Resolution 05239flaCOLOTIT RtanlifTfelj Se. 5239 VG TIT'''. VI OF 714) LAUlliab AST. accuud. Utharuti, Futile Lew 475, hist dongross, autboriscs the Administrator of tre lentsing and home finance Agehoy, upon that: Filing of the prescribed retuest therefor, to solliscuish and transfer upon. the tenon cud. conddtions set forth. in eadd Act oil rlght, See'. interest of the tnited dtdtes Fp and with. resohot to certain temporary war end veterans hnuoing projects to eligibur bodies as dafined therein; and ShEliinn, the City of Afar:deo municipal corporation, hereinafter re- nts:fen eD io a 1,..„„a7„, elegitin for. the thbusfer of efd decifcs to have transferred to it thn tat:penury housing hereinafter descrited; end slihRTSAU, the MIniniatrator of the Housing end :dome Finance Agency has Crleguted to the Public hertin6 Cuhrission4r the functions, pcoern and. duties :coated in. him. by 581.6 ACL; follows: 44C, TiLaL.Kaii, De: IT FSMOISFED CAT The: COUCIL Of Tt:h APPLinf1V, as I) The Applicant does hersoy request tne futlio dousing Commissioner to transfer tioncat tonotecg: consineurtfor. .',.except fair t▪ he payment for shy feSsrad istha or intecost therein. ubich. might Oa regulosed, tba elf,01.).fee of said. paynent, if anad to be subject to agree - coat, ono exnept ter the settler:sent 0j' any ancoutts between the Covornment end the Applicant) 3al right, title and. interest of' tbo United. Ctates in and with respect to the temporary. nnusing known. as E NlIFOL fa:Di:OCT, CAL-4113, located. in. tho City. of Alameda, dounty of- Alameda, a war honoing project of temporary- construction, comprising 1 duelling structures ann containing 1,i17 family owellihg units, and. 6 conodwelling struttures of the following numbers and types: I conninction managoment -community buildflug: 1 hercserc station; 1. Fire Hoene: i storage shed: 1 stones warehouse; J. shoher structure, as indicated on the site plan attached as facepenCix A" and maUe port heheof, together with peghontl property, ehturtenancep, 4nd xtternals hold in connection therewith. (P) Aptlicaht represents tklet -et proposes to the extent permitted. La. lag and. so long as tbo struotures haralh. requested ramain in housing. use: (1.) AS among elirible applicants for occupancy in. dwellinzs of given: sizes and. st specified. rents to erten::: the foliating preferences in tho selection of tournts: Idris to 'tocsin:nes tralich. are to De :displaced my shy. low-rent, rousing project or any putife clurociearshoe or redevelopment prOjett initiated. after January I, 1547, or which were so dis- planed eithin. three years prior to maRing anplicet)on for ad- mission to suob, bpushagy, and cs apong such familier first preference shall be gitrn to fa:mi.:los of disabled geteraho those dicability hes been detgrmihed by the Vets:fans Adminis- tration to be service-connected, and second. preference shall be given to families of deceased veterans and servicemen whose death tam been determined. by ten -Veterans Administration to be service-connected, and third preferenoe shall. be elven to families of other veterans and servicement; among ouch famil)es fjrst preference shall be given to ftmi - lies of disabled vatereno whose disabi4ity has been determinod by the Feterann administration. to Us service -connacted, and second. preference shall. be given. to fandlies of deceased fetchers Ars servitemen tanese :loath has teen ietermihed by the Veterans lelaiuistration to be service-concocted: Iloviguloi, that notwithstnnOillg such prefeences thp eTplieDeet 2.11 filling. vacancies in hosuiro: transferred hnmsuant to this request, give such preferences to military persorhel and tetanus onhated in national defence or mobilization. activi a g. tirs aus the secretary of aefense or his designee prescribed. to such applicant. '71i) To manago and operate. the property ix:volved in accord- ance with sound businors practices, raciading the establish- ment of adequate reserves. (b) Tht Applicant further represents that it proposes to the extent, perxitted by- law: (i) Not to dispose of any riKht, eitle cr interest in. the property (by. sale, transfer, grant, exchange, mortgage, lease, release, termination of the leaschala, or any other relin- quishment of interest) either (ai for haraing use on the present sate or on. any othar site except to a. State or poli- tical sehriyision thererT, local. housing authority 2 local sublic agency,. ar an educational or eleemosynary Institution, or (b) fad' any other uge unless the gpverhing body oT the municipality or county shpli have adopted E resolution deter- mining that, on. the basis of „Inas,' need. and acceptability, the structures involven. aTe satisfectory for such use and reed not bc. removed; Provided, this representation will not eighty to any disposal thTongh demolition for salvage, iscoe ta., tenants for rhaidantial ocouparcy. or lease of nonsdualling facilities for the continuance of' n. use existing on the date of traccfcr, or where 3UCh elapasel is the result of a. bona fide foreclosure or otner proceedIng to enforce rights givan as security. for a. 'imam to pay far land radar this section: she .govidedgferthdrh trnt nothing sontaingd in this faragroah li shall bp conotruge as scralicable to the. Cisratition csf gni! land or interest therein. aTter the remaval of the strurrures' therefram. (HI branever thm structures involved, or a. subbtTntial portion. thereof., ara terminated. for barging Lige and aTe not to be used for a specific non-housing use, to promptly de- molish etch. strahtgres termhnaten for housing use and clear the site thereof% III. The applicent dil acquire tna interest of tnn Uniteb 'Agates in and. to trm land. rghr whimr the horsing isplocated upGn the tends and conditions prescribed. in dection 001 (Itf, end the peynent to be made therarrber .51-1.1. be subject ta agreement with tea Applicant, and. the Applicant. will stteat to obtain. the releases required by. Section 6C1 (nl(3)1 and. the right to possession 3f the interest. in. land de - scriLaa in. ass:a section. IV. That the immediate -.purpose for which the housing is. sought is for temporary housing ane that,such -raising is eligible for trahsfer pursuant to Section bra (b). V. Tha Coarmil of the Occlipant shall obtain the opinion cf Jahn Fa Hanson, Jr., who ie tha City nttornay of the Applicant, regarding the legal authority' of the Atislicent to maka this request, to ac- cept the transfer, urn operate any property. Involved, and to par- form its obligationa under' Titia VI of thn Lanham Abt. The City Clark of the Applicant shall immediately forward three sertifhdd copies of this resolution, tagather with the °Finish. of its City Attorney to the Pahlic Housing negdnistration, and tho same shall be the Applicant's requast for relineuishment and transfer of tra honaihg described. regadon. VI. ib' iT UhrigATTCYST St aCRAND that the net re-venues or other srameads fronl the hpusing shaid." cohtinue to accrua to tha United Ttntes until tha end of the month in which. the right, titia and interest of the United atateg Adah respect to the sToperty are relinquishad and. hransferred. sib thot tagaa or saymanto in lieu of taxes will be prorated as. of the, end of tha mhmth in which. transfer is made. ThA Applicart giil pay for at bpak valua and accett an. arsignmaht of all delincaent accounts of tanenre still.. cacusying the hhasiley at the date GT transfer and will casume tha contrahts and obligations of the United atates utihn extend. bayond. the data of such trPTsfer and which. may not he terminated by. the aditral Ftates prfor to aefi date af transfer, provided, hayaver, said transfer. Frail. be arcoma sign:Ted. effectimp en. the lost. day of' the honth. VII, he IT FURIUER ReTaLVITIg that tha :rayor of the npplicant be, and is rareby empuyarad to thha such othar and Tnrther dation ca may be necessary in order to effect a. retiendrlagment and trangfer of tha housirgh and. he srall imnadiately enter into negotiations for. the acquisition. uf Aust.: interest in Lira ag mah- ea necessary to comply with thg cemsitionc of transfer. crd amon natiflootiar that the fuhlic 1-!0',...1.&.d.n.4.:; ,.....:,0.186i01-1.er Vd11 1".:,H,r.,:iti.t ann. accoArlish a trahafer unon ,=nafience bitT the corditiong cat forth. in 3:-..id fublic Lag Vlil. ornd. in this rehmihnwhan thr term "veteran" shall mann "a toenon who, hne 3erved in active military Dr navel,cervice the United :3-haten at any time on or after acpteminr 16, asi,o, end prior to July 26, 917, oc at any time On or after Wpril 6, 101.7, and prior to November 11, 1918, or on br after linoe 27, 1950, arr. prior to such date thearefter os ohall be determined by. the Presideht5, and whn shell. nave been darobegarb cr releaced therefrom under coneltindh other than dishetfrable. The torn decry/rev:mad shhil. mahn. a. orineds in the active military. or naval servire of the United "States who len served thersin after depthmher 16, 1946, and prior to July 26, 1947, or at any tide. on or after Aprll. 6, 1617, and thlor to nfvenslner 11, 1918, or oh og after Jona 27h, 1)50, and orlon to much date thereafter de ehall be determinrd by the Presidont. 17, the uhdrreigned, hereby certify thhf the foreinlnE aesolublon ean duly and regularly antroduted and ddetted by the Council of the City of Alameda. in reguihr meaning assembled dn the 7th day. of Yebruary, 1956, by the felloming vote, to wit: Go uric :Lune ti Lag y ()ye re si 71, F.Te ent Lai 14, No TIE!, hbibnie President FrdneSly, IN al:Th.:sad ldidblf, I have hereunto cat my Nene ohd afilated thb offi- cial seal of said Cfhy bth day of Frbruagy, 1956, Tity -Clara- of this 6gtv 1=0. FOUlbeG Ft:dal:INT :c` I I V („; 1 ntroaticed &nci o rft, d Council on tA.',e 7th 6,,,y 3f rk::bruizr',,, 1356.