Resolution 052354 R(ajuyric.,! NO, 5235 UFHTSIN .rd...11.l.F.AMLNG IN THE CITY CT' CelitidEMMT.' TO EL a. TT,J,La,.„' ,2E)g the Building Inspector of the City of Alameda. has given. hotlue in the Planner provided by ...diction if.) -527 of the: Alameda Egniolpel Code, directing thp ornpr or codders of trot eertaln. daellitng herein.. described to appear before the Council of the. City of ellameda on Tuesday, February 7, 1956, at. trb hour of 8:00 e,criccE P. afed ghow. cause why sale building should. not bo condembed as o. public nuisance end. reguved or ringed se provided in the Siameda. regriciosi. bode, she 6Erfinee, it appearg the:I said. notice Only and. negalarly given in tho fobin and mobner provided by said Code, arb Vie matter coming on regirJerly for hour - ing before this Council at thig time, died odtnesses bging nworn and testimony being given. by. the Elizifiding Inspector, the Health Inspector, and other competent persormg nespectibg the condition of said. dwelling., and Oho owner of osib building being afforded. an opportunity to be heerd, and seid owner being presort in person, tne dounbil. premeedge to a. consideration. of said. matter, and sften due consideretion of the tegtdggny oJ' ell vdtnessee ard other evidence fdmmgorted in. said matter, 11' IP H.EXE57. IhregligniNgh Ang ,91.1,..6. the Council of the Ci,v of Siotedg. finde Viet tho dwelling. herein deocribel in the Ciiwe of' Aismeds. dr i.p. violation section 10-526 of' tbe fehasedo. Tendril:dal Code aug is hereby dednlodoil. bg a ri.H.Eig Toluenes; one BE IT illifflhER nEsolvT), that the. herein deocrilbod dwelling he, one the serfe is noreby copOemned og a public nuisance nig. the owmpr er owbers thereof are hereby prohibited froor. ilrs further use ocguostien for the rgagrise of a dwelling, eotr. order to become effective thirty. (30) days from the dote hereof'. BE TT 27.11Thinn. XELLIVED, thst thg Obliging ihsoebter is Lenebg authorized and. directed to ngst in a consptcuoup glees on saig boullibp; structgrb s. notice in. the form. Ltd in tne Farber rendigee by nnotion. 10-529 of the Abitpens. fablicifel Cone. DE IT fhlogabh. ELMOLMITD, thee:. if soid nulssinco be not so abated. am re a orifes. by. Ibe gloated:a Ernigipall Code thirty UM) dnys eftor the heassze tbis resolution, the City Manoger is hereby authorized. dud directed to seize ere/or rede said. stirs:tune in the mummer provided. by dectiens 10 9521r9 and 10 -52ii of the Olenedd Tbniciped. Code. Tbe dygiling hgrelb. referred. to ig commorly khumb and. described as follows: Tnat certsin ebb shown as srl. 2e, on City of nigmbds hopineoriby Deportment brewing 42200 Cosa 31, Zhent 2 of 2, doted Tannery, 1956, are entitled 'Location. 0.f erks dcotreast nrb Aismeda5. I, the endersignbe, tereby certify tnat the foregoing Eosolution was du1,if are regularly introwhiced. and abutted by. the Council of ths City of Oismeen. in negul.er mesileg doosmblog on the 7th doy of Februery, 195g, by the: folloodrg vote, to wit: Cotocigmen Eneg, Mgresi arid Vice gmosident feCall, SZTEUT. frosident Kremellyg (11. IX enbThilaff EHERBWF, I leife hereunto set my horn and offiroe the offibial oeni. of' seld. City this th day of February, 1956. (SELL) ci Tlerk ( e City of' Fiances I hereby certify thet thg foregoing ig a full, true end correct copy of' Enbsolutiop Ec. 5235, DECTLEING CBETATN 0TELLThil IX TEL CITY CE' SIAM:Obey CALITORNIE, TO PT n. ETELIO ndideahCE (EilK NO. 22 )", introduced ar.d adopting by' the Council on the 7th Slag of Februady. 2.956. A,,,E,,,, / ,,,,,,?--(.,,,N--,/ j '," • l',,,'' L't ii,.,,," U. 1,,,,:, V , ,..i !.: '1,7,I",E.W ;-,'