Resolution 05226nEsoLuTicr NO. 5226
bEllbrib.IIICI) INERTNICII IN:ND Ahr. larIBLIA) oppmg)));:b4).g.
RE,E0IIIED EY THE CCUNail. OF Thb CITY fF 244bEDA, and said. (Council hereby
finbs and determines, that tne public intereet and. neceosity recnire the acquisition
by said City of Agnmema fon tbe by said City for public off -sbreet dotor vehiclm
parking prEces, incrohing property. necessary. or conebgenb 1:or ingicess thereto or
pgress therefroh, mh4 fee of all that certhir arot, piece or uarcei of i8.M situate,
lying and being in scid. City of Alameda, Courty of Almmed, atate of Califbrnicy
and. mbrd particularly. dcaorithl ao follows:
DrCINNIWO et a point. on. the northweetefn line of Thimmi 3theet,
diso Pcich Avenhcb, distant thereon. southwesterly 198.19 feet,
more dr Mcds, from the point of Cbtore4btion thhgccf, rCtl, the sopth4
western line of acnta (alarm Avenub, said point c2 beginning being on.
the sorthwedtern bhunrchry Line of that certain parcel of lamb con-
ye:Jed to Saheb bordeky and 1,1115,e roshy, Ilia wife, by. feed. dcbed
behterber.27, 1920 and recorded October S, 1900 in dock 2958 of Deedd,
at cage 466, Alameda. County becorbs, rEnning thence northwesterly
along said southwestern boundary lin6 of' tho larh so conveyed to
Borosky, 71.. feet; thence sonthhesterly perall41 vith said linw of
Pins atreet or fdrk wvenue, (22.54 feet to tho chrtheestdrn Yine Of
a strip of' land kndwn a4 abd drbst Uflice Cobb47; tbeae
sontreaster,y aidng pare iamb 71 leer to
tbu ncbtri:estcrn iinh GT Fine 0treet or Iind Mmeruh; thrrce nrrthr
edsur,.iy along snid last marled line 22.54 feet, moreor less, to the
point pf beginning.
INESOLVm49 IERTHER, that the City. ttorney be, enb. he -lc hereby., directed
to comabnce condemcgbicn. proceeding in eminent dcmaAn for thb acquisition of the
fee of dni4 iht, piece or parcel. of" land, ane that the rbtyor be, and rb is hrreby,
instructed, eutkhrimed and. directed, for ar4 on behalf of aala 044y and its City
Ormucii, to cubsonlbh tc vcrify n dowsraint Ib. hire iihrrthlor ':2O)Ofri. of
Alnmcdm County. fdr the candbmnandion of arib cianc or pcgcbl lind for b0b-
mic orrmr-treet motor vehi.die parkin.? places, incinClug arboarty necesset" or con -
bonier:4 for ihraghsc thereto or ejrecs theneficcm.
tbe undersigned, necebb certify' that tro faregolfg henclution was
arel..))7 s...nd. regularly introduced and. cdopted by the of bibe City of fildadda
tn regulnr meeting assembled on the 7th day of Februery, 19d, Dy tle folloting
vote, to wit:
Fmag, bove, ghrbsi and Vida President IdeCalli, (6).
bhba: hone.
422ENEW President Krgbelly, (1).
biThbaa ECEREOF, I have herennto get nv Whnd wud affiabh the official.
seai.. of scarf Eity trgs Mth day al' bebruary, 1N56.
7:7Cy inerk mcm C77,7
I hereby. certify that the foregoing is e. full, tru4 and. correct copy of
fghwolution 'Eh. 5226, ffrbalIC INT221,41 AWE blICEaCITY: REQUINN TEC: ACQUI-
CiffIr On' WhEddidi FON rtnbLIC OF1:4ETWEE' fah:Kind- kbElbh-fCr. (IEE)4, introduced
and rbbirted by the Council. on she 7th day of Februagy, 1956.