Resolution 05234RESOLUTION NM. 5234
WBERESS, the building inspector of' the City of Alameda. 6as given. notine
in. the merrier rrovieee by Bection 10-527 of the Alemode huniolgal Code, directing
the owner. or (Rimers of' thht certain dwelling herein dgmcribed to appear hbfore the
Council of the City of Alameda on Tuesdaym Fehrtary 7, 1956, at the hour of 8:00
bloiscl. fd MC, and show pause why said bndiding should not bb condemeci as a pehlib
hudsance and remmved or razed as riberBlee in the Alameda Buniolpel Code; and
liNgegib, it appears that said rotice wam duly. one inedderty gAmen in the
fgrm and. mmbnbr provided by said Codm, and the matter cEming on regularly. for bomb-
ing hbfere this Council at thi8 time, and witne8seb hmihg sworn anh. testimony hming
given bp the Building Inspector, the Health Ineccotor, and. other est:potent pmrsons,
respecting the condition. of said dwelling, and the owner of sadb building being
bifferdne on opportunity. to be heard, and said. owner being presort in permon, the
Counbil proceeugh. to a. consideration. of sbid mmuter, and after due consideration.
of the tectimnp. or. all witnes8es End other evdebnce preoented said matter,
IT id THERLUT Ah;:jULVE:0, 11STABAAINID AUL BECLANED, Ehb the Council of the
City of Alameda findm that the dwelling herein eggcrited. in ths City of Alammda.
is in violation of gebtimn 10-526 of the Siamede tunicical Code and is hereby
declared to. he a pubilb nuisance; and
BB IT FURTUBR REPOLI/ID, that the herein ensordned. dwelling be, and thm
samm 18 hereby coneeznee Am a. public nuisance And thm owner or owners ttmreof are
hereby pmmtribited from its further nbe or occupation. for the pmrpose of A. dwelling
said order to become effective thirty (30) days from the date hereof.
B E IT AdmL.Li: tit5OBVInu that the Bulibling inspector in hereby authorized.
End directme to post in. a conspicuous glace on bale dwelling strhgthre a notice in.
tbg form and. in. the manner required. by Rection. le-529 of the Almnedn. ibbnibigal Code.
E N IT fullThICH RELNATILAD, that if' said. puleabhe be not so abated mo ram
cuired. by the Alannda Ebblcipel Code thirty (30) days biter thn cossege of' this
rbsolution, the City Mbnbgnr i2 hereby. authorized. cub dlimpteb to meize abh/or
tabs seid structure in thm manner provided by elections 10-5210 and 16-5211 of
thm ilammea NAtniolpel. Cobra.
The dwelling herein. referred to is commonly knotn and. deecriboh as follows:
The certain ark shogn ab ARK 27 on City of ARamndb, Engineering
hephrtment Drawirh A220y Come 31, Sheet 2 of 2, dated. iborbnriv, 1956h
end entitled Bionstion of Arbb Somtneast End Alameda".
* * * * * * * * * * * *
I, the underefmned, hereby certify that the foregoing kesolutign Wa5
duly and resrIarly
1 and erobtee by the Cornbil of the Crty of Alameda
in rmgmlar meeting assembled on the 2th day of Retreat:7, 1956, by thn following
vote, to wit:
bYbd) CuanclIman Neagh Hove, tnreoi and Vice President hheeld, (A):
ABLEBT, President Kranelly, (1).
IN BIT-Uhl:0 UTLAREGF, I hatti hereunto smt my. hand anb affitnd the official
seal. of ehle. City. this btt day of February, 1956:
eity Clerk of the Citj
I hereby rabidly thmt tem, .foree.T.,;, a full, trim ane. correct copy. of
Resolution No. 5234, UghbARIUG CEI:TAIM I:RE--mei TBE CLIT UF AfbNE.N., CALIPAUTUIA,
TO ICE A FUDige hUISINCE (ARK NO. 27)", introduced ond abented by the Council on
the 7th. day of February, 1956.