Resolution 05231RESOLUTION h0. 5231 DECLAYlihd Obh.TILIVN [MELLING IN Tiff CITY OF ATATUfhl, n,o,_,:;typply 'go on 5, -To10.151di irifn NO 24 thEetati, the Budiding inspector of the City of' niamedo. hns given. notice gn the manner provided by. hection 10-527 of the Alameda Orniciun Code, directing the, ofher Or' ownerm of tilat certagn. dinnolliwz herein. desefibed to appear before the Council. of the City of Alameda. on Tuesdays February 7, 1956, at the hour of Ob00 ateiook P. M., and. show cense why stio; building shoute not be connemned nhisance and. removed or raped ad provided in the Alameda Municipal. Code; ard tigEBEA.S, it appears that said notice was duly end regularly given. in tbe form and manner provided by said. COde, ehd. the mdtter comiug on regularly- for hear- ing before this Oouncil at this time, and. fdtnesses being sworn ann testimony being Eiden. b7 the Building inupector, tbe heofIsb Inspector, and other competent persons, respecting the connition of s&id. dwelling, and the cforier of said. budining being afforded ap. opportunity to be heaud, end said owner celwz present in person, the Jouncil proceeded to a condiderntion of sa-.10 matter, ann after due consideration of the testinpny of all. fdtneeses and other evidence presented. in said matter, IT In idAlcIfY. deThilhiNCd cND PhCICKED„ and the Coeroil. of the City of alameda. finds that the; dwelling herein described in. the City. of Alameda. is in on of ;:jectior itt-526 bine Alameda bzinichoal Oboe and is hereby de- clared to be a publit nuisance; and En iT' Nibal06055g, that the. herein described. dwelling be, and the same is hereby conoefineo as a public nuisance and th6 owner or udnerz tbeheof dre hereby- prohibited from. its furtbbr use orvoccepation for the, purpose of a. dhelling, sajyl order to becone effective thirty. (30) Gays from the date nereof. IMO zulanLit muutlhifof, that the. SuiltAng inspector is herebd euthorized ond. directed to port in a. conspicuous place: on said dwelling structure:a notnte the form and in. the manner repuired by Oection 10000529 of bet Alaneda. huniciped Code. LI. IT FUETHPH that if nand nuisance be not so flusted as re- quired by the elzhede. foinicipal :dude thirty ',30) after the Pa,s'i,7.'''t78 Of 17,his reeciution, the dity hannger it hereby autborized and directed to seize and/er raze said. street-etc in the manner provided by dbctions 10-521.0 end 10-5211 of the elamoda hbriciral Code. The dwelling herein reforred to 15 commonly known and described as follows: -so, uu,satu n5n nnum ot au.. 411 on City of niamedt Engineering uepatument browiffe. 4220. Case 31, Sheet e sf d ' ' ' b :•10.1.n:Pea5t jWiined,:" I, the uridersigned, beroby certify teat the foregoing 2esoletnnr wbs duly and regular:kg introduced ach adopted by the Council of the City of Alambid ir reTiller dlqctin,c, aosevtlod un. the 7th do] of gebruavy, 1556, by the following vote, to w.tb OYES: Ceanciliun glab;;, Etve, furesi and Vice N'fesinant hcCall, MO). Unne. ATOnhT: Presigent KrannlIdg (I). eai 5 I have hereunto set my 5; odd a od ved ti5.6 of fl n T beroby certify that tho forego:hug is d. true and. correct,. copy. d. biesointion No. 5231g Dollif.ffING lid:Obi:IN:1 IN Thil. CITY OF ALALIta, Cefflbrriff., TO DE A fitifft PUJOAOCE (ARf NO. 24)", intrutueed and entpted. by the °out-Aril cig. the 7th. dny of. Metrutiwr, 1550. 7,2eGh: City of elonamha