAhrulars as to the proposed vacation.
RESOLVED, FhTihTHER, that the 3d 13) of January, 1956, t 8:00 o'clock
sa:,..d day, in tho COUNCIL CHAmBERS 1.n the CI.TY HAM., at the nbrthwest cor-
ner of Santa Clara Avenue and Cak Street, Alameda, California, be, and the same is
hereby, fixed as the time and place for hearing by the Council of said City of all
per,sons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation.
HESOLNED, FURTHER, that the City Clerk: of the City of Alameda is hereby.
directed to cause this resolu*ion to be published, in the manner prescribed by law
foh the publishing of ordinances of the. City of Alamhda, in the Alameda Times-Star,
a daily newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in said City, and
the official newspaper thereof.
RESOLVED, FURTTEM that the City Clerk. of the City of Alameda is hereby
directed to post, or cause to be posted, conspicuously along the Una of the street
and parts of street proposed. to be vacated, notices of such. vacation, in the form
and manner required. by the legislative act hereinafter mentioned.
RESOLVED, FURTHEh, that in the hei-ein proposed. vacation. of said street
or portion of street aforementioned the Council of the City of Alameda. hereb, elects
to proceed under and 1 1 1 ursuance of the provisions of the Street Vacation Act of
1941 of the State of California (Chapter 250, Statutes of 1941) as amended.
the undersigned, hereby certify that, the foregoing Resolution. was
duay and regularly introduced and adopted, by. the CoJncil of the City of ,Ahl.ameda in
regula:r meeting assembled. on the 6th. day of DeceMber, 1955, by *he followhF vote,
AIES: Councilmen Haag, hove, YcCall, Moresi and .Presi.dent
NOES: None.
IN V.ITNESS WHEREOF', I have hereunto set x,), harxl and affixed the official
seal. of said City th,1 7th day. of December, 2955.
of the City. of Alameda
' 1\:ELnoN
MA L) Deputy
, hereby certify that the OoreF,oing is a full, true and. correct copy of
Gh.ZKET STHEM,, iNh HE CITY 07' P.I.U,TEDA", introduced an1 . adopted by the Col.mcil on the
Sth day of December, 1955.