Resolution 05238CDCLIT2OF Ft. 5238 LporTIE SPrCIFICalluka 808 8URtidPING TO)Thn CY allabiab kliab (9) k1k,, 1956 LUTIdal: Fir512 6 06 Ca —s" — 21P lertri hibt(s. dy.b ale:pp.:at d-y-,, ,w T92, POLidd ilduslatdau tabudn, yht L-da sta a-au,s REDGLIEB BY THE COUNdii, GT' diTY OF ULAlanDa that thp tnecifications and. 'Provisions for furnishing to the City of Alamada nine 1 91 new, 15.56 latest medel 6 or 8-cylinder -dear sedans, with standard shift, for the Pollee Department, kb. 2-56-2, filed. in the office of the City Clerk. on Febrbury 7, 1956, be, rnd the same are herpry approved. and adopted. LL8CLNLD, FURTHEB, that the Council of the City. of Alameda wdll receive aanieP bids up to the hour cf 8:05 o'clock. P. hi. on Tuesday, February 21, 19.56, for th.e fnrnishing to the. City of said ant(Jakabiles, in accordant° pith said dperi fin:Aloha End. Pravisdors. Bids mu...sr be presented to the City Clerk, in the City Bali, alessedig Califerrda, under sealed cover and. pirdnly marlead. on the outride, "Proposal for nine t9) Pedant) for Police department", or similar fesignation. Contrant, if ay:Er:Jed, will be awahned subject to the provisions of the Charter of sald. City, to the responsible bidder whe sulytits the lowest and best rid. The right i8 reserved to reject any or all bids. The dity Clerk. is hereby. directed to sdvertise, in the nlameda Tines g dtscr, a notice calling for sealen. bids, in accordance with the provisions of' thi3 resolution. and of said apecifinetithB and. Provisionu. I, the undersigned, Uereisy certify. thet thw foregoing resolution W.,2 duly. etd. regularly intrhduced and. adapted. by the Council of the City of Alameda. in. regular meeting assemndad on. the 7th day of' February, 1956, by the folipanlng vote, to wht: allEP: Councilmen. Hung, ljeVe, FiCTeSi and. Vice President FnCall, Fora. ardtblu Presifent Kranelly, (1). IN alThn(at (.1181nUUS, have hereunto set my Kane and. affixed the offi- cial. real of sail Citt. this 8th dry of February. 1958 , dr (aber) bity aierly of the City Alam I hereby costify ftregoite is a full, true and carrect cagy of "Fascistic:" Lc. 5236, eallThiPC ,ielaarhiarb abi vddiCaLD)1 Ta TTS CF allgura ilhd (9) Das, 1556 LUTUt7 (Ighlt 6 CC 8 -th(CliaktUR -Deur alah":), 21T1 rikhDaLD eFik81, :les( 21n) i'cLaLa DPKUId:FLIT, Lybilfilal PCB :ilea nit Fiest7laG 1U11( CLPLF TO ACVFklird ddrad, istreauppi ahU adouted by 1 he OE tip: 7tb. ley cf ifflfoufry, 1956,