Resolution 05221REStIUTICK NO. 5221 DECIgHING THE POLICY OF THn CITY OF ALSIREDA AS 'KING OPPOSED TO AUD STSNDBHIlli BillUO FIXED BY THE 3AN FRANCISCO BAY ARES WATID, FOLLUTION KERB biliffn WOUNG Fla= THE GidCHAIMIN OE Ablf POLINTED Oh GOITIAELNATED KAJTEl all THE aw-J,z,LINE OR INTO YSTERS COVERING. INS SRODEIJNE 444_ ussa „ wHEREAS, the Ran. Priancisco Bay Area Mater Pollution Board. Is considering the adopt1 on. of discharge standards for certain industries in certain areas of Special Distnict NE. 1, East Pay Municipal Utility. district, said. wastes to. be discharged. directly to the shorelines or woters covering the shoreline of Ban Francisco Boy; and GHOPEAD, the City of Alameda. has estolifishEd a noldcy to discharge sewage and. all industrial wastes other than clear, unpolluted. water, to the sewerage syotem provided by Sperigl. Dlstrict No. 1 rt the Eamt Bay Purinibbl. Utility Districtu and Slibaded, the City of' Alameda. has spent considerable moneys to connEct Its sewers to the Spediol. District interceptor sewer; and. KENRESO, the cilscharge of fgmtes ether than thmEugh the Special District No. I system fguld not. be in the interest of public health or to encourage the fullest use of our waterfront for all phones of boating ann. recreation; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT REHOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF' THE CITY' OF ALAMEDA that it is hereby' found and declared to be the policy of the City of Alameda that all sanitary. sesgge and incilistrial taste other than clear, unpolluted waters, be die a chgrged. into the sewerage system. when fonds can be provided to connect thereto, end ultimately through the treatment familitles of Special Dintriot Ile. 1, Last Ray Municipal Utility Diotheict. 3E II' FURRHIED RESOLVED that the City of Alameda requests of shn San Proteins° Bay Area hater Pollution hoard that the. discharge standards for all_ wnste discharges hithAn Special District No. 1 be nich that only clear, unpelluten waters be discharged to shoreline or water covering the shEreline. the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoinm uesolution wen duly atd. regularly introduced and. adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda. in regular meeting ansembled. on. the 7th defy of February, 1956, by the following vote, to wit: AYEL: Councilhnn Nang, Knife, Enresi drn Vico President 1 1, (4). NOES: hone. APPOEHT: President. Kronnlly, (1). IP WITNESS (4nUECill, I bayb hereunto set my hemd. and. affix:on the offi(nO..1 seal of said Gity this llth. Uey of February, 1956, SHIRLEY H. TEKRIER City alerk of the d'ITv of AlamedE. f hereby certify hhos the foregoing is a fuhl, true ond correct copy tf IRoecidtloh No. 5221, OECD 44Ifh THL OCIEDY CE aITY Cr' glowilGIS Ai BRION (BE:th.„( .hl slAIGAANd fiwrif BY EKE .Ah 6,21' smi; fahmf OCLUIT0( geshe gliCI -ft.— foRnIT TM alfGHERCE C2 LEY hilfEETIL OK CORTAJMIEffelf RWITIS CH THE ail ibIlf mATERd CoVIRldd blw sOORiblEhu, introduce° end adopted by the Couacil on the 1 h day of orsory, ir;,(.. faskiadomd2seAY—a2 ; City ;d,f Slated; —