Resolution 05197RESULT:Ed:ON NO. 5197 WAIVINC. SFAEANT C:RFRCANCE OF THE PROVISION'S OE TIT ALAMEDA EXEERXIESEL CODE IN THE MATTER OE SICA LEAME ON' NEE. SRI:I'M:EY' Hy TERAREE,, OINMI CisEAR. wyff=A S, Mrs . Shed rls e y Ry Tenni Clhy C 1A111. of thh i ty. of alle d a , presently on sick leave a t pay: arid THEFTME, said fell pal. hick leave expire Decemeer 1955; end WHEFFEE the City Cohnell is full advieed in the evevibes hnd, for good. cabhe shadier, belieyhe tiurrI the best interesth of the City Pill be eerved }Ay waiving strict homplAance witk: the provisions of thh Plane:de Eunial.pal Cede governing the REOTANE of sick leave and exiARRUL:ah the fulA pay sick leave of said Shirley N. Tennier to Deoember :1935; NOR THEREitONE, ER IT NES011sED NY SEE COUSAXI OP THE CITE: OF' ALF.MEDA thAt, for geed cease sheaui, and in conEGRAMty with the brovieiens ef A:A:Mien 2-b31.1 of the Alanede Municipal 6ede, the full pay sick leave of SI:Fried: HA TenniRls, Cit.::: Clerk,. be and the saris is hereby extendh(d. to and including Decenber ia, 1955. the pndersitsned, hereby tetat tbe foregoing Resolution cas duly anb regularly intrcEeced and adopted by. bhe Connell ef the City of slavede Adge- ILsie meetinE assekled the Rth. day of 2eesalberd 19h5, hh. the selleRing vote, to ( AYES Councilmen Haag, Nese, Et:C1.1, Moreal. and Ereselent Rdetselly, NOES: None. AESENE: Nona. WITNINCS WRIMECE Rays hereunto set my hAnd and eff1Rhd tlh: ((CFI:Eel seal. of said. City this 7th dsy. of DecerARE 1955. SHIRLEY NO, TERNIER, City Clerk CT the City of Alameda L ) 1.xteu I, hereby pea'eixTy thAt the foregeing is a fullEE true and correct: copy- of "Resolution NA. 5197, MINIVITO FAMACT COVEROTANCE OA INF NNEVISIONS OP THIX FREATEDA MEE AA T C GEE IN TiE TEE U CT NA C LEAVE OF MRS. SRA NEAT EA TENN: lANS C TER CLERK': introdraed arE. adopted. by. the Council on the Nth day. of Dheember, mos5 :3,17; y le; rk of the (SEE:: -1)-(t; ;17 ',A1,:i.fiTE(9,-