Resolution 05233. hilf:CLUTIOP NO. 5233 Dacl MING DTELLIfil IN THE Siff C ALAMEACE, WITERSAC, the I.:gilding Insheseor of the City. of' Alageda. bas mibea r siglo e in the manner provspeu :ay soffron lu -Jet sr rde Alameda Punociped. 'Jobe, directing the honer cr (...:bers of that certain: eipmblicog hereig. described to appear before tne Ocuhoil of the City of• Alameda on Tuesday, February 7 14S6 at thP huur rf P-09 o,olsok P. L., and show cappe Why sfid shbuld not he '• end removed. or raped as provided in the nlampde Muntbinal Code; and j SWIT.EASI, it 8.1.T.,pe.r.S that said notice was duly and. regularly given. in the form and magnep provided by said Codb, and the matter coming on reguaTay for heap- ing before this Council at this time and witnesses being sworn and testimnny being given by the EptiffergTg Iggpootog, thb Ppagth. Inspector. and. ufner comtbbent persenp, respecting the conditicp. of' said. gwelling, and. the owner of said buiiding being wfforded an oggnftenity. to he heard, and said otmer being present En person, thg Council. proceeded to a consideration. of said matter,. and after due considergtion of the testigeny of all witnesses end other evidence presented in seid matter, iff IS HEREAST REIACALVElf, SAATEEMINED Af.4 ShnIfejlEET, and the Council of the City. of Alemeda. finds that the dweildng heroin. described in the City. of Alameda is in. violation of Section 10-526 of tris Alameda. Municipal Code ang is hergby decierg,i. to be a public nutaappe4 and B4 if FETCHER RESOLVED, fiama the herein described dwelling be, and the same is hereby condemned ag a public nuisance agd. the oener or owners thereof are hereby prohibited.. from, its further use or occupation for the gurpsee of' a. dtgllipg, said order to become effective thirty. (30) drays from the date hereof. EL IT Fideffga ESPUITEd, that the :Building ibmgestor is hereby. authorised en4 directed to post in a conspicuous place on. saff dwelling structure a. notice in. the form. and in the manner required by. daction. 1C-529 of the Alameda. Municipal Cdde. BE IT FUISCHNHa RECOLVHD, thaa if sold. nuisebbe be not so abated. E,',5 re- quired by the Alamo:dd. Municipal Gybe thirty fi30) days after the gessago of this resolution, the dity I'Veneger is herbeT authorized and. directed. to seize and/or rage egad structure in the manner provgded bp- dectiohs 10-5210 and 10-5221. of tbg Alameda. 'Municipal. Code. Tgg dmelltng herein refbrred to is commonly- known and described as follows: That certain ark shown. as ARK 24 on. City of Alameda Engineering negartment Drawing 4220p Case 31, Sheet 2 of 2, dated Jaguary 1456, orb entitled "'Location. of Arks Southeast End Agamedcf. I, the undersigned, herebp- certify that the foregoing besolgtion was duly. and. regultrly introdnoel and. adoptee. by. the Ocurnil of the City of Alamgda fn regular ems:Holtz gag:ambled on the Ith day. of idebruarts, 1956, lay the folitaging nate, to wit:: Councilmen Pegg, Hove, leresi ord. Vice Presidong Pbgall, (4). NCES: fene. ABSPT. fresident Eranelly (I). If ginhnS6 abed:POP, have hereunto set my habg end affixes! the officibl. seal. of geld. Offty this 1th day- of Febrggry, 1956. ;.`3.Fri EtLE- Clerk Of thQ, C..: y ,-Lif7t77:77 I hereby certify thin, the foregoing is a full, trbb and. correct copy o2 'hes-elution fn. 5233, dhdLAPIMAI ChAITAIN POWELLING IN fc.1 CICTI OF ALATANDA, CAAJPIDAMITA, TO DI A fEBLIC EfIgen44 (link NO. 26)n, introduced and. adopted. by th.e Council or. the ltn day of February, 1.956. / 7/7 0 A arf STiamede' City. Clerkeofirta.